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'use strict' var request = require('../index') , http = require('http') , tape = require('tape') var s = http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.statusCode = 200 res.end('') }) var stderr = [] , prevStderrLen = 0 tape('setup', function(t) { process.stderr._oldWrite = process.stderr.write process.stderr.write = function(string, encoding, fd) { stderr.push(string) } s.listen(6767, function() { t.end() }) }) tape('a simple request should not fail with debugging enabled', function(t) { request.debug = true t.equal(request.Request.debug, true, 'request.debug sets request.Request.debug') t.equal(request.debug, true, 'request.debug gets request.Request.debug') stderr = [] request('http://localhost:6767', function(err, res, body) { t.ifError(err, 'the request did not fail') t.ok(res, 'the request did not fail') t.ok(stderr.length, 'stderr has some messages') var patterns = [ /^REQUEST { uri: /, /^REQUEST make request http:\/\/localhost:6767\/\n$/, /^REQUEST onRequestResponse /, /^REQUEST finish init /, /^REQUEST response end /, /^REQUEST end event /, /^REQUEST emitting complete / ] patterns.forEach(function(pattern) { var found = false stderr.forEach(function(msg) { if (pattern.test(msg)) { found = true } }) t.ok(found, 'a log message matches ' + pattern) }) prevStderrLen = stderr.length t.end() }) }) tape('there should be no further lookups on process.env', function(t) { process.env.NODE_DEBUG = '' stderr = [] request('http://localhost:6767', function(err, res, body) { t.ifError(err, 'the request did not fail') t.ok(res, 'the request did not fail') t.equal(stderr.length, prevStderrLen, 'env.NODE_DEBUG is not retested') t.end() }) }) tape('it should be possible to disable debugging at runtime', function(t) { request.debug = false t.equal(request.Request.debug, false, 'request.debug sets request.Request.debug') t.equal(request.debug, false, 'request.debug gets request.Request.debug') stderr = [] request('http://localhost:6767', function(err, res, body) { t.ifError(err, 'the request did not fail') t.ok(res, 'the request did not fail') t.equal(stderr.length, 0, 'debugging can be disabled') t.end() }) }) tape('cleanup', function(t) { process.stderr.write = process.stderr._oldWrite delete process.stderr._oldWrite s.close(function() { t.end() }) })