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define([ 'require', 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', '../support/ready' ], function (require, registerSuite, assert, ready) { /* globals tracker */ function loadPage(driver) { return driver.get('remote') .setExecuteAsyncTimeout(5000) .get(require.toUrl('./support/touch.html')); } function clickElement(element) { return; } function tapElement(element) { return element.tap(); } function moveMouseToElement(session, id) { return function () { return session.findById(id).then(function (element) { return session.moveMouseTo(element); }).end(); }; } registerSuite(function () { var tapOrClick; return { name: 'dojo/touch', 'before': function () { // Not all browsers or drivers support touch events tapOrClick = this.get('remote').environmentType.touchEnabled ? tapElement : clickElement; }, 'beforeEach': function () { return loadPage(this); }, 'click/tap': function () { var remote = this.get('remote'); var elementPromise = remote .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (on, touch) { window.log = []; var node = document.getElementById('upper-right'); on(node,, function () { log.push(''); }); on(node, touch.release, function () { log.push('touch.release'); }); on(node, 'mousedown', function () { log.push('mousedown'); }); on(node, 'mouseup', function () { log.push('mouseup'); }); on(node, 'click', function () { log.push('click'); }); done(); }); }) .findById('upper-right'); return tapOrClick(elementPromise) .execute(function () { return window.log.join(', '); }) .then(function (result) { // Test that proper touch.* events fired, and also that mousedown and mouseup weren't suppressed. // Tricky though because the order mousedown/mouseup events occurs varies by browser. // See assert(/touch\.press.*touch\.release.*click/.test(result), " --> touch.release --> click"); assert(/mousedown.*mouseup.*click/.test(result), "mousedown --> mouseup --> click"); }); }, 'move': function () { var session = this.get('remote'); return session .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['sinon', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (sinon, on, touch) { window.tracker = sinon.stub(); var node = document.getElementById('upper-right'); on(node, touch.move, tracker); done(); }); }) .execute(function () { return tracker.callCount; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 0); }) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-right')) .execute(function () { return tracker.called; }) .then(function (result) { assert.ok(result); }); }, 'cancel': function () { var session = this.get('remote'); return this.get('remote') .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['sinon', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (sinon, on, touch) { var node = document.getElementById('upper-left'); window.tracker = sinon.stub(); on(node, touch.cancel, tracker); done(); }); }) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-right')) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .execute(function () { return tracker.called; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); }, 'over': function () { var session = this.get('remote'); return session .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['sinon', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (sinon, on, touch) { var node = document.getElementById('upper-right'); window.tracker = sinon.stub(); on(node, touch.over, tracker); done(); }); }) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-right')) .execute(function () { return tracker.called; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); }, 'out': function () { var session = this.get('remote'); return session .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['sinon', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (sinon, on, touch) { var node = document.getElementById('upper-left'); window.tracker = sinon.stub(); on(node, touch.out, tracker); done(); }); }) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-right')) .execute(function () { return tracker.called; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); }, 'enter': function () { var session = this.get('remote'); return session .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['sinon', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (sinon, on, touch) { var node = document.getElementById('upper-right'); window.tracker = sinon.stub(); on(node, touch.enter, tracker); done(); }); }) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-right')) .execute(function () { return tracker.calledOnce; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); }, 'leave': function () { var session = this.get('remote'); return session .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-left')) .executeAsync(function (done) { require(['sinon', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/touch'], function (sinon, on, touch) { var node = document.getElementById('upper-left'); window.tracker = sinon.stub(); on(node, touch.leave, tracker); done(); }); }) .then(moveMouseToElement(session, 'upper-right')) .execute(function () { return tracker.calledOnce; }) .then(function (result) { assert.isTrue(result); }); } }; }); registerSuite(function () { var tapOrClick; return { name: 'dojo/touch dojoClick tests', 'before': function () { // Not all browsers or drivers support touch events tapOrClick = this.get('remote').environmentType.touchEnabled ? tapElement : clickElement; }, 'beforeEach': function () { return ready(this.get('remote'), require.toUrl('./support/touch_dojoclick.html')); }, 'press': function () { return tapOrClick(this.get('remote').findById('dojoClickBtn')) .execute(function () { return dojoClicks.value; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 1, 'dojoClicks'); }) .end() .findById('nativeClickBtn') .click() .execute(function () { return nativeClicks.value; }) .then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, 1, 'nativeClicks'); }) } }; }); });