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'use strict' var server = require('./server') , assert = require('assert') , request = require('../index') , tape = require('tape') var s = server.createServer() tape('setup', function(t) { s.listen(s.port, function() { s.on('/get', function(req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.method, 'GET') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end('TESTING!') }) s.on('/merge-headers', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.headers.merged, 'yes') resp.writeHead(200) resp.end() }) s.on('/foo-no-test', function(req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal('test' in req.headers, false) assert.equal(req.method, 'GET') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end('TESTING!') }) s.on('/post', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.headers['content-type'], null) assert.equal(req.method, 'POST') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp.end(JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'})) }) s.on('/patch', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.headers['content-type'], null) assert.equal(req.method, 'PATCH') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp.end(JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'})) }) s.on('/post-body', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.headers['content-type'], 'application/json') assert.equal(req.method, 'POST') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp.end(JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'})) }) s.on('/del', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.method, 'DELETE') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp.end(JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'})) }) s.on('/head', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.method, 'HEAD') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end() }) s.on('/get_recursive1', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar1') assert.equal(req.method, 'GET') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end('TESTING!') }) s.on('/get_recursive2', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar1') assert.equal(req.headers.baz, 'bar2') assert.equal(req.method, 'GET') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end('TESTING!') }) s.on('/get_recursive3', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar3') assert.equal(req.headers.baz, 'bar2') assert.equal(req.method, 'GET') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end('TESTING!') }) s.on('/get_custom', function(req, resp) { assert.equal(, 'bar') assert.equal(req.headers.x, 'y') resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end() }) s.on('/set-undefined', function (req, resp) { assert.equal(req.method, 'POST') assert.equal(req.headers['content-type'], 'application/json') assert.equal(req.headers['x-foo'], 'baz') var data = '' req.on('data', function(d) { data += d }) req.on('end', function() { resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) resp.end(data) }) }) s.on('/function', function(req, resp) { resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) resp.end() }) t.end() }) }) tape('get(string, function)', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar' } })(s.url + '/get', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') t.end() }) }) tape('merge headers', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar', merged: 'no' } })(s.url + '/merge-headers', { headers: { merged: 'yes' } }, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(r.statusCode, 200) t.end() }) }) tape('default undefined header', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar', test: undefined } })(s.url + '/foo-no-test', function(e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') t.end() }) }) tape('post(string, object, function)', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar' } }).post(s.url + '/post', { json: true }, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(, 'bar') t.end() }) }) tape('patch(string, object, function)', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar' } }).patch(s.url + '/patch', { json: true }, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(, 'bar') t.end() }) }) tape('post(string, object, function) with body', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar' } }).post(s.url + '/post-body', { json: true, body: { bar: 'baz' } }, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(, 'bar') t.end() }) }) tape('del(string, function)', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: {foo: 'bar'}, json: true }).del(s.url + '/del', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(, 'bar') t.end() }) }) tape('head(object, function)', function(t) { request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar' } }).head({ uri: s.url + '/head' }, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.end() }) }) tape('recursive defaults', function(t) { t.plan(8) var defaultsOne = request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar1' } }) , defaultsTwo = defaultsOne.defaults({ headers: { baz: 'bar2' } }) , defaultsThree = defaultsTwo.defaults({}, function(options, callback) { options.headers = { foo: 'bar3' } defaultsTwo(options, callback) }) defaultsOne(s.url + '/get_recursive1', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') }) defaultsTwo(s.url + '/get_recursive2', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') }) // requester function on recursive defaults defaultsThree(s.url + '/get_recursive3', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') }) defaultsTwo.get(s.url + '/get_recursive2', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') }) }) tape('recursive defaults requester', function(t) { t.plan(4) var defaultsOne = request.defaults({}, function(options, callback) { var headers = options.headers || {} = 'bar1' options.headers = headers request(options, callback) }) , defaultsTwo = defaultsOne.defaults({}, function(options, callback) { var headers = options.headers || {} headers.baz = 'bar2' options.headers = headers defaultsOne(options, callback) }) defaultsOne.get(s.url + '/get_recursive1', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') }) defaultsTwo.get(s.url + '/get_recursive2', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') }) }) tape('test custom request handler function', function(t) { t.plan(2) var requestWithCustomHandler = request.defaults({ headers: { foo: 'bar' }, body: 'TESTING!' }, function(uri, options, callback) { var params = request.initParams(uri, options, callback) params.headers.x = 'y' return request(params.uri, params, params.callback) }) t.throws(function() { requestWithCustomHandler.head(s.url + '/get_custom', function(e, r, b) { throw new Error('We should never get here') }) }, /HTTP HEAD requests MUST NOT include a request body/) requestWithCustomHandler.get(s.url + '/get_custom', function(e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) }) }) tape('test custom request handler function without options', function(t) { t.plan(1) var customHandlerWithoutOptions = request.defaults(function(uri, options, callback) { var params = request.initParams(uri, options, callback) var headers = params.headers || {} headers.x = 'y' = 'bar' params.headers = headers return request(params.uri, params, params.callback) }) customHandlerWithoutOptions.get(s.url + '/get_custom', function(e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) }) }) tape('test only setting undefined properties', function(t) { request.defaults({ method: 'post', json: true, headers: { 'x-foo': 'bar' } })({ uri: s.url + '/set-undefined', json: {foo: 'bar'}, headers: {'x-foo': 'baz'} }, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.deepEqual(b, { foo: 'bar' }) t.end() }) }) tape('test only function', function(t) { var post = t.doesNotThrow(function () { post(s.url + '/function', function (e, r, b) { t.equal(r.statusCode, 200) t.end() }) }) }) tape('invoke defaults', function(t) { var d = request.defaults({ uri: s.url + '/get', headers: { foo: 'bar' } }) d({}, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') t.end() }) }) tape('invoke convenience method from defaults', function(t) { var d = request.defaults({ uri: s.url + '/get', headers: { foo: 'bar' } }) d.get({}, function (e, r, b) { t.equal(e, null) t.equal(b, 'TESTING!') t.end() }) }) tape('cleanup', function(t) { s.close(function() { t.end() }) })