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define([ 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', 'sinon', '../../dom-prop', '../../dom-style', '../../_base/connect' ], function (registerSuite, assert, sinon, domProp, domStyle, connect) { var baseId = "dom-prop", uniqueId = 0; function getId() { return baseId + uniqueId++; } var container; registerSuite({ name: 'dojo/dom-prop', setup: function () { container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); }, teardown: function () { document.body.removeChild(container); }, "names": { "maps values correctly": function () { //arrange //act //assert assert.equal(domProp.names["class"], "className"); assert.equal(domProp.names["for"], "htmlFor"); assert.equal(domProp.names["tabindex"], "tabIndex"); assert.equal(domProp.names["readonly"], "readOnly"); assert.equal(domProp.names["colspan"], "colSpan"); assert.equal(domProp.names["frameborder"], "frameBorder"); assert.equal(domProp.names["rowspan"], "rowSpan"); assert.equal(domProp.names["textcontent"], "textContent"); assert.equal(domProp.names["valuetype"], "valueType"); } }, "get()": { "node + string": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyName = "name", propertyValue = "the value"; node[propertyName] = propertyValue; //act var result = domProp.get(node, propertyName); //assert assert.equal(result, propertyValue); }, "string + string": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyName = "name", propertyValue = "the value", id = getId(); node[propertyName] = propertyValue; = id; container.appendChild(node); //act var result = domProp.get(id, propertyName); //assert assert.equal(result, propertyValue); }, "node + 'textContent'": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyName = "textContent", propertyValue = "the value"; node[propertyName] = propertyValue; //act var result = domProp.get(node, propertyName); //assert assert.equal(result, propertyValue); }, "attribute name is case-insensitive": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyName = "name".toUpperCase(), propertyValue = "the value"; node[propertyName] = propertyValue; //act var result = domProp.get(node, propertyName); //assert assert.equal(result, propertyValue); }, "getting attribute that is aliased in JavaScript gets correct attribute": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyValue = 42, attributes = [ { requested: "class", expected: "className" }, { requested: "for", expected: "htmlFor" }, { requested: "tabindex", expected: "tabIndex" }, { requested: "readonly", expected: "readOnly" }, { requested: "colspan", expected: "colSpan" }, { requested: "frameborder", expected: "frameBorder" }, { requested: "rowspan", expected: "rowSpan" }, { requested: "textcontent", expected: "textContent" }, { requested: "valuetype", expected: "valueType" }, ]; for (var i in attributes) { node[attributes[i].expected] = propertyValue; //act var result = domProp.get(node, attributes[i].requested); //assert assert.equal(result, propertyValue); } } }, "set()": { "node + string + string": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyName = "name", propertyValue = "the value"; //act domProp.set(node, propertyName, propertyValue); //assert assert.equal(node[propertyName], propertyValue); }, "string + string + string": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyName = "name", propertyValue = "the value", id = getId(); = id; container.appendChild(node); //act domProp.set(id, propertyName, propertyValue); //assert assert.equal(node[propertyName], propertyValue); }, "setting attribute that is aliased in JavaScript sets correct attribute": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyValue = 42, propertyNames = [ { requested: "class", expected: "className" }, { requested: "for", expected: "htmlFor" }, { requested: "tabindex", expected: "tabIndex" }, { requested: "readonly", expected: "readOnly" }, { requested: "colspan", expected: "colSpan" }, { requested: "frameborder", expected: "frameBorder" }, { requested: "rowspan", expected: "rowSpan" }, { requested: "textcontent", expected: "textContent" }, { requested: "valuetype", expected: "valueType" }, ]; for (var i in propertyNames) { //act domProp.set(node, propertyNames[i].requested, propertyValue); //assert assert.equal(node[propertyNames[i].expected], propertyValue); } }, "node + map": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), map = { name: "the name", id: getId() }; //act domProp.set(node, map); //assert for (var i in map) { assert.equal(node[i], map[i]); } }, "node + 'style' + any delegates to dojo/dom-style::set()": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyValue = { width: "100px" }, mock = sinon.spy(domStyle, "set"); //act domProp.set(node, "style", propertyValue); //assert assert.isTrue(mock.calledWith(node, propertyValue)); mock.restore(); }, "node + 'innerHTML' + string": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyValue = "<h1>Foo</h1>"; //act domProp.set(node, "innerHTML", propertyValue); //assert assert.equal(node.innerHTML, propertyValue); }, "<tag whose innerHTML is readonly in IE/> + 'innerHTML' + string": function () { //arrange var map = [ { tag: "table", markup: "<tbody><tr><td>Foo</td></tr></tbody>" }, { tag: "tbody", markup: "<tr><td>Bar</td></tr>" }, { tag: "tfoot", markup: "<tr><td>Baz</td></tr>" }, { tag: "thead", markup: "<tr><td>Buz</td></tr>" }, { tag: "tr", markup: "<td>quux</td>" }, { tag: "title", markup: "the value" } ]; for (var i in map) { var node = document.createElement(map[i].tag); //act domProp.set(node, "innerHTML", map[i].markup); //assert assert.equal(node.innerHTML, map[i].markup); } }, "node + 'textContent' + string": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyValue = "Foo"; //act domProp.set(node, "textContent", propertyValue); //assert assert.equal(node.textContent, propertyValue); }, "if property is already assigned as a function and 'null' is set, then function removed": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), oldPropertyValue = function () { }, propertyName = "foofunction"; node[propertyName] = oldPropertyValue; //act domProp.set(node, propertyName, null); //assert assert.isNull(node[propertyName]); }, "if property is already assigned as a function, then dojo/_base/connect::disconnect() called with correct args": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), oldPropertyValue = function () { }, newPropertyValue = function () { }, propertyName = "foofunction", mock = sinon.spy(connect, "disconnect"); domProp.set(node, propertyName, oldPropertyValue); //act domProp.set(node, propertyName, newPropertyValue); //assert assert.isTrue(mock.called); mock.restore(); }, "node + string + function": function () { //arrange var node = document.createElement("div"), propertyValue = function () { }, propertyName = "foofunction", mock = sinon.spy(connect, "connect"); //act domProp.set(node, propertyName, propertyValue); //assert assert.isTrue(mock.calledWith(node, propertyName, propertyValue)); mock.restore(); } } }); });