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'use strict' var http = require('http') , request = require('../index') , tape = require('tape') , url = require('url') var s = http.createServer(function(req, res) { if (req.url === '/redirect/') { res.writeHead(302, { location : '/' }) } else { res.statusCode = 200 res.setHeader('X-PATH', req.url) } res.end('ok') }) tape('setup', function(t) { s.listen(6767, function() { t.end() }) }) tape('baseUrl', function(t) { request('resource', { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6767' }, function(err, resp, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(body, 'ok') t.end() }) }) tape('baseUrl defaults', function(t) { var withDefaults = request.defaults({ baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6767' }) withDefaults('resource', function(err, resp, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(body, 'ok') t.end() }) }) tape('baseUrl and redirects', function(t) { request('/', { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6767/redirect' }, function(err, resp, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(body, 'ok') t.equal(resp.headers['x-path'], '/') t.end() }) }) function addTest(baseUrl, uri, expected) { tape('test baseurl="' + baseUrl + '" uri="' + uri + '"', function(t) { request(uri, { baseUrl: baseUrl }, function(err, resp, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(body, 'ok') t.equal(resp.headers['x-path'], expected) t.end() }) }) } addTest('http://localhost:6767', '', '/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/', '', '/') addTest('http://localhost:6767', '/', '/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/', '/', '/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api', '', '/api') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api/', '', '/api/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api', '/', '/api/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api/', '/', '/api/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api', 'resource', '/api/resource') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api/', 'resource', '/api/resource') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api', '/resource', '/api/resource') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api/', '/resource', '/api/resource') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api', 'resource/', '/api/resource/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api/', 'resource/', '/api/resource/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api', '/resource/', '/api/resource/') addTest('http://localhost:6767/api/', '/resource/', '/api/resource/') tape('error when baseUrl is not a String', function(t) { request('resource', { baseUrl: url.parse('http://localhost:6767/path') }, function(err, resp, body) { t.notEqual(err, null) t.equal(err.message, 'options.baseUrl must be a string') t.end() }) }) tape('error when uri is not a String', function(t) { request(url.parse('resource'), { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6767/path' }, function(err, resp, body) { t.notEqual(err, null) t.equal(err.message, 'options.uri must be a string when using options.baseUrl') t.end() }) }) tape('error on baseUrl and uri with scheme', function(t) { request('http://localhost:6767/path/ignoring/baseUrl', { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6767/path/' }, function(err, resp, body) { t.notEqual(err, null) t.equal(err.message, 'options.uri must be a path when using options.baseUrl') t.end() }) }) tape('error on baseUrl and uri with scheme-relative url', function(t) { request('//localhost:6767/path/ignoring/baseUrl', { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6767/path/' }, function(err, resp, body) { t.notEqual(err, null) t.equal(err.message, 'options.uri must be a path when using options.baseUrl') t.end() }) }) tape('cleanup', function(t) { s.close(function() { t.end() }) })