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var tape = require('tape'); var State = require('../ampersand-state'); var AmpersandRegistry = require('ampersand-registry'); var Collection = require('ampersand-collection'); var definition, Foo, registry; // wrap test so we always run reset first var test = function () { reset(); tape.apply(tape, arguments); }; test.only = function () { reset(); tape.only.apply(tape, arguments); }; function reset() { registry = new AmpersandRegistry(); definition = { type: 'foo', props: { id: 'number', firstName: ['string', true, 'defaults'], lastName: ['string', true], thing: { type: 'string', required: true, default: 'hi' }, num: ['number', true], today: ['date'], hash: ['object'], list: ['array'], myBool: ['boolean', true, false], someNumber: {type: 'number', allowNull: true}, someNull: {type: 'object', default: null}, good: { type: 'string', test: function (newVal) { if (newVal !== 'good') { return "Value not good"; } } } }, session: { active: ['boolean', true, true] }, derived: { name: { deps: ['firstName', 'lastName'], fn: function () { return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; } }, initials: { deps: ['firstName', 'lastName'], cache: false, fn: function () { // This currently breaks without both deps being set if (this.firstName && this.lastName) { return (this.firstName.charAt(0) + this.lastName.charAt(0)).toUpperCase(); } return ''; } }, isCrazy: { deps: ['crazyPerson'], fn: function () { return !!this.crazyPerson; } } }, // add a reference to the registry registry: registry }; Foo = State.extend(definition); } test('should get the derived value', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({ firstName: 'jim', lastName: 'tom' }); foo.firstName = 'jim'; foo.lastName = 'tom'; t.strictEqual(, 'jim tom'); t.strictEqual(foo.initials, 'JT'); t.end(); }); test('should have default values for properties', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({ firstName: 'jim', lastName: 'tom' }); t.strictEqual(foo.myBool, false); t.strictEqual(foo.someNull, null); t.end(); }); test('should have default array/object properties', function (t) { var Bar = State.extend({ props: { list: ['array', true], hash: ['object', true] } }); var bar = new Bar(); var otherBar = new Bar(); t.ok(bar.list !== undefined); t.ok(bar.hash !== undefined); //Should create unique instances of the defaults otherBar.list.push('foo'); = 'bar'; t.ok(bar.list.length === 0); t.ok( === undefined); t.end(); }); test('should throw a useful error setting a default value to an array', function (t) { t.plan(2); try { State.extend({ props: { list: ['array', true, []] } }); } catch (err) { t.ok(err instanceof TypeError); t.ok(err.message.match(/value for list cannot be an object\/array/)); } }); test('should throw a useful error setting a default value to an object', function (t) { t.plan(2); try { State.extend({ props: { list: ['array', true, []] } }); } catch (err) { t.ok(err instanceof TypeError); t.ok(err.message.match(/value for list cannot be an object\/array/)); } }); test('a default should be settable as a function which returns a value', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ props: { anObject: ['object', true, function () { return {foo: 'bar'}; }] } }); var foo = new Foo(); t.deepEqual(foo.anObject, {foo: 'bar'}); t.end(); }); test('should throw an error setting a derived prop', function (t) { t.plan(1); var foo = new Foo(); try { = 'bob'; } catch (err) { t.ok(err instanceof TypeError); } }); test('Error when setting derived property should be helpful', function (t) { var foo = new Foo(); try { = 'bob'; } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, "\"name\" is a derived property, it can't be set directly."); } t.end(); }); test('should get correct defaults', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({}); t.strictEqual(foo.firstName, 'defaults'); t.strictEqual(foo.thing, 'hi'); t.end(); }); test('Setting other properties when `extraProperties: "reject"` throws error', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ extraProperties: 'reject' }); var foo = new Foo(); t.throws(function () { foo.set({ craziness: 'new' }); }, Error, 'Throws exception if set to reject'); t.end(); }); test('Setting other properties ignores them by default', function (t) { var foo = new Foo(); foo.set({ craziness: 'new' }); t.strictEqual(foo.craziness, undefined, 'property should be ignored'); t.end(); }); test('Setting other properties is ok if extraProperties = "allow"', function (t) { var foo = new Foo(); foo.extraProperties = 'allow'; foo.set({ craziness: 'new' }); t.equal(foo.get('craziness'), 'new'); t.end(); }); test('#11 - multiple instances of the same state class should be able to use extraProperties = "allow" as expected', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ extraProperties: 'allow' }); var one = new Foo({ a: 'one.a', b: 'one.b' }); var two = new Foo({ a: 'two.a', b: 'two.b', c: 'two.c' }); t.equal(one.a, 'one.a'); t.equal(one.b, 'one.b'); t.equal(two.a, 'two.a'); t.equal(two.b, 'two.b'); t.equal(two.c, 'two.c'); t.end(); }); test('extraProperties = "allow" properties should be defined entirely on the instance not the prototype', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ extraProperties: 'allow' }); var one = new Foo({ a: 'one.a', b: 'one.b' }); var two = new Foo(); t.deepEqual(two._definition, {}); t.end(); }); test('should throw a type error for bad data types', function (t) { t.throws(function () { new Foo({firstName: 3}); }, TypeError); t.throws(function () { new Foo({num: 'foo'}); }, TypeError); t.throws(function () { new Foo({hash: 10}); }, TypeError); t.throws(function () { new Foo({today: 'asdfadsfa'}); }, TypeError); t.doesNotThrow(function () { new Foo({today: 1397631169892}); new Foo({today: '1397631169892'}); new Foo({today: '2014-11-13'}); new Foo({today: '2014-11-13T21:01Z'}); new Foo({today: '2014-11-13T21:01:28.752Z'}); }); t.throws(function () { new Foo({list: 10}); }, TypeError); t.end(); }); test('should validate model', function (t) { var foo = new Foo(); t.equal(foo._verifyRequired(), false); foo.firstName = 'a'; foo.lastName = 'b'; foo.thing = 'abc'; foo.num = 12; t.ok(foo._verifyRequired()); t.end(); }); test('should store previous attributes', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({ firstName: 'beau' }); foo.firstName = 'john'; t.strictEqual(foo.firstName, 'john'); t.strictEqual(foo.previous('firstName'), 'beau'); foo.firstName = 'blah'; t.strictEqual(foo.previous('firstName'), 'john'); t.end(); }); test('should have data serialization methods', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({ firstName: 'bob', lastName: 'tom', thing: 'abc' }); t.deepEqual(foo.attributes, { firstName: 'bob', lastName: 'tom', thing: 'abc', myBool: false, active: true, someNull: null }); t.deepEqual(foo.serialize(), { firstName: 'bob', lastName: 'tom', thing: 'abc', myBool: false, someNull: null }); t.end(); }); test('serialize should not include session properties no matter how they\'re defined.', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' }, session: { // simple definition active: 'boolean' } }); var Bar = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' }, session: { // fuller definition active: ['boolean', true, false] } }); var foo = new Foo({name: 'hi', active: true}); var bar = new Bar({name: 'hi', active: true}); t.deepEqual(foo.serialize(), {name: 'hi'}); t.deepEqual(bar.serialize(), {name: 'hi'}); t.end(); }); test('should fire events normally for properties defined on the fly', function (t) { var foo = new Foo(); foo.extraProperties = 'allow'; foo.on('change:crazyPerson', function () { t.ok(true); }); foo.set({ crazyPerson: true }); t.end(); }); test('should fire event on derived properties, even if dependent on ad hoc prop.', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ extraProperties: 'allow', derived: { isCrazy: { deps: ['crazyPerson'], fn: function () { return !!this.crazyPerson; } } } }); var foo = new Foo(); foo.on('change:isCrazy', function () { t.ok(true); }); foo.set({ crazyPerson: true }); t.end(); }); test('throw error on invalid extraProperties', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ extraProperties: 'qwijbo' }); var foo = new Foo(); t.throws(function () { foo.set('a', 'b'); }, TypeError, 'Throws TypeError on invalid extraProperties'); t.end(); }); test('should fire general change event on single attribute', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({firstName: 'coffee'}); foo.on('change', function () { t.ok(true); }); foo.firstName = 'bob'; t.end(); }); test('should fire single change event for multiple attribute set', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({firstName: 'coffee'}); foo.on('change', function () { t.ok(true); }); foo.set({ firstName: 'roger', lastName: 'smells' }); t.end(); }); test('derived properties', function (t) { var ran = 0; var notCachedRan = 0; var Foo = State.extend({ props: { name: ['string', true] }, derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name'], fn: function () { ran++; return 'hi, ' +; } }, notCached: { cache: false, deps: ['name'], fn: function () { notCachedRan++; return 'hi, ' +; } } } }); var foo = new Foo({name: 'henrik'}); t.strictEqual(ran, 0, 'derived function should not have run yet.'); t.equal(foo.greeting, 'hi, henrik'); t.equal(foo.greeting, 'hi, henrik'); t.equal(ran, 1, 'cached derived should only run once'); t.equal(notCachedRan, 0, 'should not have been run yet'); = 'someone'; t.equal(foo.greeting, 'hi, someone'); t.equal(foo.greeting, 'hi, someone'); t.equal(ran, 2, 'cached derived should have been cleared and run once again'); t.equal(notCachedRan, 1, 'should have been run once because it was triggered'); t.equal(foo.notCached, 'hi, someone'); t.equal(notCachedRan, 2, 'incremented again'); t.equal(foo.notCached, 'hi, someone'); t.equal(notCachedRan, 3, 'incremented each time'); t.end(); }); test('cached, derived properties should only fire change event if they\'ve actually changed', function (t) { var changed = 0; var Foo = State.extend({ props: { name: ['string', true], other: 'string' }, derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name', 'other'], fn: function () { return 'hi, ' +; } } } }); var foo = new Foo({name: 'henrik'}); foo.on('change:greeting', function () { changed++; }); t.equal(changed, 0); = 'new'; t.equal(changed, 1); foo.other = 'new'; t.equal(changed, 1); t.end(); }); test('derived properties with derived dependencies', function (t) { var ran = 0; var Foo = State.extend({ props: { name: ['string', true] }, derived: { greeting: { deps: ['name'], fn: function () { return 'hi, ' +; } }, awesomeGreeting: { deps: ['greeting'], fn: function () { return this.greeting + '!'; } } } }); var foo = new Foo({name: 'henrik'}); foo.on('change:awesomeGreeting', function () { ran++; t.ok(true, 'should fire derived event'); }); foo.on('change:greeting', function () { ran++; t.ok(true, 'should fire derived event'); }); foo.on('change:name', function () { ran++; t.ok(true, 'should fire derived event'); }); foo.on('change', function () { ran++; t.ok(true, 'should file main event'); }); = 'something'; t.equal(ran, 4); t.end(); }); test('derived properties triggered with multiple instances', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({firstName: 'Silly', lastName: 'Fool'}); var bar = new Foo({firstName: 'Bar', lastName: 'Man'}); foo.on('change:name', function () { t.ok('name changed'); }); foo.firstName = 'bob'; bar.on('change:name', function () { t.ok('name changed'); }); bar.firstName = 'bob too'; t.end(); }); test('Calling `previous` during change of derived cached property should work', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({firstName: 'Henrik', lastName: 'Joreteg'}); var ran = false; foo.on('change:name', function () { if (!ran) { t.equal(typeof foo.previous('name'), 'undefined'); ran = true; } else { t.equal(foo.previous('name'), 'Crazy Joreteg'); } }); foo.firstName = 'Crazy'; foo.firstName = 'Lance!'; t.end(); }); test('Calling `previous` during change of derived property that is not cached, should be `undefined`', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({firstName: 'Henrik', lastName: 'Joreteg'}); // the initials property is explicitly not cached // so you should not be able to get a previous value // for it. foo.on('change:initials', function () { t.equal(typeof foo.previous('initials'), 'undefined'); }); foo.firstName = 'Crazy'; t.end(); }); test('Should be able to define and use custom data types', function (t) { var Foo = State.extend({ props: { silliness: 'crazyType' }, dataTypes: { crazyType: { set: function (newVal) { return { val: newVal, type: 'crazyType' }; }, get: function (val) { return val + 'crazy!'; } } } }); var foo = new Foo({silliness: 'you '}); t.equal(foo.silliness, 'you crazy!'); t.end(); }); test('Uses dataType compare', function (t) { var compareRun; var Foo = State.extend({ props: { silliness: 'crazyType' }, dataTypes: { crazyType: { compare: function (oldVal, newVal) { compareRun = true; return false; }, set: function (newVal) { return { val: newVal, type: 'crazyType' }; }, get: function (val) { return val + 'crazy!'; } } } }); compareRun = false; var foo = new Foo({ silliness: 'you' }); t.assert(compareRun); compareRun = false; foo.silliness = 'they'; t.assert(compareRun); t.end(); }); test('Should only allow nulls where specified', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({ firstName: 'bob', lastName: 'vila', someNumber: null }); t.equal(foo.someNumber, null); t.throws(function () { foo.firstName = null; }, TypeError, 'Throws exception when setting disallowed null'); t.end(); }); test('Attribute test function works', function (t) { var foo = new Foo({good: 'good'}); t.equal(foo.good, 'good'); t.throws(function () { foo.good = 'bad'; }, TypeError, 'Throws exception on invalid attribute value'); t.end(); }); test('Values attribute basic functionality', function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { state: { values: ['CA', 'WA', 'NV'] } } }); var m = new Model(); t.throws(function () { m.state = 'PR'; }, TypeError, 'Throws exception when setting something not in list'); t.equal(m.state, undefined, 'Should be undefined if no default'); m.state = 'CA'; t.equal(m.state, 'CA', 'State should be set'); t.end(); }); test('Values attribute default works and is called only once', function (t) { var ran = 0; var Model = State.extend({ dataTypes: { countryType: { default: 'Atlantis' } }, props: { country: { type: 'countryType', required: true }, state: { values: ['CA', 'WA', 'NV'], default: function(){ ran++; return 'CA'; } } } }); var m = new Model(); t.equal(m.state, 'CA', 'Should have applied the default'); t.equal(ran, 1, 'Should have been invoked only once'); t.equal(m.state, 'CA', 'Should have returned the same object'); t.equal(ran, 1, 'Should have been invoked only once'); t.equal(, 'Atlantis'); t.throws(function () { m.state = 'PR'; }, TypeError, 'Throws exception when setting something not in list'); t.end(); }); test('toggle() works on boolean and values properties.', function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { isAwesome: 'boolean', someNumber: 'number', state: { values: ['CA', 'WA', 'NV'], default: 'CA' } } }); var m = new Model(); t.throws(function () { m.toggle('someNumber'); }, TypeError, 'Throws exception when toggling a non-toggleable property.'); m.toggle('state'); t.equal(m.state, 'WA', 'Should go to next'); m.toggle('state'); t.equal(m.state, 'NV', 'Should go to next'); m.toggle('state'); t.equal(m.state, 'CA', 'Should go to next with loop'); m.toggle('isAwesome'); t.strictEqual(m.isAwesome, true, 'Should toggle even if undefined'); m.toggle('isAwesome'); t.strictEqual(m.isAwesome, false, 'Should toggle if true.'); m.toggle('isAwesome'); t.strictEqual(m.isAwesome, true, 'Should toggle if false.'); t.end(); }); test('property test function scope is correct.', function (t) { var m; var temp; var Model = State.extend({ props: { truth: { type: 'boolean', test: function () { temp = this; return false; } } } }); m = new Model(); m.toggle('truth'); t.equal(m, temp); t.end(); }); test('should be able to inherit for use in other objects', function (t) { var StateObj = State.extend({ props: { name: 'string' } }); function AwesomeThing() { StateObj.apply(this, arguments); } AwesomeThing.prototype = Object.create(StateObj.prototype); AwesomeThing.prototype.hello = function () { return; }; var awe = new AwesomeThing({name: 'cool'}); t.equal(awe.hello(), 'cool'); t.equal(, 'cool'); t.end(); }); test('extended state objects should maintain child collections of parents', function (t) { var State1 = State.extend({ collections: { myStuff: Collection } }); var State2 = State1.extend({ collections: { myOtherCollection: Collection } }); var thing = new State2(); t.ok(thing.myStuff); t.ok(thing.myOtherCollection); t.end(); }); test('`initialize` should have access to initialized child collections', function (t) { var StateObj = State.extend({ initialize: function () { t.ok(this.myStuff); t.equal(this.myStuff.parent, this); t.end(); }, collections: { myStuff: Collection } }); var thing = new StateObj(); }); test('parent collection references should be maintained when adding/removing to a collection', function (t) { var StateObj = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string' } }); var c = new Collection(); var s = new StateObj({id: '47'}); c.add(s); t.equal(s.collection, c); c.remove(s); t.notOk(s.collection); t.end(); }); test('children and collections should be instantiated', function (t) { var GrandChild = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string' }, collections: { nicknames: Collection } }); var FirstChild = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string' }, children: { grandChild: GrandChild } }); var StateObj = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string' }, children: { firstChild: FirstChild } }); var data = { id: 'child', firstChild: { id: 'child', grandChild: { id: 'grandChild', nicknames: [ {name: 'munchkin'}, {name: 'kiddo'} ] } } }; var first = new StateObj(data); t.ok(first.firstChild, 'child should be initted'); t.ok(first.firstChild.grandChild, 'grand child should be initted'); t.equal(, 'child'); t.equal(, 'grandChild'); t.ok(first.firstChild.grandChild.nicknames instanceof Collection, 'should be collection'); t.equal(first.firstChild.grandChild.nicknames.length, 2); t.deepEqual(first.serialize(), { id: 'child', firstChild: { id: 'child', grandChild: { id: 'grandChild', nicknames: [ {name: 'munchkin'}, {name: 'kiddo'} ] } } }); t.equal(JSON.stringify(first), JSON.stringify({ id: 'child', firstChild: { id: 'child', grandChild: { id: 'grandChild', nicknames: [ {name: 'munchkin'}, {name: 'kiddo'} ] } } }), 'should be able to pass whole object to JSON.stringify()'); // using `set` should still apply to children first.set({ firstChild: { id: 'firstChild', grandChild: { nicknames: [{name: 'runt'}] } } }); t.ok(first.firstChild instanceof FirstChild, 'should still be instanceof'); t.equal(, 'firstChild', 'change should have been applied'); t.equal(first.firstChild.grandChild.nicknames.length, 3, 'collection should have been updated'); t.end(); }); test('issue #82, child collections should not be cleared if they add data to themselves when instantiated', function (t) { var Widget = State.extend({ props: { title: 'string' } }); var Widgets = Collection.extend({ initialize: function () { // some collections read from data they have immediate access to // like localstorage, or whatnot. This should not be wiped out // when instantiated by parent. this.add([{title: 'hi'}]); }, model: Widget }); var Parent = State.extend({ collections: { widgets: Widgets } }); var parent = new Parent(); t.equal(parent.widgets.length, 1, 'should contain data added by initialize method of child collection'); t.end(); }); test('listens to child events', function (t) { var GrandChild = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' }, collections: { nicknames: Collection } }); var FirstChild = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' }, children: { grandChild: GrandChild } }); var StateObj = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' }, children: { firstChild: FirstChild } }); var first = new StateObj({ id: 'child', name: 'first-name', firstChild: { id: 'child', name: 'first-child-name', grandChild: { id: 'grandChild', name: 'Henrik', nicknames: [ {name: 'munchkin'}, {name: 'kiddo'} ] } } }); t.plan(7); //Change property first.once('change:name', function (model, newVal) { t.equal(newVal, 'new-first-name'); }); = 'new-first-name'; t.equal(, 'new-first-name'); //Change child property first.once('', function (model, newVal) { t.equal(newVal, 'new-first-child-name'); }); = 'new-first-child-name'; t.equal(, 'new-first-child-name'); //Change grand child property first.once('', function (unsure, name) { t.equal(name, "Phil"); }); = 'Phil'; t.equal(, 'Phil'); //Propagates change events from children too first.once('change', function (model) { t.equal(model, first); }); = 'Bob'; }); test('Should be able to declare derived properties that have nested deps', function (t) { var GrandChild = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' } }); var FirstChild = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' }, children: { grandChild: GrandChild } }); var StateObj = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string', name: 'string' }, children: { child: FirstChild }, derived: { relationship: { deps: ['', 'name'], fn: function () { return + ' has grandchild ' + ( || ''); } } } }); var first = new StateObj({ name: 'henrik' }); t.equal(first.relationship, 'henrik has grandchild ', 'basics properties working'); first.on('change:relationship', function () { t.pass('got change event on derived property for child'); t.end(); }); = 'something'; }); test('`state` properties', function (t) { var Person = State.extend({ props: { sub: 'state', sub2: 'state' } }); var SubState = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string' } }); var p = new Person(); t.plan(4); t.equal(p.sub, undefined, 'should be undefined to start'); t.throws(function () { p.sub = 'something silly'; }, TypeError, 'Throws type error if not state object'); p.once('change:sub', function () { t.pass('fired change for state'); }); var sub = new SubState({id: 'hello'}); p.sub = sub; p.on('change:sub', function () {'shouldn\'t fire if same instance'); }); p.sub = sub; p.on('', function () { t.pass('child property event bubbled'); }); = 'new'; // new person var p2 = new Person(); var sub1 = new SubState({id: 'first'}); var sub2 = new SubState({id: 'second'}); p2.on('', function () {'should not bubble on old one'); }); p2.sub = sub1; p2.sub = sub2; = 'something different'; t.end(); }); test('Issue: #75 `state` property from undefined -> state', function (t) { t.plan(2); var Person = State.extend({ props: { sub: 'state', sub2: 'state' } }); var SubState = State.extend({ props: { foo: 'string' } }); var sub = new SubState({ foo: 'a' }); var p = new Person({ sub: sub }); p.on('', function () { t.ok(true); }); = 'b'; p.sub2 = new SubState({ foo: 'bar' }); = 'c'; t.end(); }); test('`state` properties should invalidate dependent derived properties when changed', function (t) { var counter = 0; var Person = State.extend({ props: { sub: 'state' }, derived: { subId: { deps: [''], fn: function () { return this.sub &&; } } } }); var SubState = State.extend({ props: { id: 'string' } }); var p = new Person(); // count each time it's changed p.on('change:subId', function () { counter++; }); var sub1 = new SubState({id: '1'}); var sub2 = new SubState({id: '2'}); t.equal(p.subId, undefined, 'should be undefined to start'); p.sub = sub1; t.equal(p.subId, '1', 'should invalidated cache'); t.equal(counter, 1, 'should fire change callback for derived item'); p.on('', function (model, newVal) { t.pass('change event should fire'); t.equal(model, sub1, 'callback on these should be sub model'); t.equal(newVal, 'newId', 'should include new val'); t.end(); }); = 'newId'; }); test("#1664 - Changing from one value, silently to another, back to original triggers a change.", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' } }); var model = new Model({x: 1}); model.on('change:x', function () { t.ok(true); t.end(); }); model.set({x: 2}, {silent: true}); model.set({x: 3}, {silent: true}); model.set({x: 1}); }); test("#1664 - multiple silent changes nested inside a change event", function (t) { var changes = []; var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'string', b: 'number', c: 'string' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change', function () { model.set({a: 'c'}, {silent: true}); model.set({b: 2}, {silent: true}); model.unset('c', {silent: true}); }); model.on('change:a change:b change:c', function (model, val) { changes.push(val); }); model.set({a: 'a', b: 1, c: 'item'}); t.deepEqual(changes, ['a', 1, 'item']); t.deepEqual(model.attributes, {a: 'c', b: 2}); t.end(); }); test("silent changes in last `change` event back to original triggers change", function (t) { var changes = []; var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'string' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:a change:b change:c', function (model, val) { changes.push(val); }); model.on('change', function () { model.set({a: 'c'}, {silent: true}); }); model.set({a: 'a'}); t.deepEqual(changes, ['a']); model.set({a: 'a'}); t.deepEqual(changes, ['a', 'a']); t.end(); }); test("#1943 change calculations should use _.isEqual", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'object' } }); var model = new Model({a: {key: 'value'}}); model.set('a', {key: 'value'}, {silent: true}); t.equal(model.changedAttributes(), false); t.end(); }); test("#1964 - final `change` event is always fired, regardless of interim changes", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { property: 'string' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change:property', function () { model.set('property', 'bar'); }); model.on('change', function () { t.ok(true); t.end(); }); model.set('property', 'foo'); }); test("isValid", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { valid: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model({valid: true}); model.validate = function (attrs) { if (!attrs.valid) return "invalid"; }; t.equal(model.isValid(), true); t.equal(model.set({valid: false}, {validate: true}), false); t.equal(model.isValid(), true); model.set({valid: false}); t.equal(model.isValid(), false); t.ok(!model.set('valid', false, {validate: true})); t.end(); }); test("#1545 - `undefined` can be passed to a model constructor without coercion", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ defaults: { one: 1 }, initialize : function (attrs, opts) { t.equal(attrs, undefined); } }); var emptyattrs = new Model(); var undefinedattrs = new Model(undefined); t.end(); }); test("#1961 - Creating a model with {validate: true} will call validate and use the error callback", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { id: 'number' }, validate: function (attrs) { if ( === 1) return "This shouldn't happen"; } }); var model = new Model({id: 1}, {validate: true}); t.equal(model.validationError, "This shouldn't happen"); t.end(); }); test("#2034 - nested set with silent only triggers one change", function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'boolean', b: 'boolean' } }); var model = new Model(); model.on('change', function () { model.set({b: true}, {silent: true}); t.ok(true); t.end(); }); model.set({a: true}); }); test("#2030 - set with failed validate, followed by another set triggers change", function (t) { var attr = 0, main = 0, error = 0; var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: 'number' }, validate: function (attr) { if (attr.x > 1) { error++; return "this is an error"; } } }); var model = new Model({x: 0}); model.on('change:x', function () { attr++; }); model.on('change', function () { main++; }); model.set({x: 2}, {validate: true}); model.set({x: 1}, {validate: true}); t.deepEqual([attr, main, error], [1, 1, 1]); t.end(); }); test("#1179 - isValid returns true in the absence of validate.", function(t) { var Model = State.extend({ validate: null }); var model = new Model(); t.ok(model.isValid()); t.end(); }); test("#1791 - `attributes` is available for `parse`", function(t) { var Model = State.extend({ //Backbone test used this.has which was a this.get !== null test parse: function() { this.get('a') !== null; } // shouldn't throw an error }); var model = new Model(null, {parse: true}); t.end(); }); test("#96 - changedAttributes includes properties that are not direct model attributes", function(t) { var Submodel = State.extend({ props: { b: 'number' } }); var Model = State.extend({ props: { a: 'number' }, children: { submodels: Submodel } }); var model = new Model({ a: 1 }); var old = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(model)); var diff = model.changedAttributes(old); t.ok(diff === false, 'should return false'); diff = model.changedAttributes({ a: 5, submodels: [] }); t.ok(diff.hasOwnProperty('a'), 'should return the changed `a`'); t.ok(!diff.hasOwnProperty('submodels'), 'should not return `submodels`'); t.end(); }); test("#99 #101 - string dates can be parsed", function(t) { var Today = State.extend({ props: { today: 'date' } }); var isDate = function (obj) { return === '[object Date]'; }; var isoString = '2014-04-16T06:52:49.892Z'; var date = new Date(isoString); var model = new Today(); = 1397631169892; t.ok(isDate(; t.equal(, date.valueOf(), 'date should accept an integer'); = '1397631169892'; t.ok(isDate(; t.equal(, date.valueOf(), 'date should accept a string which will be parsed to an integer'); = isoString; t.ok(isDate(; t.equal(, isoString, 'date should accept an iso string'); = new Date(isoString); t.ok(isDate(; t.equal(, isoString, 'date should accept a native date object'); = '2014-11-13'; t.ok(isDate(; t.equal(, '2014-11-13T00:00:00.000Z', 'date should accept YYYY-MM-DD'); = '2014-11-13T21:01Z'; t.ok(isDate(; t.equal(, '2014-11-13T21:01:00.000Z', 'date should accept YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MMZ'); t.end(); }); test('#128 don\'t coerce null date as 0', function (t) { var Day = State.extend({ props: { theDate: 'date' } }); var day = new Day({ theDate: null }); t.notOk(day.theDate, 'date should not be set if null'); t.equal(day.theDate, null); day = new Day({ theDate: undefined }); t.notOk(day.theDate, 'date should not be set if undefined'); t.equal(day.theDate, undefined); var Day2 = State.extend({ props: { theDate: { type: 'date', required: true, allowNull: false } } }); t.throws(function () { new Day2({ theDate: null }); }, /cannot be null/, 'if allowNull:false, and required:true should still throw'); t.end(); }); test('#68, #110 mixin props should not be deleted', function (t) { var SelectedMixin = { session : { selected : 'boolean' } }; var Widget = State.extend(SelectedMixin,{}); t.deepEqual(SelectedMixin.session, { selected: 'boolean' }); var Sprocket = State.extend(SelectedMixin,{}); var widget = new Widget({selected : true}); var sprocket = new Sprocket({selected : true}); t.ok(widget.selected); t.ok(sprocket.selected); t.end(); }); test('#114 setOnce allows values to be set once and only once', function (t) { var Model = State.extend({ props: { x: { type: 'string', setOnce: true, required: true, } } }); var model = new Model({ x: 'foo' }); t.equal(model.x, 'foo'); t.throws(function () { model.x = 'bar'; }, /can only be set once/); t.end(); }); test('#118 setOnce can be used with default string', function (t) { var TimeRange = State.extend({ props: { timezone: { type: 'string', default: 'something that can only be set as the default', setOnce: true } } }); var tr = new TimeRange(); t.throws(function () { tr.timezone = 'new thing'; }, 'since it has a default, this should throw'); var tr2; t.doesNotThrow(function () { tr2 = new TimeRange({timezone: 'my thing'}); }, 'if we set on init, should overwrite default'); t.throws(function () { tr.timezone = 'new thing'; }, 'should now fail since its been set'); var OtherTimeRange = State.extend({ props: { timezone: { type: 'string', setOnce: true } } }); tr = new OtherTimeRange(); t.doesNotThrow(function () { tr.timezone = 'thing'; }, 'should not throw first time'); t.throws(function () { tr.timezone = 'other thing'; }, 'throws second time'); t.end(); });