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/* globals fx, on, domGeometry, domClass, baseFx, aspect, createAnimationList */ define([ 'require', 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', 'intern/dojo/node!leadfoot/helpers/pollUntil' ], function (require, registerSuite, assert, pollUntil) { var FX_URL = './support/fx.html'; function getPage(context, url) { return context.get('remote') .setExecuteAsyncTimeout(5000) .get(require.toUrl(url)) .then(pollUntil('return ready || null;')); } function applyCompressClass(context) { return context .execute(function () { domClass.add('foo', 'compressed'); return domGeometry.position('foo'); }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results.h < 10); }); } registerSuite({ name: 'dojo/fx', '.slideTo': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.slideTo({ node: 'foo', duration: 500, left: 500, top: 50 }).play(); on(anim, 'End', function () { done(domGeometry.getMarginBox('foo')); }); }).then(function (results) { assert.equal(results.t, 50); assert.equal(results.l, 500); }); }, '.wipeOut': { '.play': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.wipeOut({ node: 'foo' }).play(); on(anim, 'End', function () { done(domGeometry.position('foo')); }); }).then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results.w < 5); }); }, 'onStop': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.wipeOut({ node: 'foo', duration: 1000 }); aspect.after(anim, 'onStop', function () { done(true); }, true);; setTimeout(function () { anim.stop(); }, 100); }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); } }, '.wipeIn': { '.play': function () { return applyCompressClass(getPage(this, FX_URL)) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.wipeIn({ node: 'foo' }).play(); on(anim, 'End', function () { done(domGeometry.position('foo')); }); }).then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results.h > 10); }); }, 'onStop': function () { return applyCompressClass(getPage(this, FX_URL)) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.wipeIn({ node: 'foo', duration: 1000 }); aspect.after(anim, 'onStop', function () { done(true); }, true);; setTimeout(function () { anim.stop(); }, 100); }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); } }, '.chain': { 'onEnd both children animations are stopped': function () { return applyCompressClass(getPage(this, FX_URL)) .executeAsync(function (done) { var wipeInAnim = fx.wipeIn({ node: 'foo', duration: 500 }); var fadeOutAnim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo', duration: 500 }); var anim = fx.chain([wipeInAnim, fadeOutAnim]); on(anim, 'End', function () { done({ status: { wipeIn: wipeInAnim.status(), fadeOut: fadeOutAnim.status(), anim: anim.status() } }); });; }) .then(function (results) { assert.equal(results.status.wipeIn, 'stopped'); assert.equal(results.status.fadeOut, 'stopped'); assert.equal(results.status.anim, 'stopped'); }); }, 'delay': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.chain(createAnimationList()); var timer; aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done({ expected: anim.duration, actual: +(new Date()) - timer }); }, true); timer = +(new Date());; }).then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results.actual > 100); assert.closeTo(results.actual, results.actual, 100); }); }, 'onEnd is called': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var fadeOutAnim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var fadeInAnim = baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var anim = fx.chain([fadeOutAnim, fadeInAnim]); aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done(); }, true);; }); }, 'onPlay is called': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var fadeOutAnim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var fadeInAnim = baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var anim = fx.chain([fadeOutAnim, fadeInAnim]); aspect.after(anim, 'onPlay', function () { done(); }, true);; }); }, 'chain multiple combine animations': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { // test chaining two combined() animations var anim1 = fx.combine([ baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'chained' }), baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'chainedtoo' }) ]); var anim2 = fx.combine([ baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'chained' }), baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'chainedtoo' }) ]); var anim = fx.chain([anim1, anim2]); aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done(true); }, true);; }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); } }, '.gotoPercent + .chain': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anims = [ baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'baz' }), baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'baz' }), fx.wipeOut({ node: 'baz' }), fx.wipeIn({ node: 'baz' }), fx.slideTo({ node: 'baz', top: 200, left: 300 }) ]; var chain = fx.chain(anims); var length = anims.length; var percent = 0.34; var totalActive = length - Math.floor(percent * length); var numRun = 0; for (var i = 0, anim; (anim = anims[i]); i++) { aspect.before(anim, 'onEnd', function () { numRun++; }); } aspect.after(chain, 'onEnd', function () { done(totalActive === numRun); }); chain.gotoPercent(percent, true); }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); }, '.combine': { 'test basic functionality': function () { return applyCompressClass(getPage(this, FX_URL)) .executeAsync(function (done) { var wipeInAnim = fx.wipeIn({ node: 'foo', duration: 500 }); var fadeInAnim = baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'foo', duration: 1000 }); var anim = fx.combine([wipeInAnim, fadeInAnim]); aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done({ status: { wipeIn: wipeInAnim.status(), fadeIn: fadeInAnim.status(), combine: anim.status() } }); }, true);; }) .then(function (results) { assert.equal(results.status.wipeIn, 'stopped'); assert.equal(results.status.fadeIn, 'stopped'); assert.equal(results.status.combine, 'stopped'); }); }, 'beforeBegin is called': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var fadeOutAnim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var fadeInAnum = baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var anim = fx.combine([fadeOutAnim, fadeInAnum]); aspect.after(anim, 'beforeBegin', function () { done(true); }, true);; }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); }, 'delay': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = fx.combine(createAnimationList()); var timer; aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done({ expected: anim.duration, actual: +(new Date()) - timer }); }, true); timer = +(new Date());; }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results.actual > 100); assert.closeTo(results.actual, results.actual, 100); }); }, 'onEnd is called': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var fadeOutAnim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var fadeInAnim = baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var anim = fx.combine([fadeOutAnim, fadeInAnim]); aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done(); }, true);; }); }, 'onPlay is called': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var fadeOutAnim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var fadeInAnim = baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'foo2', duration: 400 }); var anim = fx.combine([fadeOutAnim, fadeInAnim]); aspect.after(anim, 'onPlay', function () { done(); }, true);; }); }, 'combining chains': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { // test combining two chained() animations var anim1 = fx.chain([ baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'chained' }), baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'chained' }) ]); var anim2 = fx.chain([ baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'chainedtoo' }), baseFx.fadeIn({ node: 'chainedtoo' }) ]); var anim = fx.combine([anim1, anim2]); aspect.after(anim, 'onEnd', function () { done(true); }, true);; }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); } }, '.stop': { 'delay': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2', delay: 400 }); aspect.after(anim, 'onPlay', function () { done(false); }, true);; anim.stop(); setTimeout(function(){ done(true); }, 500); }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); }, 'delay passed to play': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo2' }); aspect.after(anim, 'onPlay', function () { done(false); }, true);; anim.stop(); setTimeout(function(){ done(true); }, 600); }) .then(function (results) { assert.isTrue(results); }); } }, '.destroy': function () { return getPage(this, FX_URL) .executeAsync(function (done) { var anim = baseFx.fadeOut({ node: 'foo', duration: 5000 }); var stopCalled = false; aspect.after(anim, 'stop', function () { stopCalled = true; }); anim.destroy(); done(stopCalled); }) .then(function (stopCalled) { assert.isTrue(stopCalled); }); } }); });