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'use strict' var http = require('http') , https = require('https') , server = require('./server') , request = require('../index') , tape = require('tape') var faux_requests_made function clear_faux_requests() { faux_requests_made = { http: 0, https: 0 } } function wrap_request(name, module) { // Just like the http or https module, but note when a request is made. var wrapped = {} Object.keys(module).forEach(function(key) { var value = module[key] if (key === 'request') { wrapped[key] = function(/*options, callback*/) { faux_requests_made[name] += 1 return value.apply(this, arguments) } } else { wrapped[key] = value } }) return wrapped } var faux_http = wrap_request('http', http) , faux_https = wrap_request('https', https) , plain_server = server.createServer() , https_server = server.createSSLServer() tape('setup', function(t) { plain_server.listen(plain_server.port, function() { plain_server.on('/plain', function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200) res.end('plain') }) plain_server.on('/to_https', function (req, res) { res.writeHead(301, { 'location': 'https://localhost:' + https_server.port + '/https' }) res.end() }) https_server.listen(https_server.port, function() { https_server.on('/https', function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200) res.end('https') }) https_server.on('/to_plain', function (req, res) { res.writeHead(302, { 'location': 'http://localhost:' + plain_server.port + '/plain' }) res.end() }) t.end() }) }) }) function run_tests(name, httpModules) { tape(name, function(t) { var to_https = 'http://localhost:' + plain_server.port + '/to_https' , to_plain = 'https://localhost:' + https_server.port + '/to_plain' , options = { httpModules: httpModules, strictSSL: false } , modulesTest = httpModules || {} clear_faux_requests() request(to_https, options, function (err, res, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(res.statusCode, 200) t.equal(body, 'https', 'Received HTTPS server body') t.equal(faux_requests_made.http, modulesTest['http:' ] ? 1 : 0) t.equal(faux_requests_made.https, modulesTest['https:'] ? 1 : 0) request(to_plain, options, function (err, res, body) { t.equal(err, null) t.equal(res.statusCode, 200) t.equal(body, 'plain', 'Received HTTPS server body') t.equal(faux_requests_made.http, modulesTest['http:' ] ? 2 : 0) t.equal(faux_requests_made.https, modulesTest['https:'] ? 2 : 0) t.end() }) }) }) } run_tests('undefined') run_tests('empty', {}) run_tests('http only', { 'http:': faux_http }) run_tests('https only', { 'https:': faux_https }) run_tests('http and https', { 'http:': faux_http, 'https:': faux_https }) tape('cleanup', function(t) { plain_server.close(function() { https_server.close(function() { t.end() }) }) })