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define(["../has", "../_base/kernel"], function(has, dojo){ "use strict"; var testDiv = document.createElement("div"); var matchesSelector = testDiv.matches || testDiv.webkitMatchesSelector || testDiv.mozMatchesSelector || testDiv.msMatchesSelector || testDiv.oMatchesSelector; var querySelectorAll = testDiv.querySelectorAll; var unionSplit = /([^\s,](?:"(?:\\.|[^"])+"|'(?:\\.|[^'])+'|[^,])*)/g; has.add("dom-matches-selector", !!matchesSelector); has.add("dom-qsa", !!querySelectorAll); // this is a simple query engine. It has handles basic selectors, and for simple // common selectors is extremely fast var liteEngine = function(selector, root){ // summary: // A small lightweight query selector engine that implements CSS2.1 selectors // minus pseudo-classes and the sibling combinator, plus CSS3 attribute selectors if(combine && selector.indexOf(',') > -1){ return combine(selector, root); } // use the root's ownerDocument if provided, otherwise try to use dojo.doc. Note // that we don't use dojo/_base/window's doc to reduce dependencies, and // fallback to plain document if dojo.doc hasn't been defined (by dojo/_base/window). // presumably we will have a better way to do this in 2.0 var doc = root ? root.ownerDocument || root : dojo.doc || document, match = (querySelectorAll ? /^([\w]*)#([\w\-]+$)|^(\.)([\w\-\*]+$)|^(\w+$)/ : // this one only matches on simple queries where we can beat qSA with specific methods /^([\w]*)#([\w\-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$|(?:^|(>|.+\s+))([\w\-\*]+)(\S*$)/) // this one matches parts of the query that we can use to speed up manual filtering .exec(selector); root = root || doc; if(match){ var isInsideDomTree = has('ie') === 8 && has('quirks')? root.nodeType === doc.nodeType: root.parentNode !== null && root.nodeType !== 9 && root.parentNode === doc; // fast path regardless of whether or not querySelectorAll exists if(match[2] && isInsideDomTree){ // an #id // use dojo.byId if available as it fixes the id retrieval in IE, note that we can't use the dojo namespace in 2.0, but if there is a conditional module use, we will use that var found = dojo.byId ? dojo.byId(match[2], doc) : doc.getElementById(match[2]); if(!found || (match[1] && match[1] != found.tagName.toLowerCase())){ // if there is a tag qualifer and it doesn't match, no matches return []; } if(root != doc){ // there is a root element, make sure we are a child of it var parent = found; while(parent != root){ parent = parent.parentNode; if(!parent){ return []; } } } return match[3] ? liteEngine(match[3], found) : [found]; } if(match[3] && root.getElementsByClassName){ // a .class return root.getElementsByClassName(match[4]); } var found; if(match[5]){ // a tag found = root.getElementsByTagName(match[5]); if(match[4] || match[6]){ selector = (match[4] || "") + match[6]; }else{ // that was the entirety of the query, return results return found; } } } if(querySelectorAll){ // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique) // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements if (root.nodeType === 1 && root.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object"){ return useRoot(root, selector, root.querySelectorAll); }else{ // we can use the native qSA return root.querySelectorAll(selector); } }else if(!found){ // search all children and then filter found = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); } // now we filter the nodes that were found using the matchesSelector var results = []; for(var i = 0, l = found.length; i < l; i++){ var node = found[i]; if(node.nodeType == 1 && jsMatchesSelector(node, selector, root)){ // keep the nodes that match the selector results.push(node); } } return results; }; var useRoot = function(context, query, method){ // this function creates a temporary id so we can do rooted qSA queries, this is taken from sizzle var oldContext = context, old = context.getAttribute("id"), nid = old || "__dojo__", hasParent = context.parentNode, relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test(query); if(relativeHierarchySelector && !hasParent){ return []; } if(!old){ context.setAttribute("id", nid); }else{ nid = nid.replace(/'/g, "\\$&"); } if(relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent){ context = context.parentNode; } var selectors = query.match(unionSplit); for(var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++){ selectors[i] = "[id='" + nid + "'] " + selectors[i]; } query = selectors.join(","); try{ return, query); }finally{ if(!old){ oldContext.removeAttribute("id"); } } }; if(!has("dom-matches-selector")){ var jsMatchesSelector = (function(){ // a JS implementation of CSS selector matching, first we start with the various handlers var caseFix = testDiv.tagName == "div" ? "toLowerCase" : "toUpperCase"; var selectorTypes = { "": function(tagName){ tagName = tagName[caseFix](); return function(node){ return node.tagName == tagName; }; }, ".": function(className){ var classNameSpaced = ' ' + className + ' '; return function(node){ return node.className.indexOf(className) > -1 && (' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(classNameSpaced) > -1; }; }, "#": function(id){ return function(node){ return == id; }; } }; var attrComparators = { "^=": function(attrValue, value){ return attrValue.indexOf(value) == 0; }, "*=": function(attrValue, value){ return attrValue.indexOf(value) > -1; }, "$=": function(attrValue, value){ return attrValue.substring(attrValue.length - value.length, attrValue.length) == value; }, "~=": function(attrValue, value){ return (' ' + attrValue + ' ').indexOf(' ' + value + ' ') > -1; }, "|=": function(attrValue, value){ return (attrValue + '-').indexOf(value + '-') == 0; }, "=": function(attrValue, value){ return attrValue == value; }, "": function(attrValue, value){ return true; } }; function attr(name, value, type){ var firstChar = value.charAt(0); if(firstChar == '"' || firstChar == "'"){ // it is quoted, remove the quotes value = value.slice(1, -1); } value = value.replace(/\\/g,''); var comparator = attrComparators[type || ""]; return function(node){ var attrValue = node.getAttribute(name); return attrValue && comparator(attrValue, value); }; } function ancestor(matcher){ return function(node, root){ while((node = node.parentNode) != root){ if(matcher(node, root)){ return true; } } }; } function parent(matcher){ return function(node, root){ node = node.parentNode; return matcher ? node != root && matcher(node, root) : node == root; }; } var cache = {}; function and(matcher, next){ return matcher ? function(node, root){ return next(node) && matcher(node, root); } : next; } return function(node, selector, root){ // this returns true or false based on if the node matches the selector (optionally within the given root) var matcher = cache[selector]; // check to see if we have created a matcher function for the given selector if(!matcher){ // create a matcher function for the given selector // parse the selectors if(selector.replace(/(?:\s*([> ])\s*)|(#|\.)?((?:\\.|[\w-])+)|\[\s*([\w-]+)\s*(.?=)?\s*("(?:\\.|[^"])+"|'(?:\\.|[^'])+'|(?:\\.|[^\]])*)\s*\]/g, function(t, combinator, type, value, attrName, attrType, attrValue){ if(value){ matcher = and(matcher, selectorTypes[type || ""](value.replace(/\\/g, ''))); } else if(combinator){ matcher = (combinator == " " ? ancestor : parent)(matcher); } else if(attrName){ matcher = and(matcher, attr(attrName, attrValue, attrType)); } return ""; })){ throw new Error("Syntax error in query"); } if(!matcher){ return true; } cache[selector] = matcher; } // now run the matcher function on the node return matcher(node, root); }; })(); } if(!has("dom-qsa")){ var combine = function(selector, root){ // combined queries var selectors = selector.match(unionSplit); var indexed = []; // add all results and keep unique ones, this only runs in IE, so we take advantage // of known IE features, particularly sourceIndex which is unique and allows us to // order the results for(var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++){ selector = new String(selectors[i].replace(/\s*$/,'')); selector.indexOf = escape; // keep it from recursively entering combine var results = liteEngine(selector, root); for(var j = 0, l = results.length; j < l; j++){ var node = results[j]; indexed[node.sourceIndex] = node; } } // now convert from a sparse array to a dense array var totalResults = []; for(i in indexed){ totalResults.push(indexed[i]); } return totalResults; }; } liteEngine.match = matchesSelector ? function(node, selector, root){ if(root && root.nodeType != 9){ // doesn't support three args, use rooted id trick return useRoot(root, selector, function(query){ return, query); }); } // we have a native matchesSelector, use that return, selector); } : jsMatchesSelector; // otherwise use the JS matches impl return liteEngine; });