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/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Diego Perini * All rights reserved. * * nwmatcher-base.js - A fast CSS selector engine and matcher * * Author: Diego Perini <diego.perini at gmail com> * Version: 1.3.4 * Created: 20070722 * Release: 20150101 * * License: * * Download: * */ (function(global, factory) { if (typeof module == 'object' && typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = function (browserGlobal) { // passed global does not contain // references to native objects browserGlobal.console = console; browserGlobal.parseInt = parseInt; browserGlobal.Function = Function; browserGlobal.Boolean = Boolean; browserGlobal.Number = Number; browserGlobal.RegExp = RegExp; browserGlobal.String = String; browserGlobal.Object = Object; browserGlobal.Array = Array; browserGlobal.Error = Error; browserGlobal.Date = Date; browserGlobal.Math = Math; var exports = browserGlobal.Object(); factory(browserGlobal, exports); return exports; }; module.factory = factory; } else { factory(global, (global.NW || (global.NW = global.Object())) && (global.NW.Dom || (global.NW.Dom = global.Object()))); global.NW.Dom.factory = factory; } })(this, function(global, exports) { var version = 'nwmatcher-1.3.4', Dom = exports, doc = global.document, root = doc.documentElement, slice = global.Array.slice, isSingleMatch, isSingleSelect, lastSlice, lastContext, lastPosition, lastMatcher, lastSelector, lastPartsMatch, lastPartsSelect, prefixes = '[#.:]?', operators = '([~*^$|!]?={1})', whitespace = '[\\x20\\t\\n\\r\\f]*', combinators = '[\\x20]|[>+~][^>+~]', pseudoparms = '(?:[-+]?\\d*n)?[-+]?\\d*', quotedvalue = '"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"' + "|'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'", skipgroup = '\\[.*\\]|\\(.*\\)|\\{.*\\}', encoding = '(?:[-\\w]|[^\\x00-\\xa0]|\\\\.)', identifier = '(?:-?[_a-zA-Z]{1}[-\\w]*|[^\\x00-\\xa0]+|\\\\.+)+', attrcheck = '(' + quotedvalue + '|' + identifier + ')', attributes = whitespace + '(' + encoding + '*:?' + encoding + '+)' + whitespace + '(?:' + operators + whitespace + attrcheck + ')?' + whitespace, attrmatcher = attributes.replace(attrcheck, '([\\x22\\x27]*)((?:\\\\?.)*?)\\3'), pseudoclass = '((?:' + pseudoparms + '|' + quotedvalue + '|' + prefixes + '|' + encoding + '+|' + '\\[' + attributes + '\\]|' + '\\(.+\\)|' + whitespace + '|' + ',)+)', extensions = '.+', standardValidator = '(?=[\\x20\\t\\n\\r\\f]*[^>+~(){}<>])' + '(' + '\\*' + '|(?:' + prefixes + identifier + ')' + '|' + combinators + '|\\[' + attributes + '\\]' + '|\\(' + pseudoclass + '\\)' + '|\\{' + extensions + '\\}' + '|(?:,|' + whitespace + ')' + ')+', extendedValidator = standardValidator.replace(pseudoclass, '.*'), reValidator = global.RegExp(standardValidator, 'g'), reTrimSpaces = global.RegExp('^' + whitespace + '|' + whitespace + '$', 'g'), reSplitGroup = global.RegExp('(' + '[^,\\\\()[\\]]+' + '|\\[[^[\\]]*\\]|\\[.*\\]' + '|\\([^()]+\\)|\\(.*\\)' + '|\\{[^{}]+\\}|\\{.*\\}' + '|\\\\.' + ')+', 'g'), reSplitToken = global.RegExp('(' + '\\[' + attributes + '\\]|' + '\\(' + pseudoclass + '\\)|' + '\\\\.|[^\\x20\\t\\n\\r\\f>+~])+', 'g'), reWhiteSpace = /[\x20\t\n\r\f]+/g, reOptimizeSelector = global.RegExp(identifier + '|^$'), ATTR_BOOLEAN = global.Object({ checked: 1, disabled: 1, ismap: 1, multiple: 1, readonly: 1, selected: 1 }), ATTR_DEFAULT = global.Object({ value: 'defaultValue', checked: 'defaultChecked', selected: 'defaultSelected' }), ATTR_URIDATA = global.Object({ action: 2, cite: 2, codebase: 2, data: 2, href: 2, longdesc: 2, lowsrc: 2, src: 2, usemap: 2 }), Selectors = global.Object(), Operators = global.Object({ '=': "n=='%m'", '^=': "n.indexOf('%m')==0", '*=': "n.indexOf('%m')>-1", '|=': "(n+'-').indexOf('%m-')==0", '~=': "(' '+n+' ').indexOf(' %m ')>-1", '$=': "n.substr(n.length-'%m'.length)=='%m'" }), Optimize = global.Object({ ID: global.RegExp('^\\*?#(' + encoding + '+)|' + skipgroup), TAG: global.RegExp('^(' + encoding + '+)|' + skipgroup), CLASS: global.RegExp('^\\*?\\.(' + encoding + '+$)|' + skipgroup) }), Patterns = global.Object({ universal: /^\*(.*)/, id: global.RegExp('^#(' + encoding + '+)(.*)'), tagName: global.RegExp('^(' + encoding + '+)(.*)'), className: global.RegExp('^\\.(' + encoding + '+)(.*)'), attribute: global.RegExp('^\\[' + attrmatcher + '\\](.*)'), children: /^[\x20\t\n\r\f]*\>[\x20\t\n\r\f]*(.*)/, adjacent: /^[\x20\t\n\r\f]*\+[\x20\t\n\r\f]*(.*)/, relative: /^[\x20\t\n\r\f]*\~[\x20\t\n\r\f]*(.*)/, ancestor: /^[\x20\t\n\r\f]+(.*)/ }), QUIRKS_MODE, XML_DOCUMENT, GEBTN = 'getElementsByTagName' in doc, GEBCN = 'getElementsByClassName' in doc, IE_LT_9 = typeof doc.addEventListener != 'function', INSENSITIVE_MAP = global.Object({ 'href': 1, 'lang': 1, 'src': 1, 'style': 1, 'title': 1, 'type': 1, 'xmlns': 1, 'xml:lang': 1, 'xml:space': 1 }), TO_UPPER_CASE = IE_LT_9 ? '.toUpperCase()' : '', ACCEPT_NODE = 'r[r.length]=c[k];if(f&&false===f(c[k]))break main;else continue main;', REJECT_NODE = IE_LT_9 ? 'if(e.nodeName<"A")continue;' : '', Config = global.Object({ CACHING: false, SIMPLENOT: true, UNIQUE_ID: true, USE_HTML5: true, VERBOSITY: true }), configure = function(option) { if (typeof option == 'string') { return Config[option] || Config; } if (typeof option != 'object') { return false; } for (var i in option) { Config[i] = !!option[i]; if (i == 'SIMPLENOT') { matchContexts = global.Object(); matchResolvers = global.Object(); selectContexts = global.Object(); selectResolvers = global.Object(); } } reValidator = global.RegExp(Config.SIMPLENOT ? standardValidator : extendedValidator, 'g'); return true; }, concatCall = function(data, elements, callback) { var i = -1, element; while ((element = elements[++i])) { if (false === callback(data[data.length] = element)) { break; } } return data; }, emit = function(message) { if (Config.VERBOSITY) { throw global.Error(message); } if (global.console && global.console.log) { global.console.log(message); } }, switchContext = function(from, force) { var oldDoc = doc; lastContext = from; doc = from.ownerDocument || from; if (force || oldDoc !== doc) { root = doc.documentElement; XML_DOCUMENT = doc.createElement('DiV').nodeName == 'DiV'; QUIRKS_MODE = !XML_DOCUMENT && typeof doc.compatMode == 'string' ? doc.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') < 0 : (function() { var style = doc.createElement('div').style; return style && (style.width = 1) && style.width == '1px'; })(); Config.CACHING && Dom.setCache(true, doc); } }, convertEscapes = function(str) { return str.replace(/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\x20?|.)|([\x22\x27])/g, function(substring, p1, p2) { var codePoint, highHex, highSurrogate, lowHex, lowSurrogate; if (p2) { return '\\' + p2; } if (/^[0-9a-fA-F]/.test(p1)) { codePoint = parseInt(p1, 16); if (codePoint < 0 || codePoint > 0x10ffff) { return '\\ufffd'; } if (codePoint <= 0xffff) { lowHex = '000' + codePoint.toString(16); return '\\u' + lowHex.substr(lowHex.length - 4); } codePoint -= 0x10000; highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xd800; lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xdc00; highHex = '000' + highSurrogate.toString(16); lowHex = '000' + lowSurrogate.toString(16); return '\\u' + highHex.substr(highHex.length - 4) + '\\u' + lowHex.substr(lowHex.length - 4); } if (/^[\\\x22\x27]/.test(p1)) { return substring; } return p1; }); }, byIdRaw = function(id, elements) { var i = 0, element = null; while ((element = elements[i])) { if (element.getAttribute('id') == id) { break; } ++i; } return element; }, _byId = !('fileSize' in doc) ? function(id, from) { id = id.replace(/\\([^\\]{1})/g, '$1'); return from.getElementById && from.getElementById(id) || byIdRaw(id, from.getElementsByTagName('*')); } : function(id, from) { var element = null; id = id.replace(/\\([^\\]{1})/g, '$1'); if (XML_DOCUMENT || from.nodeType != 9) { return byIdRaw(id, from.getElementsByTagName('*')); } if ((element = from.getElementById(id)) && == id && from.getElementsByName) { return byIdRaw(id, from.getElementsByName(id)); } return element; }, byId = function(id, from) { from || (from = doc); if (lastContext !== from) { switchContext(from); } return _byId(id, from); }, byTagRaw = function(tag, from) { var any = tag == '*', element = from, elements = global.Array(), next = element.firstChild; any || (tag = tag.toUpperCase()); while ((element = next)) { if (element.tagName > '@' && (any || element.tagName.toUpperCase() == tag)) { elements[elements.length] = element; } if ((next = element.firstChild || element.nextSibling)) continue; while (!next && (element = element.parentNode) && element !== from) { next = element.nextSibling; } } return elements; }, getAttribute = function(node, attribute) { attribute = attribute.toLowerCase(); if (typeof node[attribute] == 'object') { return node.attributes[attribute] && node.attributes[attribute].value || ''; } return ( attribute == 'type' ? node.getAttribute(attribute) || '' : ATTR_URIDATA[attribute] ? node.getAttribute(attribute, 2) || '' : ATTR_BOOLEAN[attribute] ? node.getAttribute(attribute) ? attribute : 'false' : ((node = node.getAttributeNode(attribute)) && node.value) || ''); }, hasAttribute = root.hasAttribute ? function(node, attribute) { return node.hasAttribute(attribute); } : function(node, attribute) { attribute = attribute.toLowerCase(); if (ATTR_DEFAULT[attribute]) { return !!node[ATTR_DEFAULT[attribute]]; } node = node.getAttributeNode(attribute); return !!(node && node.specified); }, compile = function(selector, source, mode) { var parts = typeof selector == 'string' ? selector.match(reSplitGroup) : selector; typeof source == 'string' || (source = ''); if (parts.length == 1) { source += compileSelector(parts[0], mode ? ACCEPT_NODE : 'f&&f(k);return true;', mode); } else { var i = -1, seen = global.Object(), token; while ((token = parts[++i])) { token = token.replace(reTrimSpaces, ''); if (!seen[token] && (seen[token] = true)) { source += compileSelector(token, mode ? ACCEPT_NODE : 'f&&f(k);return true;', mode); } } } if (mode) return global.Function('c,s,r,d,h,g,f,v', 'var N,n,x=0,k=-1,e;main:while((e=c[++k])){' + source + '}return r;'); else return global.Function('e,s,r,d,h,g,f,v', 'var N,n,x=0,k=e;' + source + 'return false;'); }, FILTER = 'var z=v[@]||(v[@]=[]),l=z.length-1;' + 'while(l>=0&&z[l]!==e)--l;' + 'if(l!==-1){break;}' + 'z[z.length]=e;', compileSelector = function(selector, source, mode) { var k = 0, expr, match, name, result, status, test, type; while (selector) { k++; if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.universal))) { expr = ''; } else if ((match = selector.match( { source = 'if(' + (XML_DOCUMENT ? 's.getAttribute(e,"id")' : '(e.submit?s.getAttribute(e,"id")') + '=="' + match[1] + '"' + '){' + source + '}'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.tagName))) { source = 'if(e.nodeName' + (XML_DOCUMENT ? '=="' + match[1] + '"' : TO_UPPER_CASE + '=="' + match[1].toUpperCase() + '"') + '){' + source + '}'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.className))) { source = 'if((n=' + (XML_DOCUMENT ? 'e.getAttribute("class")' : 'e.className') + ')&&n.length&&(" "+' + (QUIRKS_MODE ? 'n.toLowerCase()' : 'n') + '.replace(' + reWhiteSpace + '," ")+" ").indexOf(" ' + (QUIRKS_MODE ? match[1].toLowerCase() : match[1]) + ' ")>-1' + '){' + source + '}'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.attribute))) { if (match[2] && !Operators[match[2]]) { emit('Unsupported operator in attribute selectors "' + selector + '"'); return ''; } test = 'false'; if (match[2] && match[4] && (test = Operators[match[2]])) { match[4] = convertEscapes(match[4]); type = INSENSITIVE_MAP[match[1].toLowerCase()]; test = test.replace(/\%m/g, type ? match[4].toLowerCase() : match[4]); } else if (match[2] == '!=' || match[2] == '=') { test = 'n' + match[2] + '=""'; } expr = 'n=s.' + (match[2] ? 'get' : 'has') + 'Attribute(e,"' + match[1] + '")' + (type && match[2] ? '.toLowerCase();' : ';'); source = expr + 'if(' + (match[2] ? test : 'n') + '){' + source + '}'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.adjacent))) { source = (mode ? '' : FILTER.replace(/@/g, k)) + source; source = 'var N' + k + '=e;while(e&&(e=e.previousSibling)){if(e.nodeName>"@"){' + source + 'break;}}e=N' + k + ';'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.relative))) { source = (mode ? '' : FILTER.replace(/@/g, k)) + source; source = 'var N' + k + '=e;e=e.parentNode.firstChild;while(e&&e!==N' + k + '){if(e.nodeName>"@"){' + source + '}e=e.nextSibling;}e=N' + k + ';'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.children))) { source = (mode ? '' : FILTER.replace(/@/g, k)) + source; source = 'var N' + k + '=e;while(e&&e!==h&&e!==g&&(e=e.parentNode)){' + source + 'break;}e=N' + k + ';'; } else if ((match = selector.match(Patterns.ancestor))) { source = (mode ? '' : FILTER.replace(/@/g, k)) + source; source = 'var N' + k + '=e;while(e&&e!==h&&e!==g&&(e=e.parentNode)){' + source + '}e=N' + k + ';'; } else { expr = false; status = false; for (expr in Selectors) { if ((match = selector.match(Selectors[expr].Expression)) && match[1]) { result = Selectors[expr].Callback(match, source); source = result.source; status = result.status; if (status) { break; } } } if (!status) { emit('Unknown pseudo-class selector "' + selector + '"'); return ''; } if (!expr) { emit('Unknown token in selector "' + selector + '"'); return ''; } } if (!match) { emit('Invalid syntax in selector "' + selector + '"'); return ''; } selector = match && match[match.length - 1]; } return source; }, match = function(element, selector, from, callback) { var parts; if (!(element && element.nodeType == 1)) { emit('Invalid element argument'); return false; } else if (typeof selector != 'string') { emit('Invalid selector argument'); return false; } else if (lastContext !== from) { switchContext(from || (from = element.ownerDocument)); } selector = selector.replace(reTrimSpaces, ''); Config.SHORTCUTS && (selector = Dom.shortcuts(selector, element, from)); if (lastMatcher != selector) { if ((parts = selector.match(reValidator)) && parts[0] == selector) { isSingleMatch = (parts = selector.match(reSplitGroup)).length < 2; lastMatcher = selector; lastPartsMatch = parts; } else { emit('The string "' + selector + '", is not a valid CSS selector'); return false; } } else parts = lastPartsMatch; if (!matchResolvers[selector] || matchContexts[selector] !== from) { matchResolvers[selector] = compile(isSingleMatch ? [selector] : parts, '', false); matchContexts[selector] = from; } return matchResolvers[selector](element, Snapshot, [ ], doc, root, from, callback, { }); }, first = function(selector, from) { return select(selector, from, function() { return false; })[0] || null; }, select = function(selector, from, callback) { var i, changed, element, elements, parts, token, original = selector; if (arguments.length === 0) { emit('Not enough arguments'); return [ ]; } else if (typeof selector != 'string') { return [ ]; } else if (from && !(/1|9|11/).test(from.nodeType)) { emit('Invalid or illegal context element'); return [ ]; } else if (lastContext !== from) { switchContext(from || (from = doc)); } if (Config.CACHING && (elements = Dom.loadResults(original, from, doc, root))) { return callback ? concatCall([ ], elements, callback) : elements; } selector = selector.replace(reTrimSpaces, ''); Config.SHORTCUTS && (selector = Dom.shortcuts(selector, from)); if ((changed = lastSelector != selector)) { if ((parts = selector.match(reValidator)) && parts[0] == selector) { isSingleSelect = (parts = selector.match(reSplitGroup)).length < 2; lastSelector = selector; lastPartsSelect = parts; } else { emit('The string "' + selector + '", is not a valid CSS selector'); return [ ]; } } else parts = lastPartsSelect; if (from.nodeType == 11) { elements = byTagRaw('*', from); } else if (isSingleSelect) { if (changed) { parts = selector.match(reSplitToken); token = parts[parts.length - 1]; lastSlice = token.split(':not')[0]; lastPosition = selector.length - token.length; } if (Config.UNIQUE_ID && (parts = lastSlice.match(Optimize.ID)) && (token = parts[1])) { if ((element = _byId(token, from))) { if (match(element, selector)) { callback && callback(element); elements = global.Array(element); } else elements = global.Array(); } } else if (Config.UNIQUE_ID && (parts = selector.match(Optimize.ID)) && (token = parts[1])) { if ((element = _byId(token, doc))) { if ('#' + token == selector) { callback && callback(element); elements = global.Array(element); } else if (/[>+~]/.test(selector)) { from = element.parentNode; } else { from = element; } } else elements = global.Array(); } if (elements) { Config.CACHING && Dom.saveResults(original, from, doc, elements); return elements; } if (!XML_DOCUMENT && GEBTN && (parts = lastSlice.match(Optimize.TAG)) && (token = parts[1])) { if ((elements = from.getElementsByTagName(token)).length === 0) return [ ]; selector = selector.slice(0, lastPosition) + selector.slice(lastPosition).replace(token, '*'); } else if (!XML_DOCUMENT && GEBCN && (parts = lastSlice.match(Optimize.CLASS)) && (token = parts[1])) { if ((elements = from.getElementsByClassName(token.replace(/\\([^\\]{1})/g, '$1'))).length === 0) return [ ]; selector = selector.slice(0, lastPosition) + selector.slice(lastPosition).replace('.' + token, reOptimizeSelector.test(selector.charAt(selector.indexOf(token) - 1)) ? '' : '*'); } } if (!elements) { if (IE_LT_9) { elements = /^(?:applet|object)$/i.test(from.nodeName) ? from.childNodes : from.all; } else { elements = from.getElementsByTagName('*'); } } if (!selectResolvers[selector] || selectContexts[selector] !== from) { selectResolvers[selector] = compile(isSingleSelect ? [selector] : parts, REJECT_NODE, true); selectContexts[selector] = from; } elements = selectResolvers[selector](elements, Snapshot, [ ], doc, root, from, callback, { }); Config.CACHING && Dom.saveResults(original, from, doc, elements); return elements; }, FN = function(x) { return x; }, matchContexts = global.Object(), matchResolvers = global.Object(), selectContexts = global.Object(), selectResolvers = global.Object(), Snapshot = global.Object({ byId: _byId, match: match, select: select, getAttribute: getAttribute, hasAttribute: hasAttribute }); Tokens = global.Object({ prefixes: prefixes, encoding: encoding, operators: operators, whitespace: whitespace, identifier: identifier, attributes: attributes, combinators: combinators, pseudoclass: pseudoclass, pseudoparms: pseudoparms, quotedvalue: quotedvalue }); Dom.ACCEPT_NODE = ACCEPT_NODE; Dom.byId = byId; Dom.match = match; Dom.first = first; = select; Dom.compile = compile; Dom.configure = configure; Dom.setCache = FN; Dom.shortcuts = FN; Dom.loadResults = FN; Dom.saveResults = FN; Dom.emit = emit; Dom.Config = Config; Dom.Snapshot = Snapshot; Dom.Operators = Operators; Dom.Selectors = Selectors; Dom.Tokens = Tokens; Dom.Version = version; Dom.registerOperator = function(symbol, resolver) { Operators[symbol] || (Operators[symbol] = resolver); }; Dom.registerSelector = function(name, rexp, func) { Selectors[name] || (Selectors[name] = global.Object({ Expression: rexp, Callback: func })); }; switchContext(doc, true); });