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define([ 'require', 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', './support/loaderTest', './support/pageReady' ], function (require, registerSuite, assert, loaderTest, pageReady) { function syncAsyncTests(url, exec) { url = require.toUrl(url); var sep = url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?'; return { 'sync': pageReady(url, exec), 'async': pageReady(url + sep + 'async', exec) }; } registerSuite({ name: 'dojo/_base/loader - requirejs', simple: syncAsyncTests( './requirejs/simple.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require({ baseUrl: './' }, [ 'map', 'simple', 'dimple', 'func' ], function (map, simple, dimple, func) { callback(JSON.stringify({ mapName:, simpleColor: simple.color, dimpleColor: dimple.color, funcOut: func() })); }); }).then(function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); assert.strictEqual(data.mapName, 'map'); assert.strictEqual(data.simpleColor, 'blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.dimpleColor, 'dimple-blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.funcOut, 'You called a function'); }).executeAsync(function (callback) { var path = this.location.href.replace(/simple\.html.*$/, 'foo'); var index = path.indexOf(':'); var noProtocolPath = path.substring(index + 1, path.length).replace(/foo/, 'bar'); var self = this; require([ path, noProtocolPath ], function () { callback(JSON.stringify({ fooName:, barName: })); }); }).then(function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); assert.strictEqual(data.fooName, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(data.barName, 'bar'); }); } ), config: syncAsyncTests( './requirejs/config.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { callback(JSON.stringify(window.testData)); }).then(function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); assert.strictEqual(data.simpleColor, 'blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.dimpleColor, 'dimple-blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.funcOut, 'You called a function'); }); } ), 'simple, no head': syncAsyncTests( './requirejs/simple-nohead.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require([ 'simple', 'dimple', 'func'], function (simple, dimple, func) { callback(JSON.stringify({ simpleColor: simple.color, dimpleColor: dimple.color, funcOut: func() })); }); }).then(function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); assert.strictEqual(data.simpleColor, 'blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.dimpleColor, 'dimple-blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.funcOut, 'You called a function'); }); } ), circular: pageReady( require.toUrl('./requirejs/circular.html?async'), function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require(['require', 'two', 'funcTwo', 'funcThree'], function (require, two, FuncTwo, funcThree) { var args = two.doSomething(); var twoInst = new FuncTwo('TWO'); callback(JSON.stringify({ size: args.size, color: args.color, name:, oneName: twoInst.oneName(), three: funcThree('THREE') })); }); }).then(function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); assert.strictEqual(data.size, 'small'); assert.strictEqual(data.color, 'redtwo'); assert.strictEqual(, 'TWO'); assert.strictEqual(data.oneName, 'ONE-NESTED'); assert.strictEqual(data.three, 'THREE-THREE_SUFFIX'); }); } ), 'url fetch': syncAsyncTests( './requirejs/urlfetch/urlfetch.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require({ baseUrl: './', paths: { 'one': 'two', 'two': 'two', 'three': 'three', 'four': 'three' } }, [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' ], function (one, two, three, four) { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var counts = {}; var url; /* First confirm there is only one script tag for each module */ for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { url = scripts[i].src; if (url) { if (!(url in counts)) { counts[url] = 0; } counts[url] += 1; } } var data = { oneName:, twoOneName: two.oneName, twoName:, threeName:, fourThreeName: four.threeName, fourName: }; if (require.async) { data.counts = []; for (var prop in counts) { data.counts.push(counts[prop]); } } callback(JSON.stringify(data)); }); }).then(function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.counts) { var count; while ((count = data.counts.shift()) !== undefined) { assert.strictEqual(count, 1); } } assert.strictEqual(data.oneName, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoOneName, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoName, 'two'); assert.strictEqual(data.threeName, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(data.fourThreeName, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(data.fourName, 'four'); }); } ), dataMain: syncAsyncTests( './requirejs/dataMain.html', function (command) { return command.execute(function () { return this.simple.color; }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(data, 'blue'); }); } ), depoverlap: syncAsyncTests( './requirejs/depoverlap.html', function (command) { return command.execute(function () { //First confirm there is only one script tag for each module: var scripts = this.document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var i; var counts = {}; var modName; var something; for (i = scripts.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { modName = scripts[i].getAttribute('data-requiremodule'); if (modName) { if (!(modName in counts)) { counts[modName] = 0; } counts[modName] += 1; } } something =; return { counts: counts, unoName:, dosName: something.dosName, tresName: something.tresName }; }).then(function (data) { //Now that we counted all the modules make sure count //is always one. var counts = data.counts; for (var prop in counts) { assert.strictEqual(counts[prop], 1); } assert.strictEqual(data.unoName, 'uno'); assert.strictEqual(data.dosName, 'dos'); assert.strictEqual(data.tresName, 'tres'); }); } ), // TODO: there are more of the i18n tests... 'i18n': { 'i18n': (function () { function i18nTest(command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { //Allow locale to be set via query args. var locale = null; var query = this.location.href.split('#')[0].split('?')[1]; var match = query && query.split('&')[0].match(/locale=([\w-]+)/); if (match) { locale = match[1]; } //Allow bundle name to be loaded via query args. var bundle = 'i18n!nls/colors'; match = query && query.match(/bundle=([^\&]+)/); if (match) { bundle = match[1]; } var red = 'red'; var blue = 'blue'; var green = 'green'; if (locale && locale.indexOf('en-us-surfer') !== -1 || bundle.indexOf('nls/en-us-surfer/colors') !== -1) { red = 'red, dude'; } else if ((locale && locale.indexOf('fr-') !== -1) || bundle.indexOf('fr-') !== -1) { red = 'rouge'; blue = 'bleu'; } require([ 'dojo' ], function (dojo) { // dojo/i18n! looks at dojo.locale locale && (dojo.locale = locale); require([ bundle ], function (colors) { callback({ red: {actual:, expected: red}, blue: {actual:, expected: blue}, green: {actual:, expected: green} }); }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(,; assert.strictEqual(,; assert.strictEqual(,; }); } return { 'locale unknown': syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/i18n/i18n.html?bundle=i18n!nls/fr-fr/colors', i18nTest), 'base': syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/i18n/i18n.html', i18nTest), 'locale': syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/i18n/i18n.html?locale=en-us-surfer', i18nTest), 'bundle': syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/i18n/i18n.html?bundle=i18n!nls/en-us-surfer/colors', i18nTest) }; })(), common: (function () { function commonTest(command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { //Allow locale to be set via query args. var locale = null; var query = this.location.href.split('#')[0].split('?')[1]; var match = query && query.match(/locale=([\w-]+)/); if (match) { locale = match[1]; } var red = 'red'; var blue = 'blue'; if (locale && locale.indexOf('en-us-surfer') !== -1) { red = 'red, dude'; } else if ((locale && locale.indexOf('fr-') !== -1)) { red = 'rouge'; blue = 'bleu'; } require([ 'dojo' ], function (dojo) { // dojo/i18n! looks at dojo.locale locale && (dojo.locale = locale); require([ 'commonA', 'commonB' ], function (commonA, commonB) { callback({ commonA: {actual: commonA, expected: red}, commonB: {actual: commonB, expected: blue} }); }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(data.commonA.actual, data.commonA.expected); assert.strictEqual(data.commonB.actual, data.commonB.expected); }); } return { base: syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/i18n/i18n.html', commonTest), locale: syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/i18n/i18n.html?locale=en-us-surfer', commonTest) }; })() }, paths: syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/paths/paths.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { var scriptCounter = 0; var self = this; require({ baseUrl: './', packages: [ { name: 'first', location: 'first.js', main: './first' } ] }, [ 'first!whatever' ], function (first) { //First confirm there is only one script tag for each //module: var scripts = self.document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var modName; for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { modName = scripts[i].getAttribute('src'); if (/first\.js$/.test(modName)) { scriptCounter += 1; } } var result = { async: require.async, globalCounter: self.globalCounter, name:, secondName: first.secondName }; if (require.async) { result.scriptCounter = scriptCounter; } callback(result); }); }).then(function (data) { if (data.async) { assert.strictEqual(data.scriptCounter, 1); } assert.strictEqual(data.globalCounter, 2); assert.strictEqual(, 'first'); assert.strictEqual(data.secondName, 'second'); }); }), relative: syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/relative/relative.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { // alias dojo's text module to text! define('text', [ 'dojo/text' ], function (text) { return text; }); require({ baseUrl: require.has('host-browser') ? './' : './relative/', paths: { text: '../../text' } }, [ 'foo/bar/one' ], function (one) { callback({ name:, twoName: one.twoName, threeName: one.threeName, message: one.message.replace(/\r|\n/g, '') }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoName, 'two'); assert.strictEqual(data.threeName, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(data.message, 'hello world'); }); }), text: (function () { function textTest(command, useAlias) { return command.executeAsync(function (useAlias, callback) { if (useAlias) { // alias dojo's text module to text! require({ aliases: [ [ 'text', 'dojo/text' ] ] }); } else { define('text', [ 'dojo/text' ], function (text) { return text; }); } require({ baseUrl: './', paths: { text: '../../text' } }, [ 'widget', 'local', 'text!resources/sample.html!strip' ], function (widget, local, sampleText) { var results = []; function makeResults(expected, actual) { results.push({ actual: actual.replace(/\s{2,}|\n/g, ''), expected: expected }); } makeResults('<span>Hello World!</span>', sampleText); makeResults('<div data-type="widget"><h1>This is a widget!</h1><p>I am in a widget</p></div>', widget.template); makeResults('subwidget', widget.subWidgetName); makeResults('<div data-type="subwidget"><h1>This is a subwidget</h1></div>', widget.subWidgetTemplate); makeResults('<span>This! is template2</span>', widget.subWidgetTemplate2); makeResults('<h1>Local</h1>', local.localHtml); callback(results); }); }, [useAlias]).then(function (data) { var test; while ((test = data.shift())) { assert.strictEqual(test.actual, test.expected); } }); } return { alias: syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/text/text.html', function (command) { return textTest(command, true); }), 'non-alias': syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/text/text.html', textTest) }; })(), 'text only': syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/text/textOnly.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { // alias dojo's text module to text! define('text', [ 'dojo/text' ], function (text) { return text; }); require({ baseUrl: './', paths: { text: '../../text' } }, [ 'text!resources/sample.html!strip'], function (sampleText) { callback(sampleText); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(data, '<span>Hello World!</span>'); }); }), exports: pageReady( require.toUrl('./requirejs/exports/exports.html'), function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require({ baseUrl: require.has('host-browser') ? './' : './exports/' }, [ 'vanilla', 'funcSet', 'assign', 'assign2', 'usethis', 'implicitModule', 'simpleReturn' ], function (vanilla, funcSet, assign, assign2, usethis, implicitModule, simpleReturn) { callback({ vanillaName:, funcSet: funcSet, assign: assign, assign2: assign2, implicitModule: implicitModule(), simpleReturn: simpleReturn() }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(data.vanillaName, 'vanilla'); assert.strictEqual(data.funcSet, 'funcSet'); assert.strictEqual(data.assign, 'assign'); assert.strictEqual(data.assign2, 'assign2'); assert.strictEqual(data.implicitModule, 'implicitModule'); assert.strictEqual(data.simpleReturn, 'simpleReturn'); }); } ), uniques: syncAsyncTests('./requirejs/uniques/uniques.html', function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require({ baseUrl: './' }, [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ], function (one, two, three) { callback({ oneName:, oneThreeName: one.threeName, oneThreeName2: one.threeName2, twoOneName: two.oneName, twoOneName2: two.oneName2, twoName:, twoThreeName: two.threeName, threeName: }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(data.oneName, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(data.oneThreeName, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(data.oneThreeName2, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoOneName, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoOneName2, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoName, 'two'); assert.strictEqual(data.twoThreeName, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(data.threeName, 'three'); }); })/*, TODO: Fix these tests 'simple, bad base': (function () { function badBaseTest(command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { // set the base URL require({ baseUrl: window.testBase + '/loader/requirejs/' }); require([ 'simple', 'dimple', 'func' ], function (simple, dimple, func) { callback({ simple: simple.color, dimple: dimple.color, func: func() }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(data.simple, 'blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.dimple, 'dimple-blue'); assert.strictEqual(data.func, 'You called a function'); return this.session.executeAsync(function (callback) { //This test is only in the HTML since it uses an URL for a require //argument. It will not work well in say, the Rhino tests. var path = location.href.replace(/simple-badbase\.html.*$/, 'foo'); var index = path.indexOf(':'); var noProtocolPath = path.substring(index + 1, path.length).replace(/foo/, 'bar'); require([ path, noProtocolPath ], function () { callback({ foo:, bar: }); }); }).then(function (data) { assert.strictEqual(, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(, 'bar'); }); }); } return { sync: pageReady(require.toUrl('./requirejs/simple-badbase.html'), badBaseTest), async: pageReady(require.toUrl('./requirejs/simple-badbase.html?async'), function (command) { return command.executeAsync(function (callback) { require([ 'dojo/sniff' ], function (has) { callback(has('ie')); }); }).then(function (ie) { if (!ie || ie > 6) { return badBaseTest(this.session); } }); }) }; })()*/ }); });