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define([ 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', 'sinon', '../../html', '../../parser', '../../_base/kernel', 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/Deferred', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/text!./support/html.template.html' ], function (registerSuite, assert, sinon, html, parser, dojo, declare, Deferred, domConstruct, query, arrayUtil, template) { /* globals ifrs, id00, id01 */ function ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags (str){ return str.replace(/(<[a-z]*[^>]*>)\s*/ig, '$1'); } function deleteGlobal(name) { window[name] = undefined; try { delete window[name]; } catch(e) { /* ie is special */ } } registerSuite(function () { var container; function testHtmlSet(node, markup) { if(typeof node === 'string') { node = query(node, container)[0]; } html.set(node, markup); assert.strictEqual(ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(node.innerHTML), markup); return node; } return { name: 'dojo/html', 'before': function () { declare('SimpleThing', null, { constructor: function(params, node) { node.setAttribute('test', 'ok'); } }); }, beforeEach: function () { container =, document.body); }, afterEach: function () { document.body.removeChild(container); container = null; deleteGlobal('ifrs'); deleteGlobal('id00'); deleteGlobal('id01'); }, 'after': function () { deleteGlobal('SimpleThing'); }, '.set': { 'basic usage': function () { var markup = 'expected'; testHtmlSet(container, markup); }, 'attach onEnd handler': function () { var msg = 'expected'; var handler = sinon.stub(); html.set(container, msg, { onEnd: handler }); assert.isTrue(handler.calledOnce); }, 'parseContent: true': function () { var dfd = new Deferred(); /* jshint maxlen: 130 */ // splitting this line doesn't make it more readable var content = '<div data-' + dojo._scopeName + '-type="SimpleThing" data-' + dojo._scopeName + '-id="ifrs" data="{}"></div>'; var options = { parseContent: true, postscript: function () { this.set(); assert.isDefined(ifrs); assert.strictEqual(ifrs.declaredClass, 'SimpleThing'); assert.lengthOf(this.parseResults, 1); dfd.resolve(); } }; html.set(container, content, options); return dfd; }, 'change content of tr in thead': function () { var query = '#tableTest > thead > tr'; var markup = '<td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td>'; testHtmlSet(query, markup); }, 'change content of th in thead': function () { var query = '#tableTest > thead'; var markup = '<tr><td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td></tr>'; testHtmlSet(query, markup); }, 'change content of tr in tbody': function () { var query = '#tableTest > tbody > tr'; var markup = '<td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td>'; testHtmlSet(query, markup); }, 'change content of tbody': function () { var query = '#tableTest > tbody'; var markup = '<tr><td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td></tr>'; testHtmlSet(query, markup); }, 'change content of table': function () { var query = '#tableTest'; var markup = '<tbody><tr><td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td></tr></tbody>'; testHtmlSet(query, markup); }, 'basic NodeList': function () { var tmpUL = domConstruct.create('ul'); domConstruct.create('li', { innerHTML: 'item 1' }, tmpUL); domConstruct.create('li', { innerHTML: 'item 2' }, tmpUL); html.set(container, tmpUL.childNodes); assert.lengthOf(query('li', container), 2); }, 'mixed content': function () { var markup = '<h4>See Jane</h4>Look at her <span>Run</span>!'; testHtmlSet(container, markup); }, 'extractContent: true': function () { var markup = '' + '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">' + '<html> ' + ' <head> ' + ' <title> ' + ' the title ' + ' </title> ' + ' </head> ' + ' <body> ' + ' <p> ' + ' This is the <b>Good Stuff</b><br> ' + ' </p> ' + ' </body> ' + '</html> '; html.set(container, markup, { extractContent: true }); assert.strictEqual(container.innerHTML.indexOf('title'), -1); assert.lengthOf(query('*', container), 3); }, 'inheritance': (function() { var parseSpy; function runTest(options) { /* jshint maxlen: 130 */ // splitting this line doesn't make it more readable var markup = '<div data-dojo-testing-type="SimpleThing" data-dojo-testing-id="ifrs" data="{}"></div>'; html.set(container, markup, options); return parseSpy.lastCall.args[0].inherited; } return { 'beforeEach': function () { parseSpy = sinon.spy(parser, 'parse'); }, 'afterEach': function () { parseSpy.restore(); delete window.ifrs; }, 'dir, lang, textDir are not specified': function () { var options = { parseContent: true }; var inherited = runTest(options); assert.isTrue(parseSpy.called); assert.isUndefined(inherited.dir, 'dir should not exist'); assert.isUndefined(inherited.lang, 'lang should not exist'); assert.isUndefined(inherited.textDir, 'textDir should not exist'); }, 'dir, lang, textDir are specified': function () { var options = { parseContent: true, dir: 'expectedDir', lang: 'expectedLang', textDir: 'expectedTextDir' }; var inherited = runTest(options); assert.isTrue(parseSpy.called); assert.strictEqual(inherited.dir, options.dir); assert.strictEqual(inherited.lang, options.lang); assert.strictEqual(inherited.textDir, options.textDir); } }; }()), '_emptyNode': function () { container.innerHTML = '<div><span>just</span>some test<br/></div>text'; html._emptyNode(container); assert.lengthOf(container.childNodes, 0); assert.strictEqual(container.innerHTML, ''); }, '_ContentSetter': function () { /* jshint maxlen: 130 */ // splitting these lines doesn't make it more readable var args = [ [ 'simple' ], [ '<div data-' + dojo._scopeName + '-type="SimpleThing" data-' + dojo._scopeName + '-id="id00">parsed content</div>', { parseContent: true } ], [ '<div data-' + dojo._scopeName + '-type="SimpleThing" data-' + dojo._scopeName + '-id="id01">parsed content</div>', { parseContent: true } ] ]; var setter = new html._ContentSetter({ node: container }); arrayUtil.forEach(args, function (applyArgs) { setter.node = container; setter.set.apply(setter, applyArgs); setter.tearDown(); }); assert.isDefined(id00); assert.isDefined(id01); assert.isUndefined(setter.parseResults); } } }; }); });