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define([ 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', 'require', 'dojo/_base/array' ], function (registerSuite, assert, require, array) { array.forEach(["query.html", "queryQuirks.html"], function (file) { array.forEach(["lite", "css2", "css2.1", "css3", "acme"], function (selector) { var tests = { name: file + ": " + selector, before: function () { return this.get("remote") .get(require.toUrl("./" + file)) .setExecuteAsyncTimeout(10000) .executeAsync(function (selector, send) { require([ 'dojo/query!' + selector, 'dojo/sniff', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/dom', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/request/iframe', 'dojo/domReady!' ], function (_query, _sniff, _array, _dom, _domConstruct, _iframe) { query = _query; has = _sniff; array = _array; dom = _dom; domConstruct = _domConstruct; iframe = _iframe; send(); }) }, [selector]) .execute(function () { createDocument = function (xml) { var fauxXhr = {responseText: xml}; if ("DOMParser" in window) { var parser = new DOMParser(); fauxXhr.responseXML = parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml"); } // kludge: code from dojo.xhr contentHandler to create doc on IE var result = fauxXhr.responseXML; if (has("ie")) { // Needed for IE6-8 if ((!result || !result.documentElement)) { var ms = function (n) { return "MSXML" + n + ".DOMDocument"; }; var dp = ["Microsoft.XMLDOM", ms(6), ms(4), ms(3), ms(2)]; array.some(dp, function (p) { try { var dom = new ActiveXObject(p); dom.async = false; dom.loadXML(fauxXhr.responseText); result = dom; } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }); } } return result; // DOMDocument } }); }, css2: { "basic sanity checks": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['h3'] = query('h3').length; result['#t'] = query('#t').length; result['#bug'] = query('#bug').length; result['#t h3'] = query('#t h3').length; result['div#t'] = query('div#t').length; result['div#t h3'] = query('div#t h3').length; result['span#t'] = query('span#t').length; result['.bogus'] = query('.bogus').length; result['.bogus-scoped'] = query('.bogus', dom.byId('container')).length; result['#bogus'] = query('#bogus').length; result['#bogus-scoped'] = query('#bogus', dom.byId('container')).length; result['#t div > h3'] = query('#t div > h3').length; result['.foo'] = query('.foo').length; result[''] = query('').length; result['.baz'] = query('.baz').length; result['#t > h3'] = query('#t > h3').length; result['null'] = query(null).length; return result; }).then(function (results) { assert.equal((results['h3']), 4); assert.equal((results['#t']), 1); assert.equal((results['#bug']), 1); assert.equal((results['#t h3']), 4); assert.equal((results['div#t']), 1); assert.equal((results['div#t h3']), 4); assert.equal((results['span#t']), 0); assert.equal((results['.bogus']), 0); assert.equal((results['.bogus-scoped']), 0); assert.equal((results['#bogus']), 0); assert.equal((results['#bogus-scoped']), 0); assert.equal((results['#t div > h3']), 1); assert.equal((results['.foo']), 2); assert.equal((results['']), 1); assert.equal((results['.baz']), 2); assert.equal((results['#t > h3']), 3); assert.equal((results['null']), 0); }); }, "comma1": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query('#baz,#foo,#t').length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 2); }); }, "comma2": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query('#foo,#baz,#t').length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 2); }); }, "syntactic equivalents": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["#t > *"] = query('#t > *').length; result[".foo > *"] = query('.foo > *').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result["#t > *"], 12); assert.equal(result[".foo > *"], 3); }); }, "with a root, by ID": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['> *'] = query('> *', 'container').length; result['> *, > h3'] = query('> *, > h3', 'container').length; result['> h3'] = query('> h3', 't').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['> *'], 3); assert.equal(result['> *, > h3'], 3); assert.equal(result['> h3'], 3); }); }, "compound queries": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['.foo, .bar'] = query('.foo, .bar').length; result['.foo,.bar'] = query('.foo,.bar').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['.foo, .bar'], 2); assert.equal(result['.foo,.bar'], 2); }); }, "multiple class attribute": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result[''] = query('').length; result['.foo'] = query('.foo').length; result['.baz'] = query('.baz').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result[''], 1); assert.equal(result['.foo'], 2); assert.equal(result['.baz'], 2); }); }, "case sensitivity": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return { baz: [query('span.baz').length, query('sPaN.baz').length, query('SPAN.baz').length], fooBar: query('.fooBar').length }; }) .then(function (result) { assert.deepEqual(result.baz, [1, 1, 1]); // For quirks mode, case sensitivity is browser dependent, so querying .fooBar // may return 1 or 2 entries. See #8775 and #14874 for details. if (!/quirks/i.test(file)) { assert.equal(result.fooBar, 1); } }); }, "attribute selectors": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query('[foo]').length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 3); }); }, "attribute substring selectors": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['[foo$=\"thud\"]'] = query('[foo$=\"thud\"]').length; result['[foo$=thud]'] = query('[foo$=thud]').length; result['[foo$=\"thudish\"]'] = query('[foo$=\"thudish\"]').length; result['#t [foo$=thud]'] = query('#t [foo$=thud]').length; result['#t [title$=thud]'] = query('#t [title$=thud]').length; result['#t span[title$=thud ]'] = query('#t span[title$=thud ]').length; result['[id$=\'55555\']'] = query('[id$=\'55555\']').length; result['[foo~=\"bar\"]'] = query('[foo~=\"bar\"]').length; result['[ foo ~= \"bar\" ]'] = query('[ foo ~= \"bar\" ]').length; result['[foo|=\"bar\"]'] = query('[foo|=\"bar\"]').length; result['[foo|=\"bar-baz\"]'] = query('[foo|=\"bar-baz\"]').length; result['[foo|=\"baz\"]'] = query('[foo|=\"baz\"]').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['[foo$=\"thud\"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['[foo$=thud]'], 1); assert.equal(result['[foo$=\"thudish\"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['#t [foo$=thud]'], 1); assert.equal(result['#t [title$=thud]'], 1); assert.equal(result['#t span[title$=thud ]'], 0); assert.equal(result['[id$=\'55555\']'], 1); assert.equal(result['[foo~=\"bar\"]'], 2); assert.equal(result['[ foo ~= \"bar\" ]'], 2); assert.equal(result['[foo|=\"bar\"]'], 2); assert.equal(result['[foo|=\"bar-baz\"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['[foo|=\"baz\"]'], 0); }); }, "descendant selectors": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['> *'] = query('> *', 'container').length; result['> [qux]'] = query('> [qux]', 'container').length; result['> [qux][0].id'] = query('> [qux]', 'container')[0].id; result['> [qux][1].id'] = query('> [qux]', 'container')[1].id; result['>*'] = query('>*', 'container').length; result['#bug[0].value'] = query('#bug')[0].value; // test id query doesn't match name // suppress exception for known bug #18516; remove this code if that bug is fixed. if(has("ie") <= 9 && has("quirks")){ result['#bug[0].value'] = "passed"; } return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['> *'], 3, '> *'); assert.equal(result['> [qux]'], 2, '> [qux]'); assert.equal(result['> [qux][0].id'], "child1", '> [qux][0].id'); assert.equal(result['> [qux][1].id'], "child3", '> [qux][1].id'); assert.equal(result['>*'], 3, '>*'); assert.equal(result['#bug[0].value'], "passed", '#bug[0].value'); }); }, "bug 9071": function () { // bug 9071 return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['t4 a'] = query('a', 't4').length; result['t4 p a'] = query('p a', 't4').length; result['t4 div p'] = query('div p', 't4').length; result['t4 div p a'] = query('div p a', 't4').length; result['t4 .subA'] = query('.subA', 't4').length; result['t4 .subP .subA'] = query('.subP .subA', 't4').length; result['t4 .subDiv .subP'] = query('.subDiv .subP', 't4').length; result['t4 .subDiv .subP .subA'] = query('.subDiv .subP .subA', 't4').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['t4 a'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 p a'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 div p'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 div p a'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 .subA'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 .subP .subA'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 .subDiv .subP'], 2); assert.equal(result['t4 .subDiv .subP .subA'], 2); }); }, "failed scope arg": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['thinger *'] = query('*', 'thinger').length; result['div#foo'] = query('div#foo').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['thinger *'], 0); assert.equal(result['div#foo'], 0); }); }, "escaping special characters with quotes": function () { // // bug 10651 return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['option[value="a+b"]'] = query('option[value="a+b"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; result['option[value="a~b"]'] = query('option[value="a~b"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; result['option[value="a^b"]'] = query('option[value="a^b"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; result['option[value="a,b"]'] = query('option[value="a,b"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['option[value="a+b"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['option[value="a~b"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['option[value="a^b"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['option[value="a,b"]'], 1); }); }, "selector with substring that contains equals sign - bug 7479": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query("a[href*='foo=bar']", 'attrSpecialChars').length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 1); }); }, "selector with substring that contains brackets - bug 9193, 11189, 13084": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['input[name="data[foo][bar]"]'] = query('input[name="data[foo][bar]"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; result['input[name="foo[0].bar'] = query('input[name="foo[0].bar"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; result['input[name="test[0]"]'] = query('input[name="test[0]"]', "attrSpecialChars").length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['input[name="data[foo][bar]"]'], 1); assert.equal(result['input[name="foo[0].bar'], 1); assert.equal(result['input[name="test[0]"]'], 1); }); }, "escaping special characters with backslashes": function () { // // selector with substring that contains brackets (bug 9193, 11189, 13084) // eval() converts 4 backslashes --> 1 by the time dojo.query() sees the string return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['input[name=data\\[foo\\]\\[bar\\]]'] = query("input[name=data\\[foo\\]\\[bar\\]]", "attrSpecialChars").length; result['input[name=foo\\[0\\]\\.bar]'] = query("input[name=foo\\[0\\]\\.bar]", "attrSpecialChars").length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['input[name=data\\[foo\\]\\[bar\\]]'], 1); assert.equal(result['input[name=foo\\[0\\]\\.bar]'], 1); }); }, "crossDocumentQuery": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; var t3 = window.frames["t3"]; var doc = iframe.doc(t3);; doc.write([ "<html><head>", "<title>inner document</title>", "</head>", "<body>", " <div id='st1'>", " <h3>h3", " <span>", " span", " <span>", " inner", " <span>", " inner-inner", " </span>", " </span>", " </span>", " endh3", " </h3>", " </div>", "</body>", "</html>" ].join("")); doc.close(); result["st1 h3"] = query('h3', dom.byId("st1", doc)).length; // use a long query to force a test of the XPath system on FF. see bug #7075 result['st1 h3 > span > span > span'] = query('h3 > span > span > span', dom.byId("st1", doc)).length; result['body.children[0] h3 > span > span > span'] = query('h3 > span > span > span', doc.body.children[0]).length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['st1 h3'], 1); assert.equal(result['st1 h3 > span > span > span'], 1); assert.equal(result['body.children[0] h3 > span > span > span'], 1); }); }, "escaping of ':' chars inside an ID": { "silly_IDs1": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["silly:id::with:colons"] = document.getElementById("silly:id::with:colons"); result["#silly\\:id\\:\\:with\\:colons"] = query("#silly\\:id\\:\\:with\\:colons").length; result["#silly\\~id"] = query("#silly\\~id").length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isNotNull(result["silly:id::with:colons"], "getElementById"); assert.equal(result["#silly\\:id\\:\\:with\\:colons"], 1, "query(\"#silly\\:id\\:\\:with\\:colons\")"); assert.equal(result["#silly\\~id"], 1, "query(\"#silly\\~id\")"); }); } }, "xml": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var doc = createDocument([ "<ResultSet>", "<Result>One</Result>", "<RESULT>Two</RESULT>", "<result><nested>Three</nested></result>", "<result>Four</result>", "</ResultSet>" ].join("")); var de = doc.documentElement; // note: don't name structure members after elements because it gets corrupted on IE (webdriver bug) return { lower: query("result", de).length, mixed: query("Result", de).length, upper: query("RESULT", de).length, nomatch1: query("resulT", de).length, nomatch2: query("rEsulT", de).length }; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.lower, 2, "all lower"); assert.equal(result.mixed, 1, "mixed case"); assert.equal(result.upper, 1, "all upper"); assert.equal(result.nomatch1, 0, "no match 1"); assert.equal(result.nomatch2, 0, "no match 2"); }); }, "xml_attrs": function () { var remote = this.get("remote"); if (/internet explorer/.test(remote.environmentType.browserName)) { return this.skip("do not run in IE till bug #14880 is fixed"); } return remote.execute(function () { var doc = createDocument([ "<ResultSet>", "<RESULT thinger='blah'>ONE</RESULT>", "<RESULT thinger='gadzooks'><CHILD>Two</CHILD></RESULT>", "</ResultSet>" ].join("")); var de = doc.documentElement; return { RESULT: query("RESULT", de).length, "RESULT[THINGER]": query("RESULT[THINGER]", de).length, "RESULT[thinger]": query("RESULT[thinger]", de).length, "RESULT[thinger=blah]": query("RESULT[thinger=blah]", de).length, "RESULT > CHILD": query("RESULT > CHILD", de).length }; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result["RESULT"], 2, "result elements"); assert.equal(result["RESULT[THINGER]"], 0, "result elements with attrs (wrong)"); assert.equal(result["RESULT[thinger]"], 2, "result elements with attrs"); assert.equal(result["RESULT[thinger=blah]"], 1, "result elements with attr value"); assert.equal(result["RESULT > CHILD"], 1, "Using child operator"); }); }, "sort": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var i = query("div"); // smoke test i.sort(function (a, b) { return 1; }); return true; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); }, "document_fragment": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; var detachedDom = domConstruct.toDom("<i><u><a></a><b id='b'></b></u></i>"); var documentFragment = domConstruct.toDom("<i></i> <u><a></a><b id='b'></b></u>"); var detachedDom2 = domConstruct.toDom("<i><u><a></a><b></b></u></i>"); var documentFragment2 = domConstruct.toDom("<i></i> <u><a></a><b></b></u>"); result["#b detached"] = query("#b", detachedDom).length; result["#b detached first child"] = query("#b", detachedDom.firstChild).length; result["#b fragment"] = query("#b", documentFragment).length; // In IE8 in quirks mode there is no text node on the document fragment result["#b fragment child"] = query("#b", has('ie') === 8 && has("quirks") ? documentFragment.childNodes[1] : documentFragment.childNodes[2]).length; result["#b detached2"] = query("#b", detachedDom2).length; result["#b fragment2"] = query("#b", documentFragment2).length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result["#b detached"], 1); assert.equal(result["#b detached first child"], 1); assert.equal(result["#b fragment"], 1); assert.equal(result["#b fragment child"], 1); assert.equal(result["#b detached2"], 0); assert.equal(result["#b fragment2"], 0); }); } } }; if (/css2.1|css3|acme/.test(selector)) { tests["css2.1"] = function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["h1:first-child"] = query('h1:first-child').length; result["h3:first-child"] = query('h3:first-child').length; result[".foo+ span"] = query('.foo+ span').length; result[".foo+span"] = query('.foo+span').length; result[".foo +span"] = query('.foo +span').length; result[".foo + span"] = query('.foo + span').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { // first-child assert.equal(result["h1:first-child"], 1); assert.equal(result["h3:first-child"], 2); // + sibling selector assert.equal(result[".foo+ span"], 1); assert.equal(result[".foo+span"], 1); assert.equal(result[".foo +span"], 1); assert.equal(result[".foo + span"], 1); }); }; } if (/css3|acme/.test(selector)) { tests["css3"] = { "sub-selector parsing": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query('#t').length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 1); }); }, "~ sibling selector": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result[".foo~ span"] = query('.foo~ span').length; result[".foo~span"] = query('.foo~span').length; result[".foo ~span"] = query('.foo ~span').length; result[".foo ~ span"] = query('.foo ~ span').length; result["#foo~ *"] = query('#foo~ *').length; result["#foo ~*"] = query('#foo ~*').length; result["#foo ~*"] = query('#foo ~*').length; result["#foo ~ *"] = query('#foo ~ *').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result[".foo~ span"], 4); assert.equal(result[".foo~span"], 4); assert.equal(result[".foo ~span"], 4); assert.equal(result[".foo ~ span"], 4); assert.equal(result["#foo~ *"], 1); assert.equal(result["#foo ~*"], 1); assert.equal(result["#foo ~*"], 1); assert.equal(result["#foo ~ *"], 1); }); }, "nth-child tests": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["#t > h3:nth-child(odd)"] = query('#t > h3:nth-child(odd)').length; result["#t h3:nth-child(odd)"] = query('#t h3:nth-child(odd)').length; result["#t h3:nth-child(2n+1)"] = query('#t h3:nth-child(2n+1)').length; result["#t h3:nth-child(even)"] = query('#t h3:nth-child(even)').length; result["#t h3:nth-child(2n)"] = query('#t h3:nth-child(2n)').length; result["#t h3:nth-child(2n+3)"] = query('#t h3:nth-child(2n+3)').length; result["#t h3:nth-child(1)"] = query('#t h3:nth-child(1)').length; result["#t > h3:nth-child(1)"] = query('#t > h3:nth-child(1)').length; result["#t :nth-child(3)"] = query('#t :nth-child(3)').length; result["#t > div:nth-child(1)"] = query('#t > div:nth-child(1)').length; result["#t :nth-child(3)"] = query('#t :nth-child(3)').length; result["#t > div:nth-child(1)"] = query('#t > div:nth-child(1)').length; result["#t span"] = query('#t span').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(n+10)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(n+10)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(n+12)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(n+12)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(-n+10)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(-n+10)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(-2n+10)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(-2n+10)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(2n+2)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(2n+2)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(2n+4)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(2n+4)').length; result["#t> *:nth-child(2n+4)"] = query('#t> *:nth-child(2n+4)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(n-5)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(n-5)').length; result["#t >*:nth-child(n-5)"] = query('#t >*:nth-child(n-5)').length; result["#t > *:nth-child(2n-5)"] = query('#t > *:nth-child(2n-5)').length; result["#t>*:nth-child(2n-5)"] = query('#t>*:nth-child(2n-5)').length; // function(){'_foo'), result[".foo:nth-child(2)"][0], ".foo:nth-child(2)"); }, return result; }) .then(function (result) { // nth-child tests assert.equal(result["#t > h3:nth-child(odd)"], 2, "#t > h3:nth-child(odd)"); assert.equal(result["#t h3:nth-child(odd)"], 3, "#t h3:nth-child(odd)"); assert.equal(result["#t h3:nth-child(2n+1)"], 3, "#t h3:nth-child(2n+1)"); assert.equal(result["#t h3:nth-child(even)"], 1, "#t h3:nth-child(even)"); assert.equal(result["#t h3:nth-child(2n)"], 1, "#t h3:nth-child(2n)"); assert.equal(result["#t h3:nth-child(2n+3)"], 1, "#t h3:nth-child(2n+3)"); assert.equal(result["#t h3:nth-child(1)"], 2, "#t h3:nth-child(1)"); assert.equal(result["#t > h3:nth-child(1)"], 1, "#t > h3:nth-child(1)"); assert.equal(result["#t :nth-child(3)"], 3, "#t :nth-child(3)"); assert.equal(result["#t > div:nth-child(1)"], 0, "#t > div:nth-child(1)"); assert.equal(result["#t span"], 7, "#t span"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(n+10)"], 3, "#t > *:nth-child(n+10)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(n+12)"], 1, "#t > *:nth-child(n+12)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(-n+10)"], 10, "#t > *:nth-child(-n+10)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(-2n+10)"], 5, "#t > *:nth-child(-2n+10)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(2n+2)"], 6, "#t > *:nth-child(2n+2)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(2n+4)"], 5, "#t > *:nth-child(2n+4)"); assert.equal(result["#t> *:nth-child(2n+4)"], 5, "#t> *:nth-child(2n+4)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(n-5)"], 12, "#t > *:nth-child(n-5)"); assert.equal(result["#t >*:nth-child(n-5)"], 12, "#t >*:nth-child(n-5)"); assert.equal(result["#t > *:nth-child(2n-5)"], 6, "#t > *:nth-child(2n-5)"); assert.equal(result["#t>*:nth-child(2n-5)"], 6, "#t>*:nth-child(2n-5)"); // function(){'_foo'), result[".foo:nth-child(2)"][0], ".foo:nth-child(2)"); }, }); }, ":checked pseudo-selector": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["#t2 > :checked"] = query('#t2 > :checked').length; result["#t2 > input[type=checkbox]:checked"] = query('#t2 > input[type=checkbox]:checked')[0] === dom.byId('checkbox2'); result["#t2 > input[type=radio]:checked"] = query('#t2 > input[type=radio]:checked')[0] === dom.byId('radio2'); result["#t2select option:checked"] = query('#t2select option:checked').length; result["#radio1:disabled"] = query('#radio1:disabled').length; result["#radio1:enabled"] = query('#radio1:enabled').length; result["#radio2:disabled"] = query('#radio2:disabled').length; result["#radio2:enabled"] = query('#radio2:enabled').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['#t2 > :checked'], 2); assert.isTrue(result['#t2 > input[type=checkbox]:checked']); assert.isTrue(result['#t2 > input[type=radio]:checked']); // This :checked selector is only defined for elements that have the checked property, option elements are not specified by the spec ( and not universally supported //assert.equal(result['#t2select option:checked'], 2); assert.equal(result['#radio1:disabled'], 1); assert.equal(result['#radio1:enabled'], 0); assert.equal(result['#radio2:disabled'], 0); assert.equal(result['#radio2:enabled'], 1); }); }, ":empty pseudo-selector": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["#t > span:empty"] = query('#t > span:empty').length; result["#t span:empty"] = query('#t span:empty').length; result["h3 span:empty"] = query('h3 span:empty').length; result["h3 :not(:empty)"] = query('h3 :not(:empty)').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['#t > span:empty'], 4); assert.equal(result['#t span:empty'], 6); assert.equal(result['h3 span:empty'], 0); assert.equal(result['h3 :not(:empty)'], 1); }); } }; } if (selector == "acme") { tests.acme = { "Case insensitive class selectors - bug #8775, #14874": function () { // Case insensitive class selectors (#8775, #14874). // In standards mode documents, querySelectorAll() is case-sensitive about class selectors, // but acme is case-insensitive for backwards compatibility. return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query(".fooBar").length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 1); }); }, "sub-selector parsing": function () { // TODO: move this test to CSS3 section when #14875 is fixed return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { return query('#t').length; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 1); }); }, "special characters in attribute values without backslashes": function () { // supported by acme but apparently not standard, see function attrSpecialCharsNoEscape() { // bug 10651 return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["option[value=a+b]"] = query('option[value=a+b]', 'attrSpecialChars').length; result["option[value=a~b]"] = query('option[value=a~b]', 'attrSpecialChars').length; result["option[value=a^b]"] = query('option[value=a^b]', 'attrSpecialChars').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result["option[value=a+b]"], 1, "value=a+b"); assert.equal(result["option[value=a~b]"], 1, "value=a~b"); assert.equal(result["option[value=a^b]"], 1, "value=a^b"); }); } }, "implied * after > (non-standard syntax)": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result['#t >'] = query('#t >').length; result['.foo >'] = query('.foo >').length; result['>'] = query('>', 'container').length; result['> .not-there'] = query('> .not-there').length; result['#foo ~'] = query('#foo ~').length; result['#foo~'] = query('#foo~').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['#t >'], 12); assert.equal(result['.foo >'], 3); assert.equal(result['>'], 3); assert.equal(result['> .not-there'], 0); assert.equal(result['#foo ~'], 1); assert.equal(result['#foo~'], 1); }); }, "implied * before and after + and ~ (non-standard syntax)": function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; result["+"] = query('+', 'container').length; result["~"] = query('~', 'container').length; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result['+'], 1); assert.equal(result['~'], 3); }); }, "check for correct document order": { // not sure if this is guaranteed by css3, so putting in acme section domOrder: function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var result = {}; var inputs = query(".upperclass .lowerclass input"); result["notbug"] = inputs[0].id; result["bug"] = inputs[1].id; result["checkbox1"] = inputs[2].id; result["checkbox2"] = inputs[3].id; result["radio1"] = inputs[4].id; result["radio2"] = inputs[5].id; result["radio3"] = inputs[6].id; return result; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result["notbug"], "notbug"); assert.equal(result["bug"], "bug"); assert.equal(result["checkbox1"], "checkbox1"); assert.equal(result["checkbox2"], "checkbox2"); assert.equal(result["radio1"], "radio1"); assert.equal(result["radio2"], "radio2"); assert.equal(result["radio3"], "radio3"); }); }, // TODO: move to css2 section after #7869 fixed for lite engine (on IE) xml_nthchild: function () { return this.get("remote") .execute(function () { var doc = createDocument([ "<ResultSet>", "<result>One</result>", "<result>Two</result>", "<result>Three</result>", "<result>Four</result>", "</ResultSet>" ].join("") ); var de = doc.documentElement; return query("result:nth-child(4)", de)[0]; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, "Four", "fourth child"); }); } } }; } registerSuite(tests); }); }); });