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define(["./_base/kernel", "./aspect", "./dom", "./dom-class", "./_base/lang", "./on", "./has", "./mouse", "./domReady", "./_base/window"], function(dojo, aspect, dom, domClass, lang, on, has, mouse, domReady, win){ // module: // dojo/touch var ios4 = has("ios") < 5; // Detect if platform supports Pointer Events, and if so, the names of the events (pointerdown vs. MSPointerDown). var hasPointer = has("pointer-events") || has("MSPointer"), pointer = (function () { var pointer = {}; for (var type in { down: 1, move: 1, up: 1, cancel: 1, over: 1, out: 1 }) { pointer[type] = has("MSPointer") ? "MSPointer" + type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) : "pointer" + type; } return pointer; })(); // Detect if platform supports the webkit touchstart/touchend/... events var hasTouch = has("touch-events"); // Click generation variables var clicksInited, clickTracker, useTarget = false, clickTarget, clickX, clickY, clickDx, clickDy, clickTime; // Time of most recent touchstart, touchmove, or touchend event var lastTouch; function dualEvent(mouseType, touchType, pointerType){ // Returns synthetic event that listens for both the specified mouse event and specified touch event. // But ignore fake mouse events that were generated due to the user touching the screen. if(hasPointer && pointerType){ // IE10+: MSPointer* events are designed to handle both mouse and touch in a uniform way, // so just use that regardless of hasTouch. return function(node, listener){ return on(node, pointerType, listener); }; }else if(hasTouch){ return function(node, listener){ var handle1 = on(node, touchType, function(evt){, evt); // On slow mobile browsers (see, // a handler for a touch event may take >1s to run. That time shouldn't // be included in the calculation for lastTouch. lastTouch = (new Date()).getTime(); }), handle2 = on(node, mouseType, function(evt){ if(!lastTouch || (new Date()).getTime() > lastTouch + 1000){, evt); } }); return { remove: function(){ handle1.remove(); handle2.remove(); } }; }; }else{ // Avoid creating listeners for touch events on performance sensitive older browsers like IE6 return function(node, listener){ return on(node, mouseType, listener); }; } } function marked(/*DOMNode*/ node){ // Search for node ancestor has been marked with the dojoClick property to indicate special processing. // Returns marked ancestor. do{ if(node.dojoClick !== undefined){ return node; } }while(node = node.parentNode); } function doClicks(e, moveType, endType){ // summary: // Setup touch listeners to generate synthetic clicks immediately (rather than waiting for the browser // to generate clicks after the double-tap delay) and consistently (regardless of whether event.preventDefault() // was called in an event listener. Synthetic clicks are generated only if a node or one of its ancestors has // its dojoClick property set to truthy. If a node receives synthetic clicks because one of its ancestors has its // dojoClick property set to truthy, you can disable synthetic clicks on this node by setting its own dojoClick property // to falsy. if(mouse.isRight(e)){ return; // avoid spurious dojoclick event on IE10+; right click is just for context menu } var markedNode = marked(; clickTracker = ! && markedNode && markedNode.dojoClick; // click threshold = true, number, x/y object, or "useTarget" if(clickTracker){ useTarget = (clickTracker == "useTarget"); clickTarget = (useTarget?; if(useTarget){ // We expect a click, so prevent any other // default action on "touchpress" e.preventDefault(); } clickX = e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX - : e.clientX; clickY = e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY - : e.clientY; clickDx = (typeof clickTracker == "object" ? clickTracker.x : (typeof clickTracker == "number" ? clickTracker : 0)) || 4; clickDy = (typeof clickTracker == "object" ? clickTracker.y : (typeof clickTracker == "number" ? clickTracker : 0)) || 4; // add move/end handlers only the first time a node with dojoClick is seen, // so we don't add too much overhead when dojoClick is never set. if(!clicksInited){ clicksInited = true; function updateClickTracker(e){ if(useTarget){ clickTracker = dom.isDescendant( win.doc.elementFromPoint( (e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX - : e.clientX), (e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY - : e.clientY)), clickTarget); }else{ clickTracker = clickTracker && (e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].target : == clickTarget && Math.abs((e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX - : e.clientX) - clickX) <= clickDx && Math.abs((e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY - : e.clientY) - clickY) <= clickDy; } } win.doc.addEventListener(moveType, function(e){ if(mouse.isRight(e)){ return; // avoid spurious dojoclick event on IE10+; right click is just for context menu } updateClickTracker(e); if(useTarget){ // prevent native scroll event and ensure touchend is // fire after touch moves between press and release. e.preventDefault(); } }, true); win.doc.addEventListener(endType, function(e){ if(mouse.isRight(e)){ return; // avoid spurious dojoclick event on IE10+; right click is just for context menu } updateClickTracker(e); if(clickTracker){ clickTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var target = (useTarget?; if(target.tagName === "LABEL"){ // when clicking on a label, forward click to its associated input if any target = dom.byId(target.getAttribute("for")) || target; } //some attributes can be on the Touch object, not on the Event: // var src = (e.changedTouches) ? e.changedTouches[0] : e; function createMouseEvent(type){ //create the synthetic event. // var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt._dojo_click = true; evt.initMouseEvent(type, true, //bubbles true, //cancelable e.view, e.detail, src.screenX, src.screenY, src.clientX, src.clientY, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, 0, //button null //related target ); return evt; } var mouseDownEvt = createMouseEvent("mousedown"); var mouseUpEvt = createMouseEvent("mouseup"); var clickEvt = createMouseEvent("click"); setTimeout(function(){ on.emit(target, "mousedown", mouseDownEvt); on.emit(target, "mouseup", mouseUpEvt); on.emit(target, "click", clickEvt); // refresh clickTime in case app-defined click handler took a long time to run clickTime = (new Date()).getTime(); }, 0); } }, true); function stopNativeEvents(type){ win.doc.addEventListener(type, function(e){ // Stop native events when we emitted our own click event. Note that the native click may occur // on a different node than the synthetic click event was generated on. For example, // click on a menu item, causing the menu to disappear, and then (~300ms later) the browser // sends a click event to the node that was *underneath* the menu. So stop all native events // sent shortly after ours, similar to what is done in dualEvent. // The INPUT.dijitOffScreen test is for offscreen inputs used in dijit/form/Button, on which // we call click() explicitly, we don't want to stop this event. if(clickTracker && !e._dojo_click && (new Date()).getTime() <= clickTime + 1000 && !( == "INPUT" && domClass.contains(, "dijitOffScreen"))){ e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation && e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if(type == "click" && ( != "INPUT" || == "radio" || == "checkbox") && != "TEXTAREA" && != "AUDIO" && != "VIDEO"){ // preventDefault() breaks textual <input>s on android, keyboard doesn't popup, // but it is still needed for checkboxes and radio buttons, otherwise in some cases // the checked state becomes inconsistent with the widget's state e.preventDefault(); } } }, true); } stopNativeEvents("click"); // We also stop mousedown/up since these would be sent well after with our "fast" click (300ms), // which can confuse some dijit widgets. stopNativeEvents("mousedown"); stopNativeEvents("mouseup"); } } } var hoveredNode; if(has("touch")){ if(hasPointer){ // MSPointer (IE10+) already has support for over and out, so we just need to init click support domReady(function(){ win.doc.addEventListener(pointer.down, function(evt){ doClicks(evt, pointer.move, pointer.up); }, true); }); }else{ domReady(function(){ // Keep track of currently hovered node hoveredNode = win.body(); // currently hovered node win.doc.addEventListener("touchstart", function(evt){ lastTouch = (new Date()).getTime(); // Precede touchstart event with touch.over event. DnD depends on this. // Use addEventListener(cb, true) to run cb before any touchstart handlers on node run, // and to ensure this code runs even if the listener on the node does event.stop(). var oldNode = hoveredNode; hoveredNode =; on.emit(oldNode, "dojotouchout", { relatedTarget: hoveredNode, bubbles: true }); on.emit(hoveredNode, "dojotouchover", { relatedTarget: oldNode, bubbles: true }); doClicks(evt, "touchmove", "touchend"); // init click generation }, true); function copyEventProps(evt){ // Make copy of event object and also set bubbles:true. Used when calling on.emit(). var props = lang.delegate(evt, { bubbles: true }); if(has("ios") >= 6){ // On iOS6 "touches" became a non-enumerable property, which // is not hit by Ditto for the other properties below. props.touches = evt.touches; props.altKey = evt.altKey; props.changedTouches = evt.changedTouches; props.ctrlKey = evt.ctrlKey; props.metaKey = evt.metaKey; props.shiftKey = evt.shiftKey; props.targetTouches = evt.targetTouches; } return props; } on(win.doc, "touchmove", function(evt){ lastTouch = (new Date()).getTime(); var newNode = win.doc.elementFromPoint( evt.pageX - (ios4 ? 0 :, // iOS 4 expects page coords evt.pageY - (ios4 ? 0 : ); if(newNode){ // Fire synthetic touchover and touchout events on nodes since the browser won't do it natively. if(hoveredNode !== newNode){ // touch out on the old node on.emit(hoveredNode, "dojotouchout", { relatedTarget: newNode, bubbles: true }); // touchover on the new node on.emit(newNode, "dojotouchover", { relatedTarget: hoveredNode, bubbles: true }); hoveredNode = newNode; } // Unlike a listener on "touchmove", on(node, "dojotouchmove", listener) fires when the finger // drags over the specified node, regardless of which node the touch started on. if(!on.emit(newNode, "dojotouchmove", copyEventProps(evt))){ // emit returns false when synthetic event "dojotouchmove" is cancelled, so we prevent the // default behavior of the underlying native event "touchmove". evt.preventDefault(); } } }); // Fire a dojotouchend event on the node where the finger was before it was removed from the screen. // This is different than the native touchend, which fires on the node where the drag started. on(win.doc, "touchend", function(evt){ lastTouch = (new Date()).getTime(); var node = win.doc.elementFromPoint( evt.pageX - (ios4 ? 0 :, // iOS 4 expects page coords evt.pageY - (ios4 ? 0 : ) || win.body(); // if out of the screen on.emit(node, "dojotouchend", copyEventProps(evt)); }); }); } } //device neutral events -|move|release|cancel/over/out var touch = { press: dualEvent("mousedown", "touchstart", pointer.down), move: dualEvent("mousemove", "dojotouchmove", pointer.move), release: dualEvent("mouseup", "dojotouchend", pointer.up), cancel: dualEvent(mouse.leave, "touchcancel", hasPointer ? pointer.cancel : null), over: dualEvent("mouseover", "dojotouchover", pointer.over), out: dualEvent("mouseout", "dojotouchout", pointer.out), enter: mouse._eventHandler(dualEvent("mouseover","dojotouchover", pointer.over)), leave: mouse._eventHandler(dualEvent("mouseout", "dojotouchout", pointer.out)) }; /*===== touch = { // summary: // This module provides unified touch event handlers by exporting // press, move, release and cancel which can also run well on desktop. // Based on // Also, if the dojoClick property is set to truthy on a DOM node, dojo/touch generates // click events immediately for this node and its descendants (except for descendants that // have a dojoClick property set to falsy), to avoid the delay before native browser click events, // and regardless of whether evt.preventDefault() was called in a event listener. // // example: // Used with dojo/on // | define(["dojo/on", "dojo/touch"], function(on, touch){ // | on(node,, function(e){}); // | on(node, touch.move, function(e){}); // | on(node, touch.release, function(e){}); // | on(node, touch.cancel, function(e){}); // example: // Used with touch.* directly // |, function(e){}); // | touch.move(node, function(e){}); // | touch.release(node, function(e){}); // | touch.cancel(node, function(e){}); // example: // Have dojo/touch generate clicks without delay, with a default move threshold of 4 pixels // | node.dojoClick = true; // example: // Have dojo/touch generate clicks without delay, with a move threshold of 10 pixels horizontally and vertically // | node.dojoClick = 10; // example: // Have dojo/touch generate clicks without delay, with a move threshold of 50 pixels horizontally and 10 pixels vertically // | node.dojoClick = {x:50, y:5}; // example: // Disable clicks without delay generated by dojo/touch on a node that has an ancestor with property dojoClick set to truthy // | node.dojoClick = false; press: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to 'touchstart'|'mousedown' for the given node // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, move: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener that fires when the mouse cursor or a finger is dragged over the given node. // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, release: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to releasing the mouse button while the cursor is over the given node // (i.e. "mouseup") or for removing the finger from the screen while touching the given node. // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, cancel: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to 'touchcancel'|'mouseleave' for the given node // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, over: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to 'mouseover' or touch equivalent for the given node // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, out: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to 'mouseout' or touch equivalent for the given node // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, enter: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to mouse.enter or touch equivalent for the given node // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() }, leave: function(node, listener){ // summary: // Register a listener to mouse.leave or touch equivalent for the given node // node: Dom // Target node to listen to // listener: Function // Callback function // returns: // A handle which will be used to remove the listener by handle.remove() } }; =====*/ has("extend-dojo") && (dojo.touch = touch); return touch; });