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define(["./query", "./_base/lang", "./_base/array", "./dom-construct", "./dom-attr", "./NodeList-dom"], function(dquery, lang, array, construct, attr){ // module: // dojo/NodeList-manipulate /*===== return function(){ // summary: // Adds chainable methods to dojo.query() / NodeList instances for manipulating HTML // and DOM nodes and their properties. }; =====*/ var NodeList = dquery.NodeList; //TODO: add a way to parse for widgets in the injected markup? function getWrapInsertion(/*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // finds the innermost element to use for wrap insertion. //Make it easy, assume single nesting, no siblings. while(node.childNodes[0] && node.childNodes[0].nodeType == 1){ node = node.childNodes[0]; } return node; //DOMNode } function makeWrapNode(/*DOMNode||String*/html, /*DOMNode*/refNode){ // summary: // convert HTML into nodes if it is not already a node. if(typeof html == "string"){ html = construct.toDom(html, (refNode && refNode.ownerDocument)); if(html.nodeType == 11){ //DocumentFragment cannot handle cloneNode, so choose first child. html = html.childNodes[0]; } }else if(html.nodeType == 1 && html.parentNode){ //This element is already in the DOM clone it, but not its children. html = html.cloneNode(false); } return html; /*DOMNode*/ } lang.extend(NodeList, { _placeMultiple: function(/*String||Node||NodeList*/query, /*String*/position){ // summary: // private method for inserting queried nodes into all nodes in this NodeList // at different positions. Differs from because it will clone // the nodes in this NodeList if the query matches more than one element. var nl2 = typeof query == "string" || query.nodeType ? dquery(query) : query; var toAdd = []; for(var i = 0; i < nl2.length; i++){ //Go backwards in DOM to make dom insertions easier via insertBefore var refNode = nl2[i]; var length = this.length; for(var j = length - 1, item; item = this[j]; j--){ if(i > 0){ //Need to clone the item. This also means //it needs to be added to the current NodeList //so it can also be the target of other chaining operations. item = this._cloneNode(item); toAdd.unshift(item); } if(j == length - 1){, refNode, position); }else{ refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(item, refNode); } refNode = item; } } if(toAdd.length){ //Add the toAdd items to the current NodeList. Build up list of args //to pass to splice. toAdd.unshift(0); toAdd.unshift(this.length - 1); Array.prototype.splice.apply(this, toAdd); } return this; // dojo/NodeList }, innerHTML: function(/*String|DOMNode|NodeList?*/ value){ // summary: // allows setting the innerHTML of each node in the NodeList, // if there is a value passed in, otherwise, reads the innerHTML value of the first node. // description: // This method is simpler than the dojo/NodeList.html() method provided by // `dojo/NodeList-html`. This method just does proper innerHTML insertion of HTML fragments, // and it allows for the innerHTML to be read for the first node in the node list. // Since dojo/NodeList-html already took the "html" name, this method is called // "innerHTML". However, if dojo/NodeList-html has not been loaded yet, this // module will define an "html" method that can be used instead. Be careful if you // are working in an environment where it is possible that dojo/NodeList-html could // have been loaded, since its definition of "html" will take precedence. // The nodes represented by the value argument will be cloned if more than one // node is in this NodeList. The nodes in this NodeList are returned in the "set" // usage of this method, not the HTML that was inserted. // returns: // if no value is passed, the result is String, the innerHTML of the first node. // If a value is passed, the return is this dojo/NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"></div> // | <div id="bar"></div> // This code inserts `<p>Hello World</p>` into both divs: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("div").innerHTML("<p>Hello World</p>"); // | }); // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> // This code returns `<p>Hello Mars</p>`: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | var message = query("div").innerHTML(); // | }); if(arguments.length){ return this.addContent(value, "only"); // dojo/NodeList }else{ return this[0].innerHTML; //String } }, /*===== html: function(value){ // summary: // see the information for "innerHTML". "html" is an alias for "innerHTML", but is // only defined if dojo/NodeList-html has not been loaded. // description: // An alias for the "innerHTML" method, but only defined if there is not an existing // "html" method on dojo/NodeList. Be careful if you are working in an environment // where it is possible that dojo/NodeList-html could have been loaded, since its // definition of "html" will take precedence. If you are not sure if dojo/NodeList-html // could be loaded, use the "innerHTML" method. // value: String|DOMNode|NodeList? // The HTML fragment to use as innerHTML. If value is not passed, then the innerHTML // of the first element in this NodeList is returned. // returns: // if no value is passed, the result is String, the innerHTML of the first node. // If a value is passed, the return is this dojo/NodeList return; // dojo/NodeList|String }, =====*/ text: function(/*String*/value){ // summary: // Allows setting the text value of each node in the NodeList, // if there is a value passed in. Otherwise, returns the text value for all the // nodes in the NodeList in one string. // example: // Assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"></div> // | <div id="bar"></div> // This code inserts "Hello World" into both divs: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate"], function(query){ // | query("div").text("Hello World"); // | }); // example: // Assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars <span>today</span></p></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> // This code writes "Hello Mars todayHello World" to the console: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate"], function(query){ // | console.log(query("div").text()); // | }); // returns: // If no value is passed, the result is String: the text value of the nodes. // If a value is passed, the return is this dojo/NodeList. if(arguments.length){ for(var i = 0, node; node = this[i]; i++){ if(node.nodeType == 1){ attr.set(node, 'textContent', value); } } return this; // dojo/NodeList }else{ var result = ""; for(i = 0; node = this[i]; i++){ result += attr.get(node, 'textContent'); } return result; //String } }, val: function(/*String||Array*/value){ // summary: // If a value is passed, allows setting the value property of form elements in this // NodeList, or properly selecting/checking the right value for radio/checkbox/select // elements. If no value is passed, the value of the first node in this NodeList // is returned. // returns: // if no value is passed, the result is String or an Array, for the value of the // first node. // If a value is passed, the return is this dojo/NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <input type="text" value="foo"> // | <select multiple> // | <option value="red" selected>Red</option> // | <option value="blue">Blue</option> // | <option value="yellow" selected>Yellow</option> // | </select> // This code gets and sets the values for the form fields above: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query('[type="text"]').val(); //gets value foo // | query('[type="text"]').val("bar"); //sets the input's value to "bar" // | query("select").val() //gets array value ["red", "yellow"] // | query("select").val(["blue", "yellow"]) //Sets the blue and yellow options to selected. // | }); //Special work for input elements. if(arguments.length){ var isArray = lang.isArray(value); for(var index = 0, node; node = this[index]; index++){ var name = node.nodeName.toUpperCase(); var type = node.type; var newValue = isArray ? value[index] : value; if(name == "SELECT"){ var opts = node.options; for(var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++){ var opt = opts[i]; if(node.multiple){ opt.selected = (array.indexOf(value, opt.value) != -1); }else{ opt.selected = (opt.value == newValue); } } }else if(type == "checkbox" || type == "radio"){ node.checked = (node.value == newValue); }else{ node.value = newValue; } } return this; // dojo/NodeList }else{ //node already declared above. node = this[0]; if(!node || node.nodeType != 1){ return undefined; } value = node.value || ""; if(node.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT" && node.multiple){ //A multivalued selectbox. Do the pain. value = []; //opts declared above in if block. opts = node.options; //i declared above in if block; for(i = 0; i < opts.length; i++){ //opt declared above in if block opt = opts[i]; if(opt.selected){ value.push(opt.value); } } if(!value.length){ value = null; } } return value; //String||Array } }, append: function(/*String||DOMNode||NodeList*/content){ // summary: // appends the content to every node in the NodeList. // description: // The content will be cloned if the length of NodeList // is greater than 1. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the appended content. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("div").append("<span>append</span>"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p><span>append</span></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p><span>append</span></div> return this.addContent(content, "last"); // dojo/NodeList }, appendTo: function(/*String*/query){ // summary: // appends nodes in this NodeList to the nodes matched by // the query passed to appendTo. // description: // The nodes in this NodeList will be cloned if the query // matches more than one element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the matched nodes from the query. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <span>append</span> // | <p>Hello Mars</p> // | <p>Hello World</p> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("span").appendTo("p"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <p>Hello Mars<span>append</span></p> // | <p>Hello World<span>append</span></p> return this._placeMultiple(query, "last"); // dojo/NodeList }, prepend: function(/*String||DOMNode||NodeList*/content){ // summary: // prepends the content to every node in the NodeList. // description: // The content will be cloned if the length of NodeList // is greater than 1. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the appended content. // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("div").prepend("<span>prepend</span>"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div id="foo"><span>prepend</span><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <div id="bar"><span>prepend</span><p>Hello World</p></div> return this.addContent(content, "first"); // dojo/NodeList }, prependTo: function(/*String*/query){ // summary: // prepends nodes in this NodeList to the nodes matched by // the query passed to prependTo. // description: // The nodes in this NodeList will be cloned if the query // matches more than one element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the matched nodes from the query. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <span>prepend</span> // | <p>Hello Mars</p> // | <p>Hello World</p> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("span").prependTo("p"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <p><span>prepend</span>Hello Mars</p> // | <p><span>prepend</span>Hello World</p> return this._placeMultiple(query, "first"); // dojo/NodeList }, after: function(/*String||Element||NodeList*/content){ // summary: // Places the content after every node in the NodeList. // description: // The content will be cloned if the length of NodeList // is greater than 1. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the appended content. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("div").after("<span>after</span>"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div><span>after</span> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div><span>after</span> return this.addContent(content, "after"); // dojo/NodeList }, insertAfter: function(/*String*/query){ // summary: // The nodes in this NodeList will be placed after the nodes // matched by the query passed to insertAfter. // description: // The nodes in this NodeList will be cloned if the query // matches more than one element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the matched nodes from the query. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <span>after</span> // | <p>Hello Mars</p> // | <p>Hello World</p> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("span").insertAfter("p"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <p>Hello Mars</p><span>after</span> // | <p>Hello World</p><span>after</span> return this._placeMultiple(query, "after"); // dojo/NodeList }, before: function(/*String||DOMNode||NodeList*/content){ // summary: // Places the content before every node in the NodeList. // description: // The content will be cloned if the length of NodeList // is greater than 1. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the appended content. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("div").before("<span>before</span>"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <span>before</span><div id="foo"><p>Hello Mars</p></div> // | <span>before</span><div id="bar"><p>Hello World</p></div> return this.addContent(content, "before"); // dojo/NodeList }, insertBefore: function(/*String*/query){ // summary: // The nodes in this NodeList will be placed after the nodes // matched by the query passed to insertAfter. // description: // The nodes in this NodeList will be cloned if the query // matches more than one element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // dojo/NodeList, the nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, // not the matched nodes from the query. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <span>before</span> // | <p>Hello Mars</p> // | <p>Hello World</p> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("span").insertBefore("p"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <span>before</span><p>Hello Mars</p> // | <span>before</span><p>Hello World</p> return this._placeMultiple(query, "before"); // dojo/NodeList }, /*===== remove: function(simpleFilter){ // summary: // alias for dojo/NodeList's orphan method. Removes elements // in this list that match the simple filter from their parents // and returns them as a new NodeList. // simpleFilter: String // single-expression CSS rule. For example, ".thinger" or // "#someId[attrName='value']" but not "div > span". In short, // anything which does not invoke a descent to evaluate but // can instead be used to test a single node is acceptable. return; // dojo/NodeList }, =====*/ remove: NodeList.prototype.orphan, wrap: function(/*String||DOMNode*/html){ // summary: // Wrap each node in the NodeList with html passed to wrap. // description: // html will be cloned if the NodeList has more than one // element. Only DOM nodes are cloned, not any attached // event handlers. // returns: // the nodes in the current NodeList will be returned, // not the nodes from html argument. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <b>one</b> // | <b>two</b> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query("b").wrap("<div><span></span></div>"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div><span><b>one</b></span></div> // | <div><span><b>two</b></span></div> if(this[0]){ html = makeWrapNode(html, this[0]); //Now cycle through the elements and do the insertion. for(var i = 0, node; node = this[i]; i++){ //Always clone because if html is used to hold one of //the "this" nodes, then on the clone of html it will contain //that "this" node, and that would be bad. var clone = this._cloneNode(html); if(node.parentNode){ node.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, node); } //Find deepest element and insert old node in it. var insertion = getWrapInsertion(clone); insertion.appendChild(node); } } return this; // dojo/NodeList }, wrapAll: function(/*String||DOMNode*/html){ // summary: // Insert html where the first node in this NodeList lives, then place all // nodes in this NodeList as the child of the html. // returns: // the nodes in the current NodeList will be returned, // not the nodes from html argument. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query(".red").wrapAll('<div class="allRed"></div>'); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="allRed"> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | </div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> if(this[0]){ html = makeWrapNode(html, this[0]); //Place the wrap HTML in place of the first node. this[0].parentNode.replaceChild(html, this[0]); //Now cycle through the elements and move them inside //the wrap. var insertion = getWrapInsertion(html); for(var i = 0, node; node = this[i]; i++){ insertion.appendChild(node); } } return this; // dojo/NodeList }, wrapInner: function(/*String||DOMNode*/html){ // summary: // For each node in the NodeList, wrap all its children with the passed in html. // description: // html will be cloned if the NodeList has more than one // element. Only DOM nodes are cloned, not any attached // event handlers. // returns: // the nodes in the current NodeList will be returned, // not the nodes from html argument. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query(".red").wrapInner('<span class="special"></span>'); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="red"><span class="special">Red One</span></div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="red"><span class="special">Red Two</span></div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> if(this[0]){ html = makeWrapNode(html, this[0]); for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ //Always clone because if html is used to hold one of //the "this" nodes, then on the clone of html it will contain //that "this" node, and that would be bad. var clone = this._cloneNode(html); //Need to convert the childNodes to an array since wrapAll modifies the //DOM and can change the live childNodes NodeList. this._wrap(lang._toArray(this[i].childNodes), null, this._NodeListCtor).wrapAll(clone); } } return this; // dojo/NodeList }, replaceWith: function(/*String||DOMNode||NodeList*/content){ // summary: // Replaces each node in ths NodeList with the content passed to replaceWith. // description: // The content will be cloned if the length of NodeList // is greater than 1. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // The nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, not the replacing content. // Note that the returned nodes have been removed from the DOM. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query(".red").replaceWith('<div class="green">Green</div>'); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="green">Green</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="green">Green</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> content = this._normalize(content, this[0]); for(var i = 0, node; node = this[i]; i++){ this._place(content, node, "before", i > 0); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } return this; // dojo/NodeList }, replaceAll: function(/*String*/query){ // summary: // replaces nodes matched by the query passed to replaceAll with the nodes // in this NodeList. // description: // The nodes in this NodeList will be cloned if the query // matches more than one element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not // any attached event handlers. // returns: // The nodes currently in this NodeList will be returned, not the matched nodes // from the query. The nodes currently in this NodeLIst could have // been cloned, so the returned NodeList will include the cloned nodes. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query(".red").replaceAll(".blue"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="spacer">___</div> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | </div> var nl = dquery(query); var content = this._normalize(this, this[0]); for(var i = 0, node; node = nl[i]; i++){ this._place(content, node, "before", i > 0); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } return this; // dojo/NodeList }, clone: function(){ // summary: // Clones all the nodes in this NodeList and returns them as a new NodeList. // description: // Only the DOM nodes are cloned, not any attached event handlers. // returns: // a cloned set of the original nodes. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | </div> // Running this code: // | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-manipulate" // | ], function(query){ // | query(".red").clone().appendTo(".container"); // | }); // Results in this DOM structure: // | <div class="container"> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | <div class="blue">Blue Two</div> // | <div class="red">Red One</div> // | <div class="red">Red Two</div> // | </div> //TODO: need option to clone events? var ary = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ ary.push(this._cloneNode(this[i])); } return this._wrap(ary, this, this._NodeListCtor); // dojo/NodeList } }); //set up html method if one does not exist if(!NodeList.prototype.html){ NodeList.prototype.html = NodeList.prototype.innerHTML; } return NodeList; });