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just playground for plato js, reports for selected node modules and libraries

interesting to compare download popularity and reports statistics

HOWEVER whole this is WRONG, since I'm comparing node_modules JS files (often merged, minified). Will download sources from github for each project soon and analyze those.

package downloads avg.maint total.sloc version description
async 6280535 75.29 6244 0.9.0 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
glob 5792882 58.95 1187 4.3.1 a little globber
minimatch 5738526 67.82 2755 2.0.1 a glob matcher in javascript
request 5359639 76.20 6948 2.49.0 Simplified HTTP request client.
readable-stream 4827955 79.20 1564 1.0.33 Streams2, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.10.x
graceful-fs 4670600 75.25 590 3.0.5 A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
lodash 4177088 64.81 26206 2.4.1 A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
lru-cache 4140583 65.15 721 2.5.0 A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.
underscore 3755534 68.09 1411 1.7.0 JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
isarray 3468703 79.24 202 0.0.1 Array#isArray for older browsers
hawk 3288786 68.82 6281 2.3.0 HTTP Hawk Authentication Scheme
mime 3248895 78.46 194 1.2.11 A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
core-util-is 2904578 91.29 167 1.0.1 The\* functions introduced in Node v0.12.
sigmund 2762658 69.89 335 1.0.0 Quick and dirty signatures for Objects.
asn1 2568948 63.90 1222 0.2.2 Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)
form-data 2544831 66.20 351 0.1.4 A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.
node-uuid 2541028 72.53 615 1.4.1 Rigorous implementation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs.
hoek 2474051 81.77 3337 2.10.0 General purpose node utilities
combined-stream 2442522 71.81 188 0.0.7 A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another.
ctype 2435794 55.54 2585 0.5.3 read and write binary structures and data types
delayed-stream 2368628 74.72 103 0.0.6 Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them.
boom 2186956 82.95 880 2.6.1 HTTP-friendly error objects
cryptiles 2134204 78.25 169 2.0.4 General purpose crypto utilities
sntp 2126507 77.94 882 1.0.9 SNTP Client
wordwrap 2060390 75.05 150 0.0.2 Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.
http-signature 1976470 56.28 789 0.10.0 Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme
through 1785834 72.75 396 2.3.6 simplified stream construction
tough-cookie 1693197 69.00 3132 0.12.1 RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for node.js
sax 1345582 62.08 2758 0.6.1 An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript
domutils 1195755 73.63 749 1.5.0 utilities for working with htmlparser2's dom
htmlparser2 1189833 71.72 1836 3.8.2 Fast & forgiving HTML/XML/RSS parser
domhandler 1151742 74.63 303 2.3.0 handler for htmlparser2 that turns pages into a dom
jshint 1029777 62.81 31690 2.5.10 Static analysis tool for JavaScript
entities 1020158 76.10 372 1.1.1 Encode & decode XML/HTML entities with ease
xml2js 964161 79.32 497 0.4.4 Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.
cli 946283 75.85 1266 0.6.5 A tool for rapidly building command line apps
cli-color 873888 75.13 489 0.3.2 Colors, formatting and other tools for the console
es5-ext 865912 78.40 7567 0.10.4 ECMAScript 5 extensions and ES6 shims
JSONStream 714942 78.20 795 0.10.0 rawStream.pipe(JSONStream.parse()).pipe(streamOfObjects)
xmlhttprequest 710173 1.6.0 XMLHttpRequest for Node
open 498047 58.42 63 0.0.5 open a file or url in the user's preferred application
jsonparse 465495 67.35 786 0.0.6 This is a pure-js JSON streaming parser for node.js
marked 327408 74.46 1261 0.3.2 A markdown parser built for speed
cssom 268655 68.05 1755 0.3.0 CSS Object Model implementation and CSS parser
xmldom 246410 69.48 1970 0.1.19 A W3C Standard XML DOM(Level2 CORE) implementation and parser(DOMParser/XMLSerializer).
selenium-webdriver 243655 73.17 67889 2.44.0 The official WebDriver JavaScript bindings from the Selenium project
jsdom 206042 70.62 10571 1.3.1 A JavaScript implementation of the DOM and HTML standards
when 178992 80.41 4753 3.2.3 A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
cssstyle 165995 92.28 16816 0.2.22 CSSStyleDeclaration Object Model implementation
contextify 156868 75.85 646 0.1.9 Turn an object into a persistent execution context.
nwmatcher 138246 56.78 3946 1.3.3 A CSS3-compliant JavaScript selector engine.
backbone 117260 73.06 1603 1.1.2 Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events.
byline 54754 78.99 268 4.1.1 super-simple line-by-line Stream reader
heap 23811 78.34 369 0.2.5 binary heap (priority queue) algorithms (ported from Python's heapq module)
xpath 20711 66.30 4387 0.0.7 DOM 3 Xpath implemention and helper for node.js.
difflib 14933 69.03 1460 0.2.4 text diff library ported from Python's difflib module
json-diff 12921 67.29 463 0.3.1 JSON diff
dreamopt 11119 67.53 1564 0.8.0 Command-line parser with readable syntax from your sweetest dreams
json 8697 57.54 1865 9.0.2 a 'json' command for massaging and processing JSON on the command line
ampersand-state 2900 71.97 3254 4.4.1 An observable, extensible state object with derived watchable properties.
ampersand-view 2485 75.47 1311 7.2.0 A smart base view for Backbone apps, to make it easy to bind collections and properties to the DOM.
printf 1705 51.06 459 0.2.0 Full implementation of the printf family in pure JS.
ampersand 1232 76.72 5735 2.0.5 CLI tool for generating single page apps a. la.
wire 897 75.28 6819 0.10.9 A light, fast, flexible Javascript IOC container.
msgs 41 73.68 6335 0.4.0 Message oriented programming for JavaScript
json-diff-patch 32 60.73 733 0.0.1 A JavaScript implementation of the JSON Media Type for partial modifications:

Also some other frameworks analyzed:


Modules with . jshintrc