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define([ 'intern!object', 'intern/chai!assert', '../../on', '../../Evented', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/has', 'dojo/has!host-browser?dojo/dom-construct', // Included to test on.selector 'dojo/has!host-browser?../../query', 'dojo/has!host-browser?dojo/domReady!' ], function (registerSuite, assert, on, Evented, lang, arrayUtil, has, domConstruct) { var handles = []; var originalOn = on; on = function () { var handle = originalOn.apply(null, arguments); handles.push(handle); return handle; }; for (var key in originalOn) { on[key] = originalOn[key]; } function cleanUpListeners() { while (handles.length > 0) { handles.pop().remove(); } } function createCommonTests(args) { var target, testEventName = args.eventName; return { beforeEach: function () { target = args.createTarget(); }, afterEach: function () { // This would ideally be specified in a suite-wide afterEach, // but Safari throws exceptions if listener clean-up occurs after DOM nodes are destroyed cleanUpListeners(); args.destroyTarget && args.destroyTarget(target); }, 'on and on.emit': function () { var listenerCallCount = 0, emittedEvent; on(target, testEventName, function (actualEvent) { listenerCallCount++; assert.strictEqual(actualEvent.value, emittedEvent.value); }); emittedEvent = { value: 'foo' }; on.emit(target, testEventName, emittedEvent); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); emittedEvent = { value: 'bar' }; on.emit(target, testEventName, emittedEvent); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 2); }, '.emit return value': function () { var returnValue = on.emit(target, testEventName, { cancelable: false }); assert.ok(returnValue); assert.propertyVal(returnValue, 'cancelable', false); returnValue = on.emit(target, testEventName, { cancelable: true }); assert.ok(returnValue); assert.propertyVal(returnValue, 'cancelable', true); on(target, testEventName, function (event) { if ('preventDefault' in event) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.cancelable = false; } }); assert.isFalse(on.emit(target, testEventName, { cancelable: true })); }, 'on - multiple event names': function () { var listenerCallCount = 0, emittedEventType, emittedEvent; on(target, 'test1, test2', function (actualEvent) { listenerCallCount++; if (emittedEventType in actualEvent) { assert.strictEqual(actualEvent.type, emittedEventType); } assert.strictEqual(actualEvent.value, emittedEvent.value); }); emittedEventType = 'test1'; emittedEvent = { value: 'foo' }; on.emit(target, emittedEventType, emittedEvent); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); emittedEventType = 'test2'; emittedEvent = { value: 'bar' }; on.emit(target, emittedEventType, emittedEvent); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 2); }, 'on - multiple handlers': function () { var order = []; var customEvent = function (target, listener) { return on(target, 'custom', listener); }; on(target, 'a, b', function (event) { order.push(1 + event.type); }); on(target, [ 'a', customEvent ], function (event) { order.push(2 + event.type); }); on.emit(target, 'a', { type: 'a' }); on.emit(target, 'b', { type: 'b' }); on.emit(target, 'custom', { type: 'custom' }); assert.deepEqual(order, [ '1a', '2a', '1b', '2custom' ]); }, 'on - extension events': function () { var listenerCallCount = 0, emittedEvent, extensionEvent = function (target, listener) { return on(target, testEventName, listener); }; on(target, extensionEvent, function (actualEvent) { listenerCallCount++; assert.strictEqual(actualEvent.value, emittedEvent.value); }); emittedEvent = { value: 'foo' }; on.emit(target, testEventName, emittedEvent); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); emittedEvent = { value: 'bar' }; on.emit(target, testEventName, emittedEvent); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 2); }, '.pausable': function () { var listenerCallCount = 0, handle = on.pausable(target, testEventName, function () { listenerCallCount++; }); on.emit(target, testEventName, {}); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); handle.pause(); on.emit(target, testEventName, {}); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); handle.resume(); on.emit(target, testEventName, {}); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 2); }, '.once': function () { var listenerCallCount = 0; on.once(target, testEventName, function () { ++listenerCallCount; }); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 0); on.emit(target, testEventName, {}); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); on.emit(target, testEventName, {}); assert.strictEqual(listenerCallCount, 1); }, 'listener call order': function () { var order = [], onMethodName = 'on' + testEventName; target[onMethodName] = function (event) { order.push(event.a); }; var signal = on.pausable(target, testEventName, function () { order.push(1); }); var signal2 = on(target, testEventName + ', foo', function (event) { order.push(event.a); }); on.emit(target, testEventName, { a: 3 }); signal.pause(); var signal3 = on(target, testEventName, function () { order.push(3); }, true); on.emit(target, testEventName, { a: 3 }); signal2.remove(); signal.resume(); on.emit(target, testEventName, { a: 6 }); signal3.remove(); on(target, 'foo, ' + testEventName, function () { order.push(4); }, true); signal.remove(); on.emit(target, testEventName, { a: 7 }); assert.deepEqual(order, [ 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 3, 7, 4 ]); } }; } var suite = { name: 'dojo/on', common: { 'object events': createCommonTests({ eventName: 'test', createTarget: function () { return new Evented(); } }) }, 'cannot target non-emitter': function () { var threwError = false; try { var nonEmitter = {}; on(nonEmitter, 'test', function () {}); } catch (err) { threwError = true; } assert.isTrue(threwError); } }; if (has('host-browser')) { suite.common['DOM events'] = createCommonTests({ eventName: 'click', createTarget: function () { return domConstruct.create('div', null, document.body); }, destroyTarget: function (target) { domConstruct.destroy(target); } }); // TODO: Add test to cover syntheticStopPropagation // TODO: Add tests to cover functionality of _fixEvent var containerDiv, childSpan; suite['DOM-specific'] = { 'beforeEach': function () { containerDiv = domConstruct.create('div', null, document.body); childSpan = domConstruct.create('span', null, containerDiv); }, 'afterEach': function () { cleanUpListeners(); domConstruct.destroy(containerDiv); containerDiv = childSpan = null; }, 'event.preventDefault': { 'native event': function () { var defaultPrevented = false; on(childSpan, 'click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); defaultPrevented = event.defaultPrevented; });; assert.isTrue(defaultPrevented); }, 'synthetic event': function () { var secondListenerCalled = false, defaultPrevented = false; on(childSpan, 'click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); on(containerDiv, 'click', function (event) { secondListenerCalled = true; defaultPrevented = event.defaultPrevented; }); on.emit(childSpan, 'click', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}); assert.isTrue(secondListenerCalled, 'bubbled synthetic event on div'); assert.isTrue(defaultPrevented, 'defaultPrevented set for synthetic event on div'); } }, 'event bubbling': function () { var eventBubbled = false; on(containerDiv, 'click', function () { eventBubbled = true; });; assert.isTrue(eventBubbled, 'expected event to bubble'); }, 'event.stopPropagation': function () { var eventBubbled; on(containerDiv, 'click', function () { eventBubbled = true; }); on(childSpan, 'click', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); // Testing with both Element#click and on.emit because they exercise different // code paths, most notably with the browsers that require synthetic dispatch and stopPropagation eventBubbled = false;; assert.isFalse(eventBubbled); eventBubbled = false; on.emit(childSpan, 'click', {}); assert.isFalse(eventBubbled); }, 'event.stopImmediatePropagation': function () { on(childSpan, 'click', function (event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); var afterStop = false; on(childSpan, 'click', function () { afterStop = true; });; assert.isFalse(afterStop, 'expected no other listener to be called'); }, 'emitting events from document and window': function () { // make sure 'document' and 'window' can also emit events var eventEmitted; var iframe ='<iframe></iframe>', containerDiv); var globalObjects = [ document, window, iframe.contentWindow, iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document ]; for (var i = 0, len = globalObjects.length; i < len; i++) { eventEmitted = false; on(globalObjects[i], 'custom-test-event', function () { eventEmitted = true; }); on.emit(globalObjects[i], 'custom-test-event', {}); assert.isTrue(eventEmitted); } }, 'event delegation': { 'CSS selector': function () { var button = domConstruct.create('button', null, childSpan); var listenerCalled = false; on(containerDiv, 'button:click', function () { listenerCalled = true; });; assert.isTrue(listenerCalled); }, 'listening on document': function () { var button = domConstruct.create('button', null, childSpan); var listenerCalled = false; on(document, 'button:click', function () { listenerCalled = true; });; assert.isTrue(listenerCalled); }, 'CSS selector and text node target': function () { childSpan.className = 'textnode-parent'; childSpan.innerHTML = 'text'; var listenerCalled; on(containerDiv, '.textnode-parent:click', function () { listenerCalled = true; }); on.emit(childSpan.firstChild, 'click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); assert.isTrue(listenerCalled); }, 'custom selector': function () { var button = domConstruct.create('button', null, childSpan); var listenerCalled = false; on(containerDiv, on.selector(function (node) { return node.tagName === 'BUTTON'; }, 'click'), function () { listenerCalled = true; });; assert.isTrue(listenerCalled); }, 'on.selector and extension events': { 'basic extension events': function () { childSpan.setAttribute('foo', 2); var order = []; var customEvent = function (node, listener) { return on(node, 'custom', listener); }; on(containerDiv, customEvent, function (event) { order.push(event.a); }); on(containerDiv, on.selector('span', customEvent), function () { order.push(+this.getAttribute('foo')); }); on.emit(containerDiv, 'custom', { a: 0 }); // should trigger selector on.emit(childSpan, 'custom', { a: 1, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); // shouldn't trigger selector on.emit(containerDiv, 'custom', { a: 3, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); assert.deepEqual(order, [0, 1, 2, 3]); }, 'extension events with bubbling forms': function () { var listenerCalled = false, bubbleListenerCalled = false; var customEvent = function (node, listener) { return on(node, 'custom', listener); }; // simply test that an extension event's bubble method is applied if it exists customEvent.bubble = function (select) { return function (node, listener) { return customEvent(node, function (event) { bubbleListenerCalled = true; if (select( { listener(event); } }); }; }; on(containerDiv, on.selector('span', customEvent), function () { listenerCalled = true; }); on.emit(childSpan, 'custom', { bubbles: true }); assert.isTrue(listenerCalled); assert.isTrue(bubbleListenerCalled); } }, 'only call listener when matching': function () { containerDiv.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox">'; on(containerDiv, '.matchesNothing:click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });; assert.isTrue(containerDiv.firstChild.checked); } }, 'event augmentation': function () { var button = domConstruct.create('button', null, containerDiv); on(button, 'click', function (event) { event.modified = true; event.test = 3; }); var testValue; on(containerDiv, 'click', function (event) { testValue = event.test; });; assert.strictEqual(testValue, 3); } }; suite['.matches'] = (function () { var containerDiv2; return { beforeEach: function () { containerDiv = domConstruct.create('div', null, document.body); containerDiv2 = domConstruct.create('div', null, containerDiv); childSpan = domConstruct.create('span', null, containerDiv2); }, afterEach: function () { cleanUpListeners(); domConstruct.destroy(containerDiv); containerDiv = containerDiv2 = childSpan = null; }, 'inner-most child click': function () { on(containerDiv, 'click', function (event) { assert.ok(on.matches(, 'span:click', this)); assert.ok(on.matches(, 'div:click', this)); assert.ok(!on.matches(, 'div:click', this, false)); assert.ok(!on.matches(, 'body:click', this)); });; }, 'inner-most container click': function () { on(containerDiv, 'click', function (event) { assert.ok(!on.matches(, 'span:click', this)); assert.ok(on.matches(, 'div:click', this)); });; } }; })(); // TODO: Add tests to improve touch-related code coverage has('touch') && (suite['DOM-specific']['touch event normalization'] = function () { var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); var lastEvent; on(div, 'touchstart', function (event) { // Copying event properties to an object because certain versions of Firefox // threw insecure operation errors when saving an event to a closure-bound variable. lastEvent = lang.mixin({}, event); }); on.emit(div, 'touchstart', { changedTouches: [{ pageX: 100 }] });, 'rotation');, 'pageX'); }); } registerSuite(suite); });