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/*jshint expr: true*/ var test = require('tape'); var State = require('../ampersand-state'); var Person = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' } }); test('init with nothing should be okay', function (t) { var EmptyModel = State.extend(); var something = new EmptyModel(); = 'bar'; t.ok(something); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('init with values', function (t) { var person = new Person({name: 'henrik'}); t.ok(person); t.equal(, 'henrik'); t.end(); }); test('after initialized change should be empty until a set op', function (t) { var person = new Person({name: 'phil'}); t.deepEqual(person._changed, {}); t.notOk(person.changedAttributes()); t.end(); }); test('extended object maintains existing props', function (t) { var AwesomePerson = Person.extend({ props: { awesomeness: 'number' } }); var awesome = new AwesomePerson({ name: 'Captain Awesome', awesomeness: 11 }); t.equals(, 'Captain Awesome'); t.equals(awesome.awesomeness, 11); t.end(); }); test('extended object maintains existing methods', function (t) { var NewPerson = State.extend({ props: { awesomeness: 'number' }, isTrulyAwesome: function () { if (this.awesomeness > 10) return true; } }); var AwesomePerson = NewPerson.extend({}); var awesome = new AwesomePerson({ awesomeness: 11 }); t.ok(awesome.isTrulyAwesome()); t.end(); }); test('cached derived properties are calculated once per change', function (t) { var count = 0; var NewPerson = Person.extend({ derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name'], fn: function () { count++; return 'hi, ' + + '!'; } } } }); var person = new NewPerson({name: 'henrik'}); t.equal(person.greeting, 'hi, henrik!'); // use again, should not increment counter person.greeting; t.equal(count, 1); = 'something'; t.equal(person.greeting, 'hi, something!'); // reference again person.greeting; t.equal(count, 2); t.end(); }); test('cached derived properties fire events on dependency change', function (t) { var NewPerson = Person.extend({ derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name'], fn: function () { return 'hi, ' + + '!'; } } } }); var person = new NewPerson({name: 'henrik'}); person.on('change:greeting', function (model, value) { t.equal(value, 'hi, something!', "shouldn't fire if value is unchanged same value"); t.end(); }); = 'something'; }); test('cached derived properties fire events if result is different', function (t) { t.plan(1); var NewPerson = Person.extend({ derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name'], fn: function () { return 'hi, ' + + '!'; } } } }); var person = new NewPerson({name: 'henrik'}); person.on('change:greeting', function (model, value) { t.ok(false, "shouldn't fire if value if derived value is unchanged"); }); = 'henrik'; t.equal(, 'henrik'); t.end(); }); test('cached && accessed derived properties do not fire events if result has not changed', function (t) { t.plan(2); var SomeNumber = State.extend({ props: { num: 'number' }, derived: { isEven: { cache: true, deps: ['num'], fn: function () { return this.num % 2 === 0; } } } }); var num = new SomeNumber({ num: 8 }); num.on('change:isEven', function (model, value) { t.ok(false, "shouldn't fire if derived value is unchanged"); }); t.equal(num.isEven, true); num.num = 10; t.equal(num.isEven, true); t.end(); }); test('uncached & accessed derived properties fire events even if result has not changed', function (t) { t.plan(3); var SomeNumber = State.extend({ props: { num: 'number' }, derived: { isEven: { cache: false, deps: ['num'], fn: function () { return this.num % 2 === 0; } } } }); var num = new SomeNumber({ num: 8 }); num.on('change:isEven', function (model, value) { t.equal(num.isEven, true, "should fire even if derived value is unchanged"); }); t.equal(num.isEven, true); num.num = 10; t.equal(num.isEven, true); t.end(); }); test('uncached derived properties always fire events on dependency change', function (t) { t.plan(1); var NewPerson = Person.extend({ derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name'], cache: false, fn: function () { return 'hello!'; } } } }); var person = new NewPerson({name: 'henrik'}); person.on('change:greeting', function (model, value) { t.equal(value, 'hello!', "Fires despite being same value"); t.end(); }); = 'different'; }); test('everything should work with a property called `type`. Issue #6.', function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', type: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({id: '50', type: 'hello'}); t.equal(model.type, 'hello'); model.type = 'wat?'; t.equal(model.type, 'wat?'); t.end(); }); test('should have cid', function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', type: 'string' } }); var m = new Model(); t.ok(m.cid); t.end(); }); test('instanceof checks should pass for all parents in the chain', function (t) { var P1 = Person.extend({}); var P2 = P1.extend({}); var P3 = P2.extend({}); var p1 = new P1(); var p2 = new P2(); var p3 = new P3(); t.ok(p1 instanceof Person); t.ok(p2 instanceof Person); t.ok(p3 instanceof Person); t.notOk(p1 instanceof P2); t.ok(p2 instanceof P2); t.ok(p3 instanceof P2); t.notOk(p2 instanceof P3); t.ok(p3 instanceof P3); // all of them should have the isState flag too t.ok(p1.isState); t.ok(p2.isState); t.ok(p3.isState); // shouldn't be possible to change p1.isState = false; p2.isState = false; p3.isState = false; t.ok(p1.isState); t.ok(p2.isState); t.ok(p3.isState); t.end(); }); test('custom id and namespace attributes', function (t) { var NewPerson = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string', _id: 'number', ns: 'string' }, idAttribute: '_id', namespaceAttribute: 'ns' }); var person = new NewPerson({name: 'henrik', ns: 'group1', _id: 47}); t.equal(person.getId(), 47); t.equal(person.getNamespace(), 'group1'); t.end(); }); test('customizable `type` attribute', function (t) { var FirstModel = State.extend({ type: 'hello', typeAttribute: 'type' }); var SecondModel = State.extend({ modelType: 'second' }); var first = new FirstModel(); var second = new SecondModel(); t.equal(first.getType(), 'hello'); t.equal(second.getType(), 'second'); t.end(); }); test('constructor should be defined', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' } }); var foo = new Foo(); t.ok(foo.constructor); t.end(); }); test('isValid is a thing', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ props: { name: ['string', true] }, validate: function (attrs) { if ( < 2) { return "can't be too short"; } } }); var foo = new Foo(); t.notOk(foo.isValid()); = 'thing'; t.ok(foo.isValid()); t.end(); }); test("isNew", function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ props: { id: 'number', foo: 'number', bar: 'number', baz: 'number' } }); var a = new Foo({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3}); t.ok(a.isNew(), "it should be new"); a = new Foo({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3, 'id': -5 }); t.ok(!a.isNew(), "any defined ID is legal, negative or positive"); a = new Foo({ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3, 'id': 0 }); t.ok(!a.isNew(), "any defined ID is legal, including zero"); t.ok(new Foo({}).isNew(), "is true when there is no id"); t.ok(!new Foo({'id': 2}).isNew(), "is false for a positive integer"); t.ok(!new Foo({'id': -5}).isNew(), "is false for a negative integer"); t.end(); }); test("escape", function (t) { var Doc = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', title: 'string', author: 'string', length: 'number', audience: 'string' } }); var doc = new Doc({ id: '1-the-tempest', title: "The Tempest", author: "Bill Shakespeare", length: 123 }); t.equal(doc.escape('title'), 'The Tempest'); doc.set({audience: 'Bill & Bob'}); t.equal(doc.escape('audience'), 'Bill & Bob'); doc.set({audience: 'Tim > Joan'}); t.equal(doc.escape('audience'), 'Tim > Joan'); doc.unset('audience'); t.equal(doc.escape('audience'), ''); t.end(); }); test("set an empty string", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({name : "Model"}); model.set({name : ''}); t.equal(model.get('name'), ''); t.end(); }); test("setting an object", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { custom: 'object' } }); var model = new Model({ custom: {foo: 1} }); model.on('change', function () { t.equal(, 2); t.end(); }); model.set({ custom: {foo: 1} // no change should be fired }); model.set({ custom: {foo: 2} // change event should be fired }); }); test("clear", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string', id: 'number', length: 'number' } }); var changed; var model = new Model({id: 1, name : "Model", length: 1}); model.on("change:name", function () { changed = true; }); model.clear(); t.equal(changed, true); t.equal(model.get('name'), undefined); t.end(); }); test("changedAttributes", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'string', b: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({a: 'a', b: 'b'}); t.deepEqual(model.changedAttributes(), false); t.equal(model.changedAttributes({a: 'a'}), false); t.equal(model.changedAttributes({a: 'b'}).a, 'b'); t.end(); }); test("change with options", function (t) { var value; var Model = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({name: 'Rob'}); model.on('change', function (model, options) { value = options.prefix + model.get('name'); }); model.set({name: 'Bob'}, {prefix: 'Mr. '}); t.equal(value, 'Mr. Bob'); model.set({name: 'Sue'}, {prefix: 'Ms. '}); t.equal(value, 'Ms. Sue'); t.end(); }); test("change after initialize", function (t) { var changed = 0; var Model = State.extend({ props: { id: 'number', label: 'string' } }); var attrs = {id: 1, label: 'c'}; var obj = new Model(attrs); obj.on('change', function () { changed += 1; }); obj.set(attrs); t.equal(changed, 0); t.end(); }); test("set triggers changes in the correct order", function (t) { var value = null; var M = State.extend({}); var model = new M(); model.on('last', function () { value = 'last'; }); model.on('first', function () { value = 'first'; }); model.trigger('first'); model.trigger('last'); t.equal(value, 'last'); t.end(); }); test("multiple unsets", function (t) { var i = 0; var counter = function () { i++; }; var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({a: 'a'}); model.on("change:a", counter); model.set({a: 'b'}); model.unset('a'); model.unset('a'); t.equal(i, 2, 'Unset does not fire an event for missing attributes.'); t.end(); }); test("unset with array", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: ['string', true, 'first'], b: ['string', true, 'second'] } }); var model = new Model({a: 'a', b: 'b'}); model.unset(['a', 'b']); t.equal(model.a, 'first'); t.equal(model.b, 'second'); t.end(); }); test("unset and changedAttributes", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'number' } }); var model = new Model({a: 1}); model.on('change', function () { t.ok('a' in model.changedAttributes(), 'changedAttributes should contain unset properties'); t.end(); }); model.unset('a'); }); test("change, hasChanged, changedAttributes, previous, previousAttributes", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string', age: 'number' } }); var model = new Model({name: "Tim", age: 10}); t.deepEqual(model.changedAttributes(), false); model.on('change', function () { t.ok(model.hasChanged('name'), 'name changed'); t.ok(!model.hasChanged('age'), 'age did not'); t.deepEqual(model.changedAttributes(), {name : 'Rob'}, 'changedAttributes returns the changed attrs'); t.equal(model.previous('name'), 'Tim'); t.deepEqual(model.previousAttributes(), {name : "Tim", age : 10}, 'previousAttributes is correct'); t.end(); }); t.equal(model.hasChanged(), false); t.equal(model.hasChanged(undefined), false); model.set({name : 'Rob'}); t.equal(model.get('name'), 'Rob'); }); test("validate on unset and clear", function (t) { var error; var Model = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({name: "One"}); model.validate = function (attrs) { if (! { error = true; return "No thanks."; } }; model.set({name: "Two"}); t.equal(model.get('name'), 'Two'); t.equal(error, undefined); model.unset('name', {validate: true}); t.equal(error, true); t.equal(model.get('name'), 'Two'); model.clear({validate: true}); t.equal(model.get('name'), 'Two'); delete model.validate; model.clear(); t.equal(model.get('name'), undefined); t.end(); }); test("validate with error callback", function (t) { var lastError, boundError; var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'number', admin: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.validate = function (attrs) { if (attrs.admin) return "Can't change admin status."; }; model.on('invalid', function (model, error) { boundError = true; }); var result = model.set({a: 100}, {validate: true}); t.equal(result, model); t.equal(model.get('a'), 100); t.equal(model.validationError, null); t.equal(boundError, undefined); result = model.set({a: 200, admin: true}, {validate: true}); t.equal(result, false); t.equal(model.get('a'), 100); t.equal(model.validationError, "Can't change admin status."); t.equal(boundError, true); t.end(); }); test("Nested change events don't clobber previous attributes", function (t) { new (State.extend({props: {state: 'string', other: 'string'}}))() .on('change:state', function (model, newState) { t.equal(model.previous('state'), undefined); t.equal(newState, 'hello'); // Fire a nested change event. model.set({other: 'whatever'}); }) .on('change:state', function (model, newState) { t.equal(model.previous('state'), undefined); t.equal(newState, 'hello'); t.end(); }) .set({state: 'hello'}); }); test("hasChanged/set should use same comparison", function (t) { var changed = 0; var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({a: 'something'}); model.on('change', function () { t.ok(this.hasChanged('a')); }) .on('change:a', function () { changed++; }) .set({a: 'else'}); t.equal(changed, 1); t.end(); }); test("#582, #425, change:attribute callbacks should fire after all changes have occurred", 9, function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'string', b: 'string', c: 'string' } }); var model = new Model(); var assertion = function () { t.equal(model.get('a'), 'a'); t.equal(model.get('b'), 'b'); t.equal(model.get('c'), 'c'); }; model.on('change:a', assertion); model.on('change:b', assertion); model.on('change:c', assertion); model.set({a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c'}); t.end(); }); test("set same value does not trigger change", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model({x: 1}); model.on('change change:x', function () { t.ok(false); }); model.set({x: 1}); model.set({x: 1}); t.end(); }); test("unset does not fire a change for undefined attributes", 0, function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model({x: undefined}); model.on('change:x', function () { t.ok(false); }); model.unset('x'); t.end(); }); test("hasChanged works outside of change events, and true within", 6, function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model({x: 1}); model.on('change:x', function () { t.ok(model.hasChanged('x')); t.equal(model.get('x'), 1); }); model.set({x: 2}, {silent: true}); t.ok(model.hasChanged()); t.equal(model.hasChanged('x'), true); model.set({x: 1}); t.ok(model.hasChanged()); t.equal(model.hasChanged('x'), true); t.end(); }); test("hasChanged gets cleared on the following set", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model(); model.set({x: 1}); t.ok(model.hasChanged()); model.set({x: 1}); t.ok(!model.hasChanged()); model.set({x: 2}); t.ok(model.hasChanged()); model.set({}); t.ok(!model.hasChanged()); t.end(); }); test("`hasChanged` for falsey keys", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.set({x: true}, {silent: true}); t.ok(!model.hasChanged(0)); t.ok(!model.hasChanged('')); t.end(); }); test("`previous` for falsey keys", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { 0: 'boolean', '': 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model({0: true, '': true}); model.set({0: false, '': false}, {silent: true}); t.equal(model.previous(0), true); t.equal(model.previous(''), true); t.end(); }); test("validate", function (t) { var lastError; var Model = State.extend({ props: { admin: ['boolean', true, true], a: 'number' } }); var model = new Model(); model.validate = function (attrs) { if (attrs.admin != this.get('admin')) return "Can't change admin status."; }; model.on('invalid', function (model, error) { lastError = error; }); var result = model.set({a: 100}); t.equal(result, model); t.equal(model.get('a'), 100); t.equal(lastError, undefined); result = model.set({admin: true}); t.equal(model.get('admin'), true); result = model.set({a: 200, admin: false}, {validate: true}); t.equal(lastError, "Can't change admin status."); t.equal(result, false); t.equal(model.get('a'), 100); t.end(); }); test("set and unset", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', foo: 'number', bar: 'number', baz: 'number', extra: 'string' } }); var a = new Model({id: 'id', foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}); var changeCount = 0; a.on("change:foo", function () { changeCount += 1; }); a.set({'foo': 2}); t.ok(a.get('foo') == 2, "Foo should have changed."); t.ok(changeCount == 1, "Change count should have incremented."); a.set({'foo': 2}); // set with value that is not new shouldn't fire change event t.ok(a.get('foo') == 2, "Foo should NOT have changed, still 2"); t.ok(changeCount == 1, "Change count should NOT have incremented."); a.validate = function (attrs) { t.equal(, void 0, "validate: true passed while unsetting"); }; a.unset('foo', {validate: true}); t.equal(a.get('foo'), void 0, "Foo should have changed"); delete a.validate; t.ok(changeCount == 2, "Change count should have incremented for unset."); a.unset('id'); t.equal(, undefined, "Unsetting the id should remove the id property."); t.end(); }); test("unset even if value has been specified", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { foo: 'string' } }); var model = new Model({ foo: 'bar' }); model.on('change:foo', function () { t.equal(model.get('foo'), undefined); }); model.set({ foo: 'baz' }, { unset: true }); t.equal(model.get('foo'), undefined); t.end(); }); test("nested `set` during `'change:attr'`", function (t) { var events = []; var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'boolean', y: 'boolean', z: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('all', function (event) { events.push(event); }); model.on('change', function () { model.set({z: true}, {silent: true}); }); model.on('change:x', function () { model.set({y: true}); }); model.set({x: true}); t.deepEqual(events, ['change:y', 'change:x', 'change']); events = []; model.set({z: true}); t.deepEqual(events, []); t.end(); }); test("nested `change` only fires once", function (t) { t.plan(1); var model = new (State.extend({props: {x: 'boolean'}}))(); model.on('change', function () { t.ok(true); model.set({x: true}); }); model.set({x: true}); }); test("nested `set` during `'change'`", function (t) { var count = 0; var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'boolean', y: 'boolean', z: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change', function () { switch (count++) { case 0: t.deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true}); t.equal(model.previous('x'), undefined); model.set({y: true}); break; case 1: t.deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true, y: true}); t.equal(model.previous('x'), undefined); model.set({z: true}); break; case 2: t.deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true, y: true, z: true}); t.equal(model.previous('y'), undefined); break; default: t.ok(false); } }); model.set({x: true}); t.end(); }); test("nested `change` with silent", function (t) { var count = 0; var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'boolean', y: 'boolean', z: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:y', function () { t.ok(false); }); model.on('change', function () { switch (count++) { case 0: t.deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true}); model.set({y: true}, {silent: true}); model.set({z: true}); break; case 1: t.deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {x: true, y: true, z: true}); break; case 2: t.deepEqual(this.changedAttributes(), {z: false}); break; default: t.ok(false); } }); model.set({x: true}); model.set({z: false}); t.end(); }); test("nested `change:attr` with silent", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'boolean', y: 'boolean', z: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:y', function () { t.ok(false); }); model.on('change', function () { model.set({y: true}, {silent: true}); model.set({z: true}); }); model.set({x: true}); t.end(); }); test("multiple nested changes with silent", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'boolean', y: 'number' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:x', function () { model.set({y: 1}, {silent: true}); model.set({y: 2}); }); model.on('change:y', function (model, val) { t.equal(val, 2); }); model.set({x: true}); t.end(); }); test("multiple nested changes with silent", function (t) { var changes = []; var Model = State.extend({ props: { b: 'number' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:b', function (model, val) { changes.push(val); }); model.on('change', function () { model.set({b: 1}); }); model.set({b: 0}); t.deepEqual(changes, [0, 1]); t.end(); }); test("basic silent change semantics", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model(); model.set({x: 1}); model.on('change', function () { t.ok(true); }); model.set({x: 2}, {silent: true}); model.set({x: 1}); t.end(); }); test("nested set multiple times", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'boolean', b: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:b', function () { t.ok(true); }); model.on('change:a', function () { model.set({b: true}); model.set({b: true}); }); model.set({a: true}); t.end(); }); test("#1122 - clear does not alter options.", function (t) { var model = new (State.extend({}))(); var options = {}; model.clear(options); t.ok(!options.unset); t.end(); }); test("#1122 - unset does not alter options.", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model(); var options = {}; model.unset('x', options); t.ok(!options.unset); t.end(); }); test('#53 - previousAttributes set correctly when it was a default', function (t) { var MyState = State.extend({ props: { test1: ['boolean', true, true], test2: ['boolean', true, true] } }); var a = new MyState(); a.on('change:test1', function () { t.deepEqual(a.previousAttributes(), { test1: true, test2: true }); t.end(); }); a.test1 = false; }); test('#74 - ensure default array/object types are mutable', function (t) { var MyState = State.extend({ props: { anArray: ['array', true], anObject: ['object', true] } }); var s = new MyState(); s.anArray.push(1); t.equal(s.anArray.length, 1); t.equal(s.anArray[0], 1); = 'bar'; t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); });