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define([ 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', '../../dom-attr', '../../dom-prop', '../../dom-style', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/sniff' ], function (registerSuite, assert, domAttr, domProp, domStyle, domConstruct, has, Deferred) { var attr = "data-dojo-test-attribute"; var value = "the value"; var node; var nodeIdIndex = 1; function generateId() { return "nodeid_" + nodeIdIndex++; } registerSuite({ name: 'dojo/dom-attr', ".get": { beforeEach: function () { node = domConstruct.toDom("<div " + attr + "='" + value + "'></div>");, document.body); }, afterEach: function () { domConstruct.destroy(node); }, "node + valid attribute": function () { //arrange //act var result = domAttr.get(node, attr); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when a Node and valid attribute are passed, then the correct value is returned"); }, "string + valid attribute": function () { //arrange var nodeId = generateId(); node.setAttribute("id", nodeId); //act var result = domAttr.get(nodeId, attr); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when a Node and valid attribute are passed, then the correct value is returned"); }, "node + 'innerHTML' returns property": function () { //arrange var expected = "the expected value"; node.innerHTML = expected; node.setAttribute("innerHTML", "not the expected value"); //act var result = domAttr.get(node, "innerHTML"); //assert assert.equal(result, expected, "when an attribute and a property exist on the node, then the property is returned"); }, "returns correct values": function () { //arrange var testAttributes = { "title": "the first value", "name": "the second value", "data-dojo-type": "the third value" }; for (var a in testAttributes) { node.setAttribute(a, testAttributes[a]); } //act var result = {}; for (var a in testAttributes) { result[a] = domAttr.get(node, a); } //assert for (var a in result) { assert.equal(result[a], testAttributes[a], "when an attribute is requested, then the correct value is returned"); } }, "forcedProp": function () { //arrange var propName = "innerHTML"; node[propName] = "the property value"; //act var result = domAttr.get(node, propName); //assert assert.equal(result, node[propName], "when the requested attribute is a 'forced prop', then the correct value is returned"); }, "textContent": function () { //arrange var expected = "the expected result"; node.innerHTML = expected; //act var result = domAttr.get(node, "textContent"); //assert assert.equal(result, expected, "when the textContent is requested, then the result from dom-prop::get is returned"); }, "boolean": function () { //arrange var name = "the boolean attribute"; var value = true; node[name] = value; //assert var result = domAttr.get(node, name); //act assert.strictEqual(result, value, "when the attribute's value is a boolean, then it is returned correctly"); }, "function": function () { //arrange var name = "the boolean attribute"; var value = function () { }; node[name] = value; //assert var result = domAttr.get(node, name); //act assert.strictEqual(result, value, "when the attribute's value is a function, then it is returned correctly"); }, "missing attribute": function () { //arrange var name = "the none existent attribute"; node.getAttributeNode = function () { return null; }; node[name] = undefined; //act var result = domAttr.get(node, name); //assert assert.isNull(result, "when the attribute doesn't exist, then 'null' is returned"); } }, ".set": { beforeEach: function () { node = domConstruct.toDom("<div></div>");, document.body); }, afterEach: function () { domConstruct.destroy(node); }, "node + name + value": function () { //arrange //act domAttr.set(node, attr, value); //assert assert.equal(node.getAttribute(attr), value, "when a node's attribute is set, then the node is updated properly"); }, "string + name + value": function () { //arrange var nodeId = generateId(); node.setAttribute("id", nodeId); //act domAttr.set(nodeId, attr, value); //assert assert.equal(node.getAttribute(attr), value, "when a node's id is provided to set, then the node is updated properly"); }, "node + dictionary": function () { //arrange var attributes = { name: "the name", "data-foo": "the foo value", title: "the title" }; //act domAttr.set(node, attributes); //assert for (var a in attributes) { assert.equal(attributes[a], node.getAttribute(a), "when a hash of attributes is set onto a node, then the attributes are set properly"); } }, "node + forcedProp": function () { //arrange var attributeName = "class"; var value = "the-css-class"; //act domAttr.set(node, attributeName, value); //assert assert.equal(node.className, value, "when the attribute is a forcedProp, then it is set properly"); }, "node + name + boolean": function () { //arrange var attr = "data-boolean"; var value = true; //act domAttr.set(node, attr, value); //assert assert.equal(node[attr], value, "when the attribute's value is a boolean, then it is set properly"); }, "node + name + function": function () { //arrange var attr = "data-function"; var value = function () { }; var origDomPropSet = domProp.set; var setNode, setName, setValue; domProp.set = function (node, name, value) { setNode = node; setName = name; setValue = value; } //act domAttr.set(node, attr, value); //assert assert.equal(setValue, value, "when the attribute's value is a function, then it is set properly"); domProp.set = origDomPropSet; }, "node + 'style' + string": function () { //arrange var style = "color: black;"; var styleNode, styleValue; //act domAttr.set(node, "style", style); //assert assert.equal(node.getAttribute("style"), style, "when the attribute is 'style' and a dictionary is set, then it is set properly"); }, "node + 'style' + dictionary": function () { //arrange var styles = { color: "white", backgroundColor: "red", opacity: 0 }; var styleNode, styleValue; var origDomStyle = domStyle.set; domStyle.set = function (node, value) { setNode = node; setValue = value; } //act domAttr.set(node, "style", styles); //assert assert.equal(setValue, styles, "when the attribute is 'style' and a dictionary is set, then it is set properly"); domStyle.set = origDomStyle; } }, ".remove": { beforeEach: function () { node = domConstruct.toDom("<div " + attr + "='" + value + "'></div>");, document.body); }, afterEach: function () { domConstruct.destroy(node); }, "node + attribute": function () { //arrange //act domAttr.remove(node, attr); //assert assert.isNull(node.getAttribute(attr), "when an attribute is removed from a node, then its value becomes 'null'"); }, "string + attribute": function () { //arrange var nodeId = generateId(); node.setAttribute("id", nodeId); //act domAttr.remove(nodeId, attr); //assert assert.isNull(node.getAttribute(attr), "when a node's id is used, then the requested attribute is removed"); }, "node + 'className'": function () { //arrange //act domAttr.remove(node, "className"); //assert assert.isNull(node.getAttribute("class"), "when a class in the 'attrNames' array, then the proper attribute is removed"); } }, ".getNodeProp": { beforeEach: function () { node = domConstruct.toDom("<div " + attr + "='" + value + "'></div>");, document.body); }, afterEach: function () { domConstruct.destroy(node); }, "node + name": function () { //arrange //act var result = domAttr.getNodeProp(node, attr); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when an attribute is requested from a node, then the correct value is returned"); }, "string + name": function () { //arrange var nodeId = generateId(); node.setAttribute("id", nodeId); //act var result = domAttr.getNodeProp(nodeId, attr); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when a node's id is passed, then the correct value is returned"); }, "node + 'className'": function () { //arrange var value = "the-css-class"; node.setAttribute("class", value); //act var result = domAttr.getNodeProp(node, "className"); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when 'className' is requested, then the node's class is returned"); }, "node + 'innerHTML' returns property": function () { //arrange var value = "the innerHTML value"; node.innerHTML = value; node.setAttribute("innerHTML", "not the expected value"); //act var result = domAttr.getNodeProp(node, "innerHTML"); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when 'innerHTML' is requested and there is both a property and attribute with that name, " + "then the node's property is returned"); }, "node + 'name' returns property": function () { //arrange var expected = "the value"; var attr = "name"; node[attr] = expected; node.setAttribute(attr, "not the expected value"); //act var result = domAttr.getNodeProp(node, attr); //assert assert.equal(result, value, "when an attribute is requested and there is both a property and attribute with that name, " + "then the node's property is returned"); } }, ".has": { beforeEach: function () { node = domConstruct.toDom("<div " + attr + "='" + value + "'></div>");, document.body); }, afterEach: function () { domConstruct.destroy(node); }, "node + name": function () { //arrange //acct var result = domAttr.has(node, attr); //assert assert.isTrue(result, "when an existing attribute on a node is checked for, then the call returns 'true'"); }, "string + name": function () { //arrange var nodeId = generateId(); node.setAttribute("id", nodeId); //acct var result = domAttr.has(nodeId, attr); //assert assert.isTrue(result, "when a node's id is provided and the requested attribute exists, then the call returns 'true'"); }, "node + 'innerHTML'": function () { //arrange node.innerHTML = null; //act var result = domAttr.has(node, "innerHTML"); //assert assert.isTrue(!!result, "when the 'innerHTML' is requested, then it always returns truthy"); }, "node + non existent name": function () { //arrange //acct var result = domAttr.has(node, "doesnotexist"); //assert assert.isFalse(!!result, "when an attribute that doesn't exist on a node is checked for, then the call returns 'true'"); } }, "validation tests": (function () { var container, inputNoType, inputWithType, inputNoTabindex, inputTabindexMinusOne, inputTabindexZero, inputTabindexOne, inputTextValue, inputNoDisabled, inputWithDisabled, inputWithDisabledTrue, divNoTabindex, divTabindexMinusOne, divTabindexZero, divTabindexOne, labelNoFor, labelWithFor, inputWithLabel; return { setup: function () { container = domConstruct.toDom("<div></div>"); inputNoType = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-no-type">'); inputWithType = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-with-type" type="checkbox">'); inputNoTabindex = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-no-tabindex">'); inputTabindexMinusOne = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-tabindex-minus-1" tabIndex="-1">'); inputTabindexZero = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-tabindex-0" tabIndex="0">'); inputTabindexOne = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-tabindex-1" tabIndex="1">'); inputTextValue = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-text-value" type="text" value="123">'); inputNoDisabled = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-no-disabled" type="text">'); inputWithDisabled = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-with-disabled" type="text" disabled>'); inputWithDisabledTrue = domConstruct.toDom('<input id="input-with-disabled-true" disabled="disabled">'); divNoTabindex = domConstruct.toDom('<div id="div-no-tabindex"></div>'); divTabindexMinusOne = domConstruct.toDom('<div id="div-tabindex-minus-1" tabIndex="-1"></div>'); divTabindexZero = domConstruct.toDom('<div id="div-tabindex-0" tabIndex="0"></div>'); divTabindexOne = domConstruct.toDom('<div id="div-tabindex-1" tabIndex="1"></div>'); labelNoFor = domConstruct.toDom('<label id="label-no-for">label with no for </label><input type="text" id="label-test-input">'); labelWithFor = domConstruct.toDom('<label id="label-with-for" for="input-with-label">label with for </label>'); inputWithLabel = domConstruct.toDom('<input type="text" id="input-with-label">');, document.body);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container);, container); }, teardown: function () { domConstruct.destroy(container); }, "getTypeInput": function () { assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(inputNoType, "type")); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(inputNoType, "type")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(inputWithType, "type")); assert.equal(domAttr.get(inputWithType, "type"), "checkbox"); }, "getWithString": function () { assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(, "type")); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(, "type")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(, "type")); assert.equal(domAttr.get(, "type"), "checkbox"); }, "attrId": function () { assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(, "id")); assert.equal(, domAttr.get(, "id")); var div = document.createElement("div"); assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(div, "id")); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(div, "id")); var nodeId = generateId(); domAttr.set(div, "id", nodeId); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(div, "id")); assert.equal(domAttr.get(div, "id"), nodeId); domAttr.remove(div, "id"); assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(div, "id")); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(div, "id")); }, "getTabindexDiv": function () { assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(divNoTabindex, "tabIndex")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.get(divNoTabindex, "tabIndex") <= 0); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(divTabindexMinusOne, "tabIndex")); if (!has("opera")) { // Opera (at least <= 9) does not support tabIndex="-1" assert.equal(domAttr.get(divTabindexMinusOne, "tabIndex"), -1); } assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(divTabindexZero, "tabIndex")); assert.equal(domAttr.get(divTabindexZero, "tabIndex"), 0); assert.equal(domAttr.get(divTabindexOne, "tabIndex"), 1); }, "getTabindexInput": function () { assert.isFalse(domAttr.has("input-no-tabindex", "tabIndex")); assert.isFalse(!!domAttr.get("input-no-tabindex", "tabIndex")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has("input-tabindex-minus-1", "tabIndex")); if (!has("opera")) { // Opera (at least <= 9) does not support tabIndex="-1" assert.equal(domAttr.get("input-tabindex-minus-1", "tabIndex"), -1); } assert.isTrue(domAttr.has("input-tabindex-0", "tabIndex")); assert.equal(domAttr.get("input-tabindex-0", "tabIndex"), 0); assert.equal(domAttr.get("input-tabindex-1", "tabIndex"), 1); }, "setTabindexDiv": function () { var div = document.createElement("div"); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(div, "tabIndex")); domAttr.set(div, "tabIndex", -1); if (!has("opera")) { // Opera (at least <= 9) does not support tabIndex="-1" assert.equal(domAttr.get(div, "tabIndex"), -1); } domAttr.set(div, "tabIndex", 0); assert.equal(domAttr.get(div, "tabIndex"), 0); domAttr.set(div, "tabIndex", 1); assert.equal(domAttr.get(div, "tabIndex"), 1); }, "setTabindexInput": function () { var input = document.createElement("input"); assert.isTrue(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex") <= 0); domAttr.set(input, "tabIndex", -1); if (!has("opera")) { // Opera (at least <= 9) does not support tabIndex="-1" assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex"), -1); } domAttr.set(input, "tabIndex", 0); assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex"), 0); domAttr.set(input, "tabIndex", 1); assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex"), 1); }, "removeTabindexFromDiv": function () { var div = document.createElement("div"); domAttr.set(div, "tabIndex", 1); assert.equal(domAttr.get(div, "tabIndex"), 1); domAttr.remove(div, "tabIndex"); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(div, "tabIndex")); }, "removeDisabledFromInput": function () { var input = document.createElement("input"); domAttr.set(input, "disabled", true); assert.isTrue(domAttr.get(input, "disabled")); domAttr.remove(input, "disabled"); assert.isFalse(domAttr.get(input, "disabled")); }, "removeTabindexFromInput": function () { var input = document.createElement("input"); domAttr.set(input, "tabIndex", 1); assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex"), 1); domAttr.remove(input, "tabIndex"); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex")); }, "setReadonlyInput": function () { var input = document.createElement("input"); assert.isFalse(domAttr.get(input, "readonly")); domAttr.set(input, "readonly", true); assert.isTrue(domAttr.get(input, "readonly")); domAttr.set(input, "readonly", false); assert.isFalse(domAttr.get(input, "readonly")); }, "attr_map": function () { var input = document.createElement("input"), input2 = document.createElement("input"), ctr = 0, callbackFired = false, map = { "tabIndex": 1, "type": "text", "onfocus": function (e) { ctr++; callbackFired = true; } }; domAttr.set(input, map); domAttr.set(input2, { "onfocus": function (e) { callbackFired = true; } }); document.body.appendChild(input); document.body.appendChild(input2); assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "tabIndex"), map.tabIndex, "tabIndex"); assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "type"), map.type, "type"); assert.equal(ctr, 0, "onfocus ctr == 0"); var def = this.async(1000); firstCallback = def.callback(function () { if (callbackFired) { console.log("one"); assert.equal(ctr, 1, "onfocus ctr == 1"); callbackFired = false; input2.focus(); } else { setTimeout(firstCallback, 50); //try again in a bit } }); secondCallback = def.callback(function () { if (callbackFired) { console.log("two"); callbackFired = false; input.focus(); } else { setTimeout(secondCallback, 50); //try again in a bit } }); thirdCallback = def.callback(function () { if (callbackFired) { console.log("three"); assert.equal(ctr, 2, "onfocus ctr == 2"); callbackFired = false; } else { setTimeout(thirdCallback, 50); //try again in a bit } }); callbackFired = false; firstCallback(); input.focus(); }, "attr_reconnect": function () { var input = document.createElement("input"), input2 = document.createElement("input"), callbackFired = false; var ctr = 0; domAttr.set(input, "type", "text"); domAttr.set(input, "onfocus", function (e) { ctr++; callbackFired = true}); domAttr.set(input, "onfocus", function (e) { ctr++; callbackFired = true }); domAttr.set(input, "onfocus", function (e) { ctr++; callbackFired = true }); domAttr.set(input2, "onfocus", function (e) { callbackFired = true }); document.body.appendChild(input); document.body.appendChild(input2); assert.equal(domAttr.get(input, "type"), "text"); assert.equal(ctr, 0); var def = this.async(1000); firstCallback = def.callback(function () { if (callbackFired) { assert.equal(ctr, 1, "onfocus ctr == 1"); callbackFired = false; input2.focus(); } else { setTimeout(firstCallback, 50); //try again in a bit } }); secondCallback = def.callback(function () { if (callbackFired) { callbackFired = false; input.focus(); } else { setTimeout(secondCallback, 50); //try again in a bit } }); thirdCallback = def.callback(function () { if (callbackFired) { assert.equal(ctr, 2, "onfocus ctr == 2"); callbackFired = false; } else { setTimeout(thirdCallback, 50); //try again in a bit } }); callbackFired = false; firstCallback(); input.focus(); }, "attrSpecials": function () { var node = document.createElement("div"), styleMap = { opacity: 0.5, width: "30px", border: "1px solid black" }, propMap = { innerHTML: "howdy!" }; document.body.appendChild(node); domAttr.set(node, { style: styleMap }); assert.equal(, styleMap.opacity); assert.equal(, styleMap.width); assert.equal(, styleMap.border.split(" ")[0]); domAttr.set(node, propMap); assert.equal(node.innerHTML, propMap.innerHTML); assert.equal(domAttr.get(node, "innerHTML"), propMap.innerHTML); domAttr.set(node, "innerHTML", "<span>howdy!</span>"); assert.equal(node.firstChild.nodeType, 1); assert.equal(node.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "span"); assert.equal(node.innerHTML.toLowerCase(), "<span>howdy!</span>"); assert.equal(domAttr.get(node, "innerHTML").toLowerCase(), "<span>howdy!</span>"); }, "testLabelForAttr": function () { // create label with no for attribute make sure requesting // it as for and html for returns null var label = document.createElement("label"); if (!has("ie")) { // IE always assumes that "for" is present assert.isNull(domAttr.get(label, "for")); assert.isNull(domAttr.get(label, "htmlFor")); } // add a for attribute and test that can get by requesting for domAttr.set(label, "for", "testId"); assert.equal(domAttr.get(label, "for"), "testId"); // add as htmlFor and make sure it is returned when requested as htmlFor var label2 = document.createElement("label"); domAttr.set(label2, "htmlFor", "testId2"); assert.equal(domAttr.get(label2, "htmlFor"), "testId2"); // check than when requested as for or htmlFor attribute is found assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(label, "for")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(label2, "htmlfor")); // test from markup // make sure testing if has attribute using for or htmlFor // both return null when no value set if (!has("ie")) { // IE always assumes that "for" is present assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(labelNoFor, "for")); assert.isFalse(domAttr.has(labelNoFor, "htmlFor")); } // when markup includes for make certain testing if has attribute // using for or htmlFor returns true assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(labelWithFor, "for")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.has(labelWithFor, "htmlFor")); // when markup include for attrib make sure can retrieve using for or htmlFor assert.equal(domAttr.get(labelWithFor, "for"), "input-with-label"); assert.equal(domAttr.get(labelWithFor, "htmlFor"), "input-with-label"); }, "attrInputTextValue": function () { assert.equal(inputTextValue.value, "123"); assert.equal(domAttr.get("input-text-value", "value"), "123"); domAttr.set("input-text-value", "value", "abc"); assert.equal(inputTextValue.value, "abc"); assert.equal(domAttr.get("input-text-value", "value"), "abc"); inputTextValue.value = "xyz"; assert.equal(inputTextValue.value, "xyz"); assert.equal(domAttr.get("input-text-value", "value"), "xyz"); inputTextValue.value = "123"; // fixes initialization problem when the test is reloaded }, "testInputDisabled": function () { assert.isFalse(domAttr.get("input-no-disabled", "disabled")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.get("input-with-disabled", "disabled")); assert.isTrue(domAttr.get("input-with-disabled-true", "disabled")); } }; })() }); });