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'use strict' // a test where we validate the siguature of the keys // otherwise exactly the same as the ssl test var server = require('./server') , request = require('../index') , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , tape = require('tape') var s = server.createSSLServer() , caFile = path.resolve(__dirname, 'ssl/ca/ca.crt') , ca = fs.readFileSync(caFile) , opts = { ciphers: 'AES256-SHA', key: path.resolve(__dirname, 'ssl/ca/server.key'), cert: path.resolve(__dirname, 'ssl/ca/server.crt') } , sStrict = server.createSSLServer(s.port + 1, opts) function runAllTests(strict, s) { var strictMsg = (strict ? 'strict ' : 'relaxed ') tape(strictMsg + 'setup', function(t) { s.listen(s.port, function() { t.end() }) }) function runTest(name, test) { tape(strictMsg + name, function(t) { s.on('/' + name, test.resp) test.uri = s.url + '/' + name if (strict) { test.strictSSL = true = ca test.headers = { host: '' } } else { test.rejectUnauthorized = false } request(test, function(err, resp, body) { t.equal(err, null) if (test.expectBody) { t.deepEqual(test.expectBody, body) } t.end() }) }) } runTest('testGet', { resp : server.createGetResponse('TESTING!') , expectBody: 'TESTING!' }) runTest('testGetChunkBreak', { resp : server.createChunkResponse( [ new Buffer([239]) , new Buffer([163]) , new Buffer([191]) , new Buffer([206]) , new Buffer([169]) , new Buffer([226]) , new Buffer([152]) , new Buffer([131]) ]) , expectBody: '\uf8ff\u03a9\u2603' }) runTest('testGetJSON', { resp : server.createGetResponse('{"test":true}', 'application/json') , json : true , expectBody: {'test':true} }) runTest('testPutString', { resp : server.createPostValidator('PUTTINGDATA') , method : 'PUT' , body : 'PUTTINGDATA' }) runTest('testPutBuffer', { resp : server.createPostValidator('PUTTINGDATA') , method : 'PUT' , body : new Buffer('PUTTINGDATA') }) runTest('testPutJSON', { resp : server.createPostValidator(JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar'})) , method: 'PUT' , json: {foo: 'bar'} }) runTest('testPutMultipart', { resp: server.createPostValidator( '--__BOUNDARY__\r\n' + 'content-type: text/html\r\n' + '\r\n' + '<html><body>Oh hi.</body></html>' + '\r\n--__BOUNDARY__\r\n\r\n' + 'Oh hi.' + '\r\n--__BOUNDARY__--' ) , method: 'PUT' , multipart: [ {'content-type': 'text/html', 'body': '<html><body>Oh hi.</body></html>'} , {'body': 'Oh hi.'} ] }) tape(strictMsg + 'cleanup', function(t) { s.close(function() { t.end() }) }) } runAllTests(false, s) if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) { // somehow this test modifies the process state // test coverage runs all tests in a single process via tape // executing this test causes one of the tests in test-tunnel.js to throw runAllTests(true, sStrict) }