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/*global _ QUnit ok*/ // mustache style templating _.templateSettings = { interpolate : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g }; // a few templates var templates = {}; templates.log = _.template('<li class="log">{{ message }}</li>'); templates.confirmation = _.template('<li class="confirmation">{{ message }} Press "y" or "n".</li>'); templates.instruct = _.template('<li class="instruct">{{ message }} <ul></ul> Press "y" when ready.</li>'); // Prevent QUnit from running the tests at the onload event // Manually start the tests with QUnit.start(); QUnit.config.autostart = false; // Reset QUnit session storage because it does more harm than good sessionStorage.clear(); // Our main container function SpaceMonkey() { this.config = {}; this.tests = []; this.tasks = []; this.fn = SpaceMonkey.prototype; } SpaceMonkey.prototype.loadApp = function (url, options) { var self = this; $(window).on('load', function () { var iframe = $('#app'); $.extend(self.config, { width: '800', height: '500', scrolling: 'auto', frameborder: '0' }, options || {}); iframe.on('load', function () { $(document).trigger('appready'); // Define the window handle for Dominator to run against self.window = document.getElementById('app').contentWindow; // shortcut for jQuery accessor self.$ = function (selector) { return $(selector, self.window.document); }; // grab our instruction container self.instructionEl = $('#instructions'); // Run QUnit tests QUnit.start(); }); iframe.attr({ height: self.config.height, width: self.config.width, frameborder: 0, src: url }); }); }; SpaceMonkey.prototype.addTest = function (name, fn) { var self = this; this.tasks.push({ name: name, task: function (callback) { fn.apply(self); } }); }; SpaceMonkey.prototype.extend = function (name, fn) { var self = this; SpaceMonkey.prototype[name] = function () { var args =; self.tasks.push({ name: name, task: function (callback) { args.push(callback); fn.apply(self, args); } }); return self; }; }; SpaceMonkey.prototype.expect = function (count) { QUnit.expect(QUnit.config.current.expected + count); }; SpaceMonkey.prototype.destroy = function () { var self = this; QUnit.stop(); (function runner() { if (self.tasks.length <= 0) { QUnit.start(); return; } var task = self.tasks.shift(); // @todo need to allow tasks indicate that they must preceed an action. // example: extend('waitForEvent', { waitForAction:true }, function () {}); if (self.tasks.length > 0 && (self.tasks[0].name === 'waitForEvent' || self.tasks[0].name === 'waitForPage')) { // run the wait task and allow it to call the next task (continue the chain). self.tasks.shift().task(runner); // run the action task and block it from calling the next task. task.task(function () {}); } else { task.task(runner); } })(); }; window.monkey = new SpaceMonkey(); // // Default Actions // // Feel free to override these by creating a new file // such as 'SpaceMonkey.mine.js' and replace actions using: // // SpaceMonkey.extend('open', function (id, callback) { // console.log('my take on open.'); // callback(); // }); // (function (monkey) { function toPage(id) { return 'default/' + id.replace(/^#/, '') + '.html'; } function waitForPage(self, page, callback) { self.expect(1); var intervalId = setInterval(function () { if (self.window && self.window.location.href.indexOf(page) >= 0) { QUnit.ok(true, page + ' loaded'); clearTimeout(intervalId); callback(); } }, 100); } monkey.extend('open', function (id, callback) { id = toPage(id); this.window.location.href = id; waitForPage(this, id, callback); }); monkey.extend('click', function (selector, callback) { var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); var els = this.window.document.querySelectorAll(selector); console.log('els', els); els.forEach(function (el) { console.log('hre'); el.dispatchEvent(e); }); callback(); }); monkey.extend('waitForVisible', function (selector, callback) { var self = this; self.expect(1); var intervalId = setInterval(function () { var element = self.$(selector)[0], style = self.window.getComputedStyle(element, null); if (style && style.display !== 'none' && style.visibility === 'visible') { QUnit.ok(true, selector + ' is visible'); clearTimeout(intervalId); callback(); } }, 100); }); monkey.extend('waitForNotVisible', function (selector, callback) { var self = this; self.expect(1); var intervalId = setInterval(function () { var element = self.window.document.querySelector(selector); var style = self.window.getComputedStyle(element, null); if (!element || !style || style.display === 'none' || style.visiblity !== 'visible') { QUnit.ok(true, selector + ' is not visible'); clearTimeout(intervalId); callback(); } }, 100); }); monkey.extend('waitForEvent', function (selector, event, callback) { var self = this; self.expect(1); self.window.document.querySelector(selector).addEventListener(event, function () { ok(true, event + ' event fired on ' + selector); self.window.removeEventListener(event, arguments.callee, false); callback(); }, false); }); monkey.extend('waitForPage', function (id, callback) { var self = this; waitForPage(this, toPage(id), callback); }); monkey.extend('log', function (message, callback) { this.instructionEl.append('<li class="log">' + message + '</li>'); callback(); }); monkey.extend('instruct', function (message, items, callback) { if (arguments.length === 3) { if (!_.isArray(items)) { throw new Error('Second argument to instruct must be an array'); } } else { callback = items; items = false; } var newEl = $(templates.instruct({message: message})); // TODO this should happen in the template, but underscore templates are painfully ugly, IMO. if (items) { _.each(items, function (item) { newEl.find('ul').append('<li>' + item + '</li>'); }); } else { newEl.find('ul').remove(); } this.instructionEl.append(newEl); $(document).on('keypress.confirm', function (e) { if (e.which === 121) { $(document).off('keypress.confirm'); callback(); } }); }); monkey.extend('confirm', function (message, callback) { var li = $('<li class="confirmation">' + message + ' Press "y" or "n".</li>'), self = this; this.expect(1); $(document).on('keypress.confirm', function (e) { function done(ok) { $(document).off('keypress.confirm'); QUnit.ok(ok, message); callback(); } if (e.which === 121) { li.addClass('confirmed'); done(true); } if (e.which === 110) { li.addClass('failed'); if (self.config.bugUrl) { li.append(' <a target="_blank" href="' + self.config.bugUrl + '?title=' + encodeURIComponent(message) + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent('Encountered while running SpaceMonkey tests.\n\nBrowser:\n' + navigator.userAgent) + '">report bug</a>'); } done(false); } }); this.instructionEl.append(li); }); monkey.extend('repeat', function (fn, times, callback) { var self = this; function next() { if (times) {, next, times--); } else { callback(); } } next(); }); })(window.monkey);