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/* * Copyright 2012 the original author or authors * @license MIT, see LICENSE.txt for details * * @author Scott Andrews */ (function (buster, define) { 'use strict'; var assert, refute, fail; assert = buster.assert; refute = buster.refute; fail =; define('msgs-test', function (require) { var msgs, bus, when; msgs = require('msgs'); when = require('when'); require('msgs/channels/direct'); buster.testCase('msgs', { setUp: function () { bus = msgs.bus(); }, tearDown: function () { bus.destroy(); }, 'should detect a message bus': function () { assert(msgs.isBus(bus)); refute(msgs.isBus({})); }, 'should create a message for a payload and headers': function () { var message = bus._message('payload', { name: 'value' }); assert.same('payload', message.payload); assert.same('value',; }, 'should create a message with headers, even when none are provided': function () { var message = bus._message('payload'); assert.same('payload', message.payload); assert(; }, 'should create a message with an explicit id header': function () { var message = bus._message('payload', { id: 4 }); assert.same('payload', message.payload); assert.same(4,; }, 'should not modify an existing message payload, headers must be different': function () { var message = bus._message('payload'); assert.same(message.payload, bus._message(message).payload); refute.equals(message.headers, bus._message(message).headers); }, 'should contain unique message IDs': function () { refute.equals(bus._message(), bus._message(); }, 'should create channels that pass messages': function () { var publisher, consumer; publisher =; consumer = { handle: function (message) { assert.same('hello world', message.payload); } }; bus.subscribe(publisher, consumer); bus.send(publisher, 'hello world'); }, 'should lookup channels with a name': function () {'identity');'not-identity'); assert.same(bus.resolveChannel('identity'), bus.resolveChannel('identity')); refute.same(bus.resolveChannel('identity'), bus.resolveChannel('not-identity')); refute(bus.resolveHandler('identity')); refute(bus.resolveHandler('not-identity')); }, 'should lookup handlers with a name': function () { bus.filter('identity', function () { return true; }); bus.filter('not-identity', function () { return true; }); assert.same(bus.resolveHandler('identity'), bus.resolveHandler('identity')); refute.same(bus.resolveHandler('identity'), bus.resolveHandler('not-identity')); refute(bus.resolveChannel('identity')); refute(bus.resolveChannel('not-identity')); }, 'should return provided channels/handlers when passed as name': function () { var channel, pseudoChannel, handler, pseudoHandler; channel =; pseudoChannel = { send: function () {} }; handler = bus.filter(); pseudoHandler = { handle: function () {} }; assert.same(channel, bus.resolveChannel(channel)); assert.same(pseudoChannel, bus.resolveChannel(pseudoChannel)); refute(bus.resolveHandler(channel)); refute(bus.resolveHandler(pseudoChannel)); assert.same(handler, bus.resolveHandler(handler)); assert.same(pseudoHandler, bus.resolveHandler(pseudoHandler)); refute(bus.resolveChannel(handler)); refute(bus.resolveChannel(pseudoHandler)); }, 'should adapt messages to normal function invocations with outbound adapters': function () { var publisher, consumer; publisher =; consumer = bus.outboundAdapter(function (message) { assert.same('hello world', message); }); bus.subscribe(publisher, consumer); bus.send(publisher, 'hello world'); }, 'should subscribe a listener on a channel': function () {'greeting'); bus.on('greeting', function (greeting) { assert.same('hello', greeting); }); bus.send('greeting', 'hello'); }, 'should adapt normal function invocations to messages with inbound adapters': function () { var publisher, adapter, consumer; publisher =; adapter = bus.inboundAdapter(publisher); consumer = { handle: function (message) { assert.same('hello world', message.payload); } }; bus.subscribe(publisher, consumer); adapter('hello world'); }, 'should adapt normal function invocations to messages with inbound adapters with a transform': function () { var publisher, adapter, consumer; publisher =; adapter = bus.inboundAdapter(publisher, String.prototype.toUpperCase); consumer = { handle: function (message) { assert.same('HELLO WORLD', message.payload); } }; bus.subscribe(publisher, consumer); adapter('hello world'); }, 'should apply a sequence number to inbound messages': function () { var handler, adapter; handler = { handle: this.spy(function () { return true; }) }; adapter = bus.inboundAdapter(bus.directChannel(handler)); adapter('hello'); adapter('world'); assert.same(2, handler.handle.callCount); assert.same(0, handler.handle.getCall(0).args[0].headers.sequenceNumber); assert.same(1, handler.handle.getCall(1).args[0].headers.sequenceNumber); }, 'should start local and then ask parent bus to find handlers': function () { var parent, child; parent = bus; child = parent.bus(); refute(parent.resolveHandler('parent')); refute(child.resolveHandler('parent')); refute(parent.resolveHandler('child')); refute(child.resolveHandler('child')); parent.filter('parent', function () {}); child.filter('child', function () {}); // child can resolve to parent assert(parent.resolveHandler('parent')); assert(child.resolveHandler('parent')); assert.same(parent.resolveHandler('parent'), child.resolveHandler('parent')); // parent cannot resolve to child refute(parent.resolveHandler('child')); assert(child.resolveHandler('child')); refute.same(child.resolveHandler('child'), parent.resolveHandler('child')); }, 'should start local and then ask parent bus to find channels': function () { var parent, child; parent = bus; child = parent.bus(); refute(parent.resolveChannel('parent')); refute(child.resolveChannel('parent')); refute(parent.resolveChannel('child')); refute(child.resolveChannel('child'));'parent');'child'); // child can resolve to parent assert(parent.resolveChannel('parent')); assert(child.resolveChannel('parent')); assert.same(parent.resolveChannel('parent'), child.resolveChannel('parent')); // parent cannot resolve to child refute(parent.resolveChannel('child')); assert(child.resolveChannel('child')); refute.same(child.resolveChannel('child'), parent.resolveChannel('child')); }, 'should receive dead letter messages at local and parent channels': function () { var parent, child, channel, callback; parent = bus; child = parent.bus(); callback = this.spy(function (message) { assert.same('you\'re dead to me', message); }); channel =; parent.on('deadLetterChannel', callback); child.on('deadLetterChannel', callback); bus.send(channel, 'you\'re dead to me'); assert.same(2, callback.callCount); }, 'should receive invalid messages at local and parent channels': function () { var parent, child, channel, callback; parent = bus; child = parent.bus(); callback = this.spy(function (message) { assert.same('let\'s hope this works', message); }); channel =; parent.on('invalidMessageChannel', callback); child.on('invalidMessageChannel', callback); child.on(channel, function () { throw new Error(); }); bus.send(channel, 'let\'s hope this works'); assert.same(2, callback.callCount); }, 'should dispatch messages to a single subscriber for default channels': function () { var channel, aSpy, bSpy; channel =; aSpy = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('one of us gets a message!', message); }); bSpy = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('one of us gets a message!', message); }); bus.on(channel, aSpy); bus.on(channel, bSpy); bus.send(channel, 'one of us gets a message!'); bus.send(channel, 'one of us gets a message!'); assert.same(2, aSpy.callCount + bSpy.callCount); }, 'should dispatch to a wiretap in addition to subscriptions': function () { var channel, tap, sub; channel =; tap = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); sub = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); bus.tap(channel, bus.outboundAdapter(tap)); bus.on(channel, sub); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); assert.same(1, tap.callCount); assert.same(1, sub.callCount); }, 'should dispatch to each wiretap in addition to subscriptions': function () { var channel, tapA, tapB, subA, subB; channel =; tapA = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); tapB = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); subA = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); subB = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); bus.tap(channel, bus.outboundAdapter(tapA)); bus.tap(channel, bus.outboundAdapter(tapB)); bus.on(channel, subA); bus.on(channel, subB); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); assert.same(2, tapA.callCount); assert.same(2, tapB.callCount); assert.same(2, subA.callCount + subB.callCount); }, 'should not receive messages at untapped wiretaps': function () { var channel, tap; channel =; tap = { handle: this.spy() }; assert.same(0, tap.handle.callCount); bus.tap(channel, tap); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); assert.same(1, tap.handle.callCount); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); assert.same(2, tap.handle.callCount); bus.untap(channel, tap); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); assert.same(2, tap.handle.callCount); }, 'should squelch exceptions from wiretaps': function () { var channel, tap, sub; channel =; tap = { handle: this.spy(function () { throw new Error(); }) }; sub = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals('it feels like we\'re being watched', message); }); channel.tap(tap); bus.on(channel, sub); bus.send(channel, 'it feels like we\'re being watched'); assert.same(1, tap.handle.callCount); assert.same(1, sub.callCount); }, 'should alter the message payload with a transformer': function () {'in');'out'); bus.transformer(function (message) { return message + '... NOT!'; }, { input: 'in', output: 'out' }); bus.on('out', function (message) { assert.same('JavaScript sucks... NOT!', message); }); bus.send('in', 'JavaScript sucks'); }, 'should filter messages that do not match some criteria': function () { var func, oddSpy, evenSpy; oddSpy = this.spy(function (message) { assert(message % 2 === 1); }); evenSpy = this.spy(function (message) { assert(message % 2 === 0); });'in');'goodNumbers');'otherNumbers'); func = bus.inboundAdapter('in'); bus.filter(function (num) { return num % 2 === 1; }, { input: 'in', output: 'goodNumbers', discard: 'otherNumbers' }); bus.on('goodNumbers', oddSpy); bus.on('otherNumbers', evenSpy); func(0); func(1); func(2); func(3); func(4); assert.same(3, evenSpy.callCount); assert.same(2, oddSpy.callCount); }, 'should route messages dynamically': function () {'in'); bus.router(function (message) { return message.headers.dest; }, { input: 'in' });'resort'); bus.on('resort', function (message) { assert.same('Did I end up at the resort?', message); }); bus.send('in', 'Did I end up at the resort?', { dest: 'resort' }); }, 'should route messages with channel aliases': function () {'in'); bus.router(function (message) { return message.headers.dest; }, { routes: { resort: 'disneyWorld' }, input: 'in' });'disneyWorld'); bus.on('disneyWorld', function (message) { assert.same('Did I end up at the resort?', message); }); bus.send('in', 'Did I end up at the resort?', { dest: 'resort' }); }, 'should not suppress routing errors': function () { try { bus.router('route', function () { throw new Error(); }); bus.bridge('in', 'route'); bus.send('in', 'Did I end up at the resort?', { dest: 'resort' }); fail('Exception expected'); } catch (e) { assert(e); } }, 'should resolve an aliased channel': function () {'a'); bus.alias('b', 'a'); bus.alias('c', 'b'); assert.same(bus.resolveHandler('a'), bus.resolveHandler('c')); }, 'should execute chain handlers in order': function () { bus.transformer('jr', function (name) { return name + ' Jr.'; }); bus.transformer('md', function (name) { return name + ' M.D.'; }); bus.directChannel('post', bus.outboundAdapter(function (name) { assert.equals(name, 'Bigglesworth Jr. M.D.'); }));'pre'); bus.chain(['jr', 'md'], { output: 'post', input: 'pre' }); bus.send('pre', 'Bigglesworth'); }, 'should filter messages in a chain': function () { var spy = this.spy(function (message) { assert.same('hello', message); });'start');'end'); bus.on('end', spy); bus.chain([ bus.filter(function (message) { return (/^[a-z]+$/).test(message); }) ], { input: 'start', output: 'end' }); bus.send('start', 'HELLO'); bus.send('start', 'hello'); assert.same(1, spy.callCount); }, 'should split a message into multiple messages': function () { var spy = this.spy(function (message) { assert.same('msg', message); }); bus.directChannel('in', 'split'); bus.splitter('split', function (message) { return message.payload; }, { output: 'out' }); bus.directChannel('out', bus.outboundAdapter(spy)); bus.send('in', ['msg', 'msg']); assert.same(2, spy.callCount); }, 'should aggregate two messages into one': function () { var spy = this.spy(function (message) { assert.equals(['msg', 'msg'], message); });'in'); bus.aggregator((function () { var buffer = []; return function (message, callback) { buffer.push(message.payload); if (buffer.length > 1) { callback(buffer); buffer = []; } }; }()), { output: 'out', input: 'in' }); bus.directChannel('out', bus.outboundAdapter(spy)); bus.send('in', 'msg'); assert.same(0, spy.callCount); bus.send('in', 'msg'); assert.same(1, spy.callCount); }, 'should log received messages': function () { var console, handler; console = { log: this.spy() }; handler = { handle: this.spy() };'logger'); bus.subscribe('logger', handler); bus.logger({ console: console, prefix: 'Integration message: ', tap: 'logger' }); bus.send('logger', 'Hello Console'); assert.same('Hello Console', handler.handle.getCall(0).args[0].payload); assert.same('Integration message: ', console.log.getCall(0).args[0]); assert.same('Hello Console', console.log.getCall(0).args[1].payload); }, 'should export channels to the parent message bus': function () { var parent = bus, child = parent.bus(), spy = this.spy(); child.directChannel('out', child.outboundAdapter(spy)); child.exportChannel('subprocess', 'out'); parent.send('subprocess', 'Hello Child'); assert.same(1, spy.callCount); assert.same('Hello Child', spy.getCall(0).args[0]); }, 'should accept a configuration closure when creating a message bus': function () { var spy = this.spy(); bus.bus(function () { this.directChannel('out', this.outboundAdapter(spy)); this.exportChannel('in', 'out'); }); bus.send('in', 'Hello encapsulated child'); assert.same(1, spy.callCount); assert.same('Hello encapsulated child', spy.getCall(0).args[0]); refute(bus.resolveChannel('out')); }, 'should forward messages from one channel to another': function () { var spy = this.spy(function (message) { assert.same('hello', message); });'a');'b'); bus.forward('a', 'b'); bus.on('b', spy); bus.send('a', 'hello'); assert.same(1, spy.callCount); }, 'should have default channel type': function () { assert.same('default',; }, 'with a topic it': { 'should resolve channel': function () { var channel, resolvedChannel, topicChannel; channel ='world'); resolvedChannel = bus.resolveChannel('world'); topicChannel = bus.resolveChannel('world!greeting'); assert.same(channel, resolvedChannel); refute.same(channel, topicChannel); // may fail where poly is unable to resolve the prototype from Object.create // assert.same(channel, Object.getPrototypeOf(topicChannel)); refute.same(channel.send, topicChannel.send); refute.same(channel.subscribe, topicChannel.subscribe); refute.same(channel.unsubscribe, topicChannel.unsubscribe); }, 'should apply the topic to the message headers': function () { var spy = this.spy(function (message, headers) { assert.same('hello', message); assert.same('greeting', headers.topic); });'world'); bus.transformer(spy, { input: 'world' }); bus.send('world!greeting', 'hello'); assert.same(1, spy.callCount); }, 'should receive the topic for handler subscriptions': function () { var channel, handler; channel ='world'); channel.subscribe = this.spy(channel.subscribe); handler = bus.transformer(bus.utils.noop, { input: 'world!greeting' }); assert.same('greeting', channel.subscribe.firstCall.args[0]); assert.same(handler, channel.subscribe.firstCall.args[1]); }, 'should receive the topic for handler unsubscriptions': function () { var channel, topic, handler; channel ='world'); channel.unsubscribe = this.spy(channel.subscribe); handler = bus.transformer(bus.utils.noop, { input: 'world!greeting' }); topic = bus.resolveChannel('world!greeting'); topic.unsubscribe(handler); assert.same('greeting', channel.unsubscribe.firstCall.args[0]); assert.same(handler, channel.unsubscribe.firstCall.args[1]); } } }); }); }( this.buster || require('buster'), typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (id, factory) { var packageName = id.split(/[\/\-]/)[0], pathToRoot = id.replace(/[^\/]+/g, '..'); pathToRoot = pathToRoot.length > 2 ? pathToRoot.substr(3) : pathToRoot; factory(function (moduleId) { return require(moduleId.indexOf(packageName) === 0 ? pathToRoot + moduleId.substr(packageName.length) : moduleId); }); } // Boilerplate for AMD and Node ));