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/* * Copyright 2013 the original author or authors * @license MIT, see LICENSE.txt for details * * @author Scott Andrews */ (function (define) { 'use strict'; var undef; /** * STOMP dispatcher. Subscriptions are managed via a remote STOMP server. * * Compatible with STOMP 1.1 and 1.2 * @see */ define(function (require) { var msgs, stompTranslator, broadcastDispatcher, exchangeDispatcher; msgs = require('../..'); stompTranslator = require('../translators/stomp'); broadcastDispatcher = require('./broadcast'); exchangeDispatcher = require('./exchange'); /** * Dispatcher to handle STOMP client messaging * * @param {MessageBus} bus message bus the dispatcher is created within * @param {string|Channel} opts.input channel to forward to the remote system * @param {string|Channel} opts.output channel that exposes messages from the * remote system * @param {string|Channel} [opts.error] channel to receive errors * @param {string} virtual host that the client is connecting to * @param {string} [opts.login] user identifier used to authenticate against * a secured STOMP server * @param {string} [opts.passcode] password used to authenticate against a * secured STOMP server * @param {string} [opts.ack='auto'] ack acknowledgment policy for received * messages for a subscription. May be one of 'auto', 'client', or * 'client-individual'. */ return function stompDispatcher(bus, opts) { var translator, dispatcher, subscriptions, destinations, receipts, ready, controlBus, counter, handlerResolver; translator = stompTranslator(bus); dispatcher = {}; subscriptions = {}; destinations = {}; receipts = {}; counter = bus.utils.counter(); handlerResolver = bus.resolveHandler.bind(bus); // normalize ack policy, default to 'auto' opts.ack = opts.ack === 'client' || opts.ack === 'client-individual' ? opts.ack : 'auto'; // create a control bus with channels for notifications of internal events controlBus = bus.bus(); controlBus._channel('connected', broadcastDispatcher()); controlBus._channel('disconnected', broadcastDispatcher()); controlBus._channel('subscribed', exchangeDispatcher(exchangeDispatcher.matchers.literal, broadcastDispatcher)); controlBus._channel('unsubscribed', exchangeDispatcher(exchangeDispatcher.matchers.literal, broadcastDispatcher)); controlBus._channel('toServer', broadcastDispatcher()); controlBus._channel('fromServer', broadcastDispatcher()); controlBus._channel('error', broadcastDispatcher()); // expose raw STOMP traffic via the control bus bus.tap(opts.output, controlBus.forward('toServer')); bus.tap(opts.input, controlBus.forward('fromServer')); // normalize opts.error to send errors to the control bus if (opts.error) { bus.tap(opts.error, controlBus.forward('error')); } else { opts.error = controlBus.resolveChannel('error'); } /** * Subscribe a handler to a STOMP destination. * * - add the handler from the local subscription dispatcher * - send a SUBSCRIBE command to the server if first local subscription * - notify the 'subscribed' channel on the control bus with the * destination as the topic and the handler as a payload * * Consolidates multiple subscriptions for the same destination as a single * server-side subscription. */ dispatcher.subscribe = function subscribe(destination, handler) { var subscriptionId, receiptId; if (destinations.hasOwnProperty(destination)) { // already subscribed on the server subscriptionId = destinations[destination]; receiptId = subscriptions[subscriptionId].subscriptionReceiptId; subscriptions[subscriptionId].subscribe(handler); if (receipts[receiptId]) { receipts[receiptId].push(function () { controlBus.send('subscribed!' + destination, handler); }); } else { controlBus.send('subscribed!' + destination, handler); } return; } subscriptionId = counter(); destinations[destination] = subscriptionId; subscriptions[subscriptionId] = broadcastDispatcher(); subscriptions[subscriptionId].subscribe(handler); receiptId = subscriptions[subscriptionId].subscriptionReceiptId = counter(); receipts[receiptId] = [function () { controlBus.send('subscribed!' + destination, handler); }]; sendCommand(translator.buildSubscribeFrame(destination, subscriptionId, opts.ack, receiptId)); }; /** * Unsubscribe a handler from a STOMP destination. * * - remove the handler from the local subscription dispatcher * - send an UNSUBSCRIBE command to the server if no remaining local * subscriptions * - notify the 'unsubscribed' channel on the control bus with the * destination as the topic and the handler as a payload * * Consolidates multiple subscriptions for the same destination as a single * server-side subscription. */ dispatcher.unsubscribe = function unsubscribe(destination, handler) { var subscriptionId, receiptId, dispatcher; if (!destinations.hasOwnProperty(destination)) { // not subscribed return; } subscriptionId = destinations[destination]; dispatcher = subscriptions[subscriptionId]; dispatcher.unsubscribe(handler); if (dispatcher.subscribed()) { controlBus.send('unsubscribed!' + destination, handler); return; } // remove dispatcher if no handlers remain dispatcher.destroy(); delete subscriptions[subscriptionId]; delete destinations[destination]; receiptId = counter(); receipts[receiptId] = [function () { controlBus.send('unsubscribed!' + destination, handler); }]; sendCommand(translator.buildUnsubscribeFrame(subscriptionId, receiptId)); }; /** * Dispatch a message to the STOMP server */ dispatcher.dispatch = function dispatch(message) { sendCommand(translator.buildSendFrame(message)); return true; }; /** * Destroy the dispatcher: * - attempts to send a DISCONNECT command to the server * - attempts to notify the 'disconnected' channel on the control bus * - destroy subscription dispatchers * - destroy the control bus * - cleans up any lingering state */ dispatcher.destroy = function destroy() { var disconnectFrame; for (var dispatcher in subscriptions) { if (subscriptions.hasOwnProperty(dispatcher)) { subscriptions[dispatcher].destroy(); } } subscriptions = undef; destinations = undef; receipts = undef; try { if (isReady()) { disconnectFrame = translator.buildDisconnectFrame(); sendCommand(disconnectFrame); ready = false; controlBus.send('disconnected', disconnectFrame); } } catch (e) { // squelch, disconnect is a good faith effort // bridge target may have already been destroyed } finally { controlBus.destroy(); } }; /** * Send a command to the STOMP server. * * If the connection is not ready, the command will be sent to the error * channel and an error thrown. * * @param {string|Message} message the command to send */ function sendCommand(message) { if (isReady()) { bus.send(opts.output, message); } else { bus.send(opts.error, message, { error: 'STOMP connection is not ready' }); throw new Error('STOMP connection is not ready'); } } // route server commands bus._handler(undef, function (message) { var frame, command; frame = translator.parse(message.payload); command = frame.headers.command; if (command === 'MESSAGE') { handleMessageFrame(frame); } else if (command === 'RECEIPT') { handleReceiptFrame(frame); } else if (command === 'ERROR') { handleErrorFrame(frame); } else if (command === 'CONNECTED') { handleConnectedFrame(frame); } else if (command) { // unknown command throw new Error('Unknown STOMP command: ' + command); } }, bus.noopChannel, opts.input, opts.error); /** * Process a MESSAGE command: * - dispatch the message to it's subscribers * - ACK/NACK the message, if needed * * @param {Message} message the receipt message */ function handleMessageFrame(message) { var handled, id; id = message.headers['message-id']; try { handled = subscriptions[message.headers.subscription].dispatch(message, handlerResolver); } catch (e) { handled = false; throw e; } finally { if (id && opts.ack !== 'auto') { sendCommand(translator[handled ? 'buildAckFrame' : 'buildNackFrame'](id)); } } } /** * Process a RECEIPT command: * - fire the receipt's callback * - remove callback from receipt store * * @param {Message} message the receipt message */ function handleReceiptFrame(message) { var receiptId = message.headers['receipt-id']; receipts[receiptId].forEach(function (receiptCallback) { receiptCallback(message); }); delete receipts[receiptId]; } /** * Process a CONNECTED command: * - forward the message to the 'connected' control bus channel * - mark the connection as ready * * @param {Message} message the connected message */ function handleConnectedFrame(message) { ready = true; controlBus.send('connected', message); } /** * Process an ERROR command: * - forward the message to the 'disconnected' control bus channel * - mark the connection as not ready * * @param {Message} message the connected message */ function handleErrorFrame(message) { ready = false; controlBus.send('disconnected', message); } /** * @returns {boolean} true if the connection is able to execute commands */ function isReady() { return ready; } dispatcher.channelMixins = { subscribe: dispatcher.subscribe, unsubscribe: dispatcher.unsubscribe, destroy: dispatcher.destroy, controlBus: controlBus, isReady: isReady }; // open the connection bus.send(opts.output, translator.buildConnectFrame(opts)); return dispatcher; }; }); }( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); } // Boilerplate for AMD and Node ));