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define([ 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', 'sinon', '../../../errors/create', '../../../_base/lang' ], function (registerSuite, assert, sinon, create, lang) { registerSuite({ name: 'dojo/errors/create', "prototype properties": function () { //arrange var name = "the name", props = { foo: "bar", baz: "buz" }, expectedPrototype = { qux: 42 }, base = new Error(), mock = sinon.stub(lang, "delegate").returns(expectedPrototype); //act var result = create(name, null, base, props); //assert assert.isTrue(mock.calledWith(base.prototype, props)); assert.equal(result.prototype, expectedPrototype); assert.equal(, name); assert.equal(result.prototype.constructor, result); mock.restore(); }, "string + null + Error + props captures error properties": function () { if (Error.captureStackTrace) { //arrange var message = "the message", ErrorClass = create("foo", null, Error); //act var result = new ErrorClass(message); //assert assert.isDefined(result.stack); assert.equal(result.message, message); assert.instanceOf(result, Error); } else { this.skip("Only valid on clients that support Error.captureStackTrace"); } }, "string + null + non-Error func + props calls non-Error func": function () { //arrange var caughtThis, caughtArgs, mock = function () { caughtThis = this; caughtArgs = arguments; }, message = "the message", ErrorClass = create("", null, mock); //act var result = new ErrorClass(message); //assert assert.equal(caughtArgs[0], message); assert.equal(caughtThis, result); }, "string + function + Error + props calls function": function () { //arrange var caughtThis, caughtArgs, mock = function () { caughtThis = this; caughtArgs = arguments; }, message = "the message", ErrorClass = create("", mock, Error); //act var result = new ErrorClass(message); //assert assert.equal(caughtArgs[0], message); assert.equal(caughtThis, result); }, "validation tests": (function () { var TestError = create("TestError", function (message, foo) { = foo; }); var OtherError = create("OtherError", function (message, foo, bar) { = bar; }, TestError, { getBar: function () { return; } }); var testError = new TestError("hello", "asdf"), otherError = new OtherError("goodbye", "qwerty", "blah"); return { "TestError": function () { assert.instanceOf(testError, Error, "testError should be an instance of Error"); assert.instanceOf(testError, TestError, "testError should be an instance of TestError"); assert.notInstanceOf(testError, OtherError, "testError should not be an instance of OtherError"); assert.notProperty(testError, "getBar", "testError should not have a 'getBar' property"); assert.equal(testError.message, "hello", "testError's message property should be 'hello'"); if ((new Error()).stack) { assert.isTrue(!!testError.stack, "custom error should have stack set"); } }, "OtherError": function () { assert.instanceOf(otherError, Error, "otherError should be an instance of Error"); assert.instanceOf(otherError, TestError, "otherError should be an instance of TestError"); assert.instanceOf(otherError, OtherError, "otherError should be an instance of OtherError");, "getBar", "otherError should have a 'getBar' property"); assert.isFalse(otherError.hasOwnProperty("getBar"), "otherError should not have a 'getBar' own property"); assert.equal(otherError.getBar(), "blah", "otherError should return 'blah' from getBar()"); assert.equal(otherError.message, "goodbye", "otherError's message property should be 'goodbye'"); } } })() }); });