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'use strict' var request = require('../index') , http = require('http') , zlib = require('zlib') , assert = require('assert') , bufferEqual = require('buffer-equal') , tape = require('tape') var testContent = 'Compressible response content.\n' , testContentBig , testContentBigGzip , testContentGzip var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.statusCode = 200 res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') if (/\bgzip\b/i.test(req.headers['accept-encoding'])) { res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') if (req.url === '/error') { // send plaintext instead of gzip (should cause an error for the client) res.end(testContent) } else if (req.url === '/chunks') { res.writeHead(200) res.write(testContentBigGzip.slice(0, 4096)) setTimeout(function() { res.end(testContentBigGzip.slice(4096)) }, 10) } else { zlib.gzip(testContent, function(err, data) { assert.equal(err, null) res.end(data) }) } } else { res.end(testContent) } }) tape('setup', function(t) { // Need big compressed content to be large enough to chunk into gzip blocks. // Want it to be deterministic to ensure test is reliable. // Generate pseudo-random printable ASCII characters using MINSTD var a = 48271 , m = 0x7FFFFFFF , x = 1 testContentBig = new Buffer(10240) for (var i = 0; i < testContentBig.length; ++i) { x = (a * x) & m // Printable ASCII range from 32-126, inclusive testContentBig[i] = (x % 95) + 32 } zlib.gzip(testContent, function(err, data) { t.equal(err, null) testContentGzip = data zlib.gzip(testContentBig, function(err, data2) { t.equal(err, null) testContentBigGzip = data2 server.listen(6767, function() { t.end() }) }) }) }) tape('transparently supports gzip decoding to callbacks', function(t) { var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/foo', gzip: true } request.get(options, function(err, res, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(res.headers['content-encoding'], 'gzip') t.equal(body, testContent) t.end() }) }) tape('transparently supports gzip decoding to pipes', function(t) { var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/foo', gzip: true } var chunks = [] request.get(options) .on('data', function(chunk) { chunks.push(chunk) }) .on('end', function() { t.equal(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(), testContent) t.end() }) .on('error', function(err) { }) }) tape('does not request gzip if user specifies Accepted-Encodings', function(t) { var headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': null } var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/foo', headers: headers, gzip: true } request.get(options, function(err, res, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(res.headers['content-encoding'], undefined) t.equal(body, testContent) t.end() }) }) tape('does not decode user-requested encoding by default', function(t) { var headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip' } var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/foo', headers: headers } request.get(options, function(err, res, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(res.headers['content-encoding'], 'gzip') t.equal(body, testContentGzip.toString()) t.end() }) }) tape('supports character encoding with gzip encoding', function(t) { var headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip' } var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/foo', headers: headers, gzip: true, encoding: 'utf8' } var strings = [] request.get(options) .on('data', function(string) { t.equal(typeof string, 'string') strings.push(string) }) .on('end', function() { t.equal(strings.join(''), testContent) t.end() }) .on('error', function(err) { }) }) tape('transparently supports gzip error to callbacks', function(t) { var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/error', gzip: true } request.get(options, function(err, res, body) { t.equal(err.code, 'Z_DATA_ERROR') t.equal(res, undefined) t.equal(body, undefined) t.end() }) }) tape('transparently supports gzip error to pipes', function(t) { var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/error', gzip: true } request.get(options) .on('data', function (/*chunk*/) {'Should not receive data event') }) .on('end', function () {'Should not receive end event') }) .on('error', function (err) { t.equal(err.code, 'Z_DATA_ERROR') t.end() }) }) tape('pause when streaming from a gzip request object', function(t) { var chunks = [] var paused = false var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/chunks', gzip: true } request.get(options) .on('data', function(chunk) { var self = this t.notOk(paused, 'Only receive data when not paused') chunks.push(chunk) if (chunks.length === 1) { self.pause() paused = true setTimeout(function() { paused = false self.resume() }, 100) } }) .on('end', function() { t.ok(chunks.length > 1, 'Received multiple chunks') t.ok(bufferEqual(Buffer.concat(chunks), testContentBig), 'Expected content') t.end() }) }) tape('pause before streaming from a gzip request object', function(t) { var paused = true var options = { url: 'http://localhost:6767/foo', gzip: true } var r = request.get(options) r.pause() r.on('data', function(data) { t.notOk(paused, 'Only receive data when not paused') t.equal(data.toString(), testContent) }) r.on('end', t.end.bind(t)) setTimeout(function() { paused = false r.resume() }, 100) }) tape('cleanup', function(t) { server.close(function() { t.end() }) })