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var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var fsExtra = require('fs-extra'); var quit = require('./quit'); var stdin = require('./helpers/stdin'); var readFile = require('./readfilesync'); var processTemplate = require('./helpers/process-template'); var clean = require('./helpers/clean'); var genTypes = require('./gen-types'); module.exports = function (config) { var type = config._[1]; var name = config._[2]; var filePath; var folderPath; var file; var fileName; // allow names with js or not if (name && name.indexOf('.js') === -1) { fileName = name + '.js'; } else { fileName = name; } if (type === 'router') { folderPath = path.join(config.approot, config.clientfolder); filePath = path.join(folderPath, (fileName || 'router.js')); } else if (type === 'model') { if (!name) quit('please specify a name: ampersand gen model ' + chalk.magenta('${your model name}')); folderPath = path.join(config.approot, config.clientfolder, config.modelfolder); filePath = path.join(folderPath, fileName); } else if (type === 'view') { if (!name) quit('please specify a name: ampersand gen view ' + chalk.magenta('${your view name}')); folderPath = path.join(config.approot, config.clientfolder, config.viewfolder); filePath = path.join(folderPath, fileName); } else if (type === 'page') { if (!name) quit('please specify a name: ampersand gen page ' + chalk.magenta('${your page name}')); folderPath = path.join(config.approot, config.clientfolder, config.pagefolder); filePath = path.join(folderPath, fileName); } else if (type === 'form') { if (!name) quit('please specify a path to the model: ampersand gen form ' + chalk.magenta('${path to model}')); folderPath = path.join(config.approot, config.clientfolder, config.formsfolder); filePath = path.join(folderPath, path.basename(fileName)); } if (name) { config.folderPath = folderPath; config.relPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), filePath); if (!config.force && fs.existsSync(filePath)) return quit('file already exists at: ' + chalk.magenta(config.relPath) + ' add ' + chalk.magenta('-f') + ' to force'); stdin(function (input) { if (input) { = input; } if (type === 'model') { = name; genTypes.model(config, function (err, result) { var modelFilePath = path.join(config.folderPath, result.modelFileName); var collectionFilePath = path.join(config.folderPath, result.collectionFileName); fsExtra.createFileSync(modelFilePath); fs.writeFileSync(modelFilePath, clean(result.model, config), 'utf8'); console.log('\nnew ' + chalk.magenta('Model') + ' created as ' + chalk.magenta(path.relative(process.cwd(), modelFilePath))); if (config.makecollection) { fsExtra.createFileSync(collectionFilePath); fs.writeFileSync(collectionFilePath, clean(result.collection, config), 'utf8'); console.log('new ' + chalk.magenta('Collection') + ' for ' + chalk.magenta(name) + ' created as ' + chalk.magenta(path.relative(process.cwd(), collectionFilePath))); } console.log(''); quit(); }); } else if (type === 'form') { genTypes.form({modelpath: name}, function (err, code) { fsExtra.createFileSync(filePath); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, clean(code, config), 'utf8'); quit('new ' + chalk.magenta('Form') + ' for ' + chalk.magenta(path.basename(fileName)) + ' created as ' + chalk.magenta(path.relative(process.cwd(), filePath))); }); } else { file = readFile(config[type]); if (!file) return quit('no template file found at ' + config[type]); fsExtra.createFileSync(filePath); file = clean(processTemplate(file, config), config); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, file, 'utf8'); quit('new ' + chalk.magenta(type) + ' created as ' + chalk.magenta(config.relPath), 0); } }); } else { quit('no such command'); } };