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/*$AMPERSAND_VERSION*/ var State = require('ampersand-state'); var CollectionView = require('ampersand-collection-view'); var domify = require('domify'); var uniqueId = require("lodash.uniqueid"); var pick = require("lodash.pick"); var assign = require("lodash.assign"); var forEach = require("lodash.foreach"); var result = require("lodash.result"); var last = require("lodash.last"); var isString = require("lodash.isstring"); var bind = require("lodash.bind"); var flatten = require("lodash.flatten"); var invoke = require("lodash.invoke"); var events = require('events-mixin'); var matches = require('matches-selector'); var bindings = require('ampersand-dom-bindings'); var getPath = require('get-object-path'); function View(attrs) { this.cid = uniqueId('view'); attrs || (attrs = {}); var parent = attrs.parent; delete attrs.parent;, attrs, {init: false, parent: parent}); this.on('change:el', this._handleElementChange, this); this._parsedBindings = bindings(this.bindings, this); this._initializeBindings(); if (attrs.el && !this.autoRender) { this._handleElementChange(); } this._initializeSubviews(); this.template = attrs.template || this.template; this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.set(pick(attrs, viewOptions)); if (this.autoRender && this.template) { this.render(); } } var BaseState = State.extend({ dataTypes: { element: { set: function (newVal) { return { val: newVal, type: newVal instanceof Element ? 'element' : typeof newVal }; }, compare: function (el1, el2) { return el1 === el2; } }, collection: { set: function (newVal) { return { val: newVal, type: newVal && newVal.isCollection ? 'collection' : typeof newVal }; }, compare: function (currentVal, newVal) { return currentVal === newVal; } } }, props: { model: 'state', el: 'element', collection: 'collection' }, derived: { rendered: { deps: ['el'], fn: function () { return !!this.el; } }, hasData: { deps: ['model'], fn: function () { return !!this.model; } } } }); // Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`. var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/; // List of view options to be merged as properties. var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el']; View.prototype = Object.create(BaseState.prototype); // Set up all inheritable properties and methods. assign(View.prototype, { // ## query // Get an single element based on CSS selector scoped to this.el // if you pass an empty string it return `this.el`. // If you pass an element we just return it back. // This lets us use `get` to handle cases where users // can pass a selector or an already selected element. query: function (selector) { if (!selector) return this.el; if (typeof selector === 'string') { if (matches(this.el, selector)) return this.el; return this.el.querySelector(selector) || undefined; } return selector; }, // ## queryAll // Returns an array of elements based on CSS selector scoped to this.el // if you pass an empty string it return `this.el`. Also includes root // element. queryAll: function (selector) { var res = []; if (!this.el) return res; if (selector === '') return [this.el]; if (matches(this.el, selector)) res.push(this.el); return res.concat(; }, // ## queryByHook // Convenience method for fetching element by it's `data-hook` attribute. // Also tries to match against root element. // Also supports matching 'one' of several space separated hooks. queryByHook: function (hook) { return this.query('[data-hook~="' + hook + '"]'); }, // ## queryAllByHook // Convenience method for fetching all elements by their's `data-hook` attribute. queryAllByHook: function (hook) { return this.queryAll('[data-hook~="' + hook + '"]'); }, // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own // initialization logic. initialize: function () {}, // **render** is the core function that your view can override, its job is // to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. render: function () { this.renderWithTemplate(this); return this; }, // Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any // applicable events listeners. remove: function () { var parsedBindings = this._parsedBindings; if (this.el && this.el.parentNode) this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el); if (this._subviews) invoke(flatten(this._subviews), 'remove'); this.stopListening(); // TODO: Not sure if this is actually necessary. // Just trying to de-reference this potentially large // amount of generated functions to avoid memory leaks. forEach(parsedBindings, function (properties, modelName) { forEach(properties, function (value, key) { delete parsedBindings[modelName][key]; }); delete parsedBindings[modelName]; }); this.trigger('remove', this); return this; }, // Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event // re-delegation. _handleElementChange: function (element, delegate) { if (this.eventManager) this.eventManager.unbind(); this.eventManager = events(this.el, this); this.delegateEvents(); this._applyBindingsForKey(); return this; }, // Set callbacks, where `` is a hash of // // *{"event selector": "callback"}* // // { // 'mousedown .title': 'edit', // 'click .button': 'save', // 'click .open': function (e) { ... } // } // // pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly. // Uses event delegation for efficiency. // Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`. // This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and // not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer. delegateEvents: function (events) { if (!(events || (events = result(this, 'events')))) return this; this.undelegateEvents(); for (var key in events) { this.eventManager.bind(key, events[key]); } return this; }, // Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`. // You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple // Backbone views attached to the same DOM element. undelegateEvents: function () { this.eventManager.unbind(); return this; }, // ## registerSubview // Pass it a view. This can be anything with a `remove` method registerSubview: function (view) { // Storage for our subviews. this._subviews || (this._subviews = []); this._subviews.push(view); // set the parent reference if it has not been set if (!view.parent) view.parent = this; return view; }, // ## renderSubview // Pass it a view instance and a container element // to render it in. It's `remove` method will be called // when the parent view is destroyed. renderSubview: function (view, container) { if (typeof container === 'string') { container = this.query(container); } this.registerSubview(view); view.render(); (container || this.el).appendChild(view.el); return view; }, _applyBindingsForKey: function (name) { if (!this.el) return; var fns = this._parsedBindings.getGrouped(name); var item; for (item in fns) { fns[item].forEach(function (fn) { fn(this.el, getPath(this, item), last(item.split('.'))); }, this); } }, _initializeBindings: function () { if (!this.bindings) return; this.on('all', function (eventName) { if (eventName.slice(0, 7) === 'change:') { this._applyBindingsForKey(eventName.split(':')[1]); } }, this); }, // ## _initializeSubviews // this is called at setup and grabs declared subviews _initializeSubviews: function () { if (!this.subviews) return; for (var item in this.subviews) { this._parseSubview(this.subviews[item], item); } }, // ## _parseSubview // helper for parsing out the subview declaration and registering // the `waitFor` if need be. _parseSubview: function (subview, name) { var self = this; var opts = { selector: subview.container || '[data-hook="' + subview.hook + '"]', waitFor: subview.waitFor || '', prepareView: subview.prepareView || function (el) { return new subview.constructor({ el: el, parent: self }); } }; function action() { var el, subview; // if not rendered or we can't find our element, stop here. if (!this.el || !(el = this.query(opts.selector))) return; if (!opts.waitFor || getPath(this, opts.waitFor)) { subview = this[name] =, el); subview.render(); this.registerSubview(subview);'change', action); } } // we listen for main `change` items this.on('change', action, this); }, // Shortcut for doing everything we need to do to // render and fully replace current root element. // Either define a `template` property of your view // or pass in a template directly. // The template can either be a string or a function. // If it's a function it will be passed the `context` // argument. renderWithTemplate: function (context, templateArg) { var template = templateArg || this.template; if (!template) throw new Error('Template string or function needed.'); var newDom = isString(template) ? template :, context || this); if (isString(newDom)) newDom = domify(newDom); var parent = this.el && this.el.parentNode; if (parent) parent.replaceChild(newDom, this.el); if (newDom.nodeName === '#document-fragment') throw new Error('Views can only have one root element.'); this.el = newDom; return this; }, // ## cacheElements // This is a shortcut for adding reference to specific elements within your view for // access later. This avoids excessive DOM queries and makes it easier to update // your view if your template changes. // // In your `render` method. Use it like so: // // render: function () { // this.basicRender(); // this.cacheElements({ // pages: '#pages', // chat: '#teamChat', // nav: 'nav#views ul', // me: '#me', // cheatSheet: '#cheatSheet', // omniBox: '#awesomeSauce' // }); // } // // Then later you can access elements by reference like so: `this.pages`, or ``. cacheElements: function (hash) { for (var item in hash) { this[item] = this.query(hash[item]); } return this; }, // ## listenToAndRun // Shortcut for registering a listener for a model // and also triggering it right away. listenToAndRun: function (object, events, handler) { var bound = bind(handler, this); this.listenTo(object, events, bound); bound(); }, // ## animateRemove // Placeholder for if you want to do something special when they're removed. // For example fade it out, etc. // Any override here should call `.remove()` when done. animateRemove: function () { this.remove(); }, // ## renderCollection // Method for rendering a collections with individual views. // Just pass it the collection, and the view to use for the items in the // collection. The collectionView is returned. renderCollection: function (collection, ViewClass, container, opts) { var containerEl = (typeof container === 'string') ? this.query(container) : container; var config = assign({ collection: collection, el: containerEl || this.el, view: ViewClass, parent: this, viewOptions: { parent: this } }, opts); var collectionView = new CollectionView(config); collectionView.render(); return this.registerSubview(collectionView); } }); View.extend = BaseState.extend; module.exports = View;