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define([ 'require', 'dojo/Deferred', 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', 'intern/dojo/node!leadfoot/helpers/pollUntil', './window/iframe_content/scrollDocuments' ], function ( require, Deferred, registerSuite, assert, pollUntil, testScenarioDocuments ) { // There are many permutations of document layouts that need to be tested. // This function will generate a test for every layout scenario function generateTestsForScenarios(suite) { testScenarioDocuments.forEach(function (doc) { suite[doc.label] = function () { var visibleBefore; var visibleAfter; var hasScrolled; return this.get('remote').findById( .findByClassName('before') .getProperty('value').then(function (visible) { visibleBefore = parseInt(visible, 10); }) .end() .findByClassName('scrollBtn') .click() .end() .findByClassName('hasScrolled') .getProperty('value').then(function (scrolled) { hasScrolled = parseInt(scrolled, 10); }) .end() .findByClassName('after') .getProperty('value').then(function (visible) { visibleAfter = parseInt(visible, 10); }) .then(function () { if (hasScrolled) { assert.notOk(visibleBefore, 'scrolled, target should not be visible before'); assert.ok(visibleAfter, 'scrolled, target should be visible after'); } else { assert.ok(visibleBefore, 'not scrolled, target should be visible before'); assert.ok(visibleAfter, 'not scrolled, target should be visible after'); } }); }; }); } function getPage(suite, url) { return suite.get('remote') .get(require.toUrl(url)) .setExecuteAsyncTimeout(5000) .setFindTimeout(1000) .then(pollUntil('return ready;')); } registerSuite(function () { var suite = { name: 'dojo/window' }; suite['.scrollIntoView()'] = { setup: function () { return getPage(this, './window/scroll.html'); } }; generateTestsForScenarios(suite['.scrollIntoView()']); suite['.getBox'] = { setup: function () { return getPage(this, './window/viewport.html'); }, initial: function () { var viewportHeight; var documentHeight; return this.get('remote').execute('compute()') .findById('viewportHeight') .getProperty('value').then(function (height) { viewportHeight = parseInt(height, 10); }) .end() .findById('documentHeight') .getProperty('value').then(function (height) { documentHeight = parseInt(height, 10); }).then(function () { assert.isTrue(viewportHeight > documentHeight, 'expected viewport to be bigger than document'); }); }, expand: function () { var viewportHeightBefore; var viewportHeightAfter; return this.get('remote') .execute('compute();') .findById('viewportHeight') .getProperty('value').then(function (height) { viewportHeightBefore = parseInt(height, 10); }) .end() .execute('addText(); compute();') .findById('viewportHeight') .getProperty('value').then(function (height) { viewportHeightAfter = parseInt(height, 10); }).then(function () { assert.isTrue(viewportHeightAfter <= viewportHeightBefore, 'viewport increased in size before: ' + viewportHeightBefore + ' after: ' + viewportHeightAfter); assert.isTrue(viewportHeightAfter + 20 >= viewportHeightBefore, 'viewport didn\'t shrink, except for space taken by scrollbars'); }); } }; return suite; }); });