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// Copyright 2013 Selenium committers // Copyright 2013 Software Freedom Conservancy // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'), util = require('util'); var webdriver = require('./index'), executors = require('./executors'), io = require('./io'), portprober = require('./net/portprober'), remote = require('./remote'); /** * Name of the PhantomJS executable. * @type {string} * @const */ var PHANTOMJS_EXE = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'phantomjs.exe' : 'phantomjs'; /** * Capability that designates the location of the PhantomJS executable to use. * @type {string} * @const */ var BINARY_PATH_CAPABILITY = 'phantomjs.binary.path'; /** * Capability that designates the CLI arguments to pass to PhantomJS. * @type {string} * @const */ var CLI_ARGS_CAPABILITY = 'phantomjs.cli.args'; /** * Default log file to use if one is not specified through CLI args. * @type {string} * @const */ var DEFAULT_LOG_FILE = 'phantomjsdriver.log'; /** * Finds the PhantomJS executable. * @param {string=} opt_exe Path to the executable to use. * @return {string} The located executable. * @throws {Error} If the executable cannot be found on the PATH, or if the * provided executable path does not exist. */ function findExecutable(opt_exe) { var exe = opt_exe || io.findInPath(PHANTOMJS_EXE, true); if (!exe) { throw Error( 'The PhantomJS executable could not be found on the current PATH. ' + 'Please download the latest version from ' + ' and ensure it can be found on ' + 'your PATH. For more information, see ' + ''); } if (!fs.existsSync(exe)) { throw Error('File does not exist: ' + exe); } return exe; } /** * Maps WebDriver logging level name to those recognised by PhantomJS. * @type {!Object.<string, string>} * @const */ var WEBDRIVER_TO_PHANTOMJS_LEVEL = (function() { var map = {}; map[] = 'DEBUG'; map[] = 'DEBUG'; map[] = 'INFO'; map[] = 'WARN'; map[] = 'ERROR'; return map; })(); /** * Creates a new PhantomJS WebDriver client. * @param {webdriver.Capabilities=} opt_capabilities The desired capabilities. * @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow to use, or * {@code null} to use the currently active flow. * @return {!webdriver.WebDriver} A new WebDriver instance. * @deprecated Use {@link Driver}. */ function createDriver(opt_capabilities, opt_flow) { return new Driver(opt_capabilities, opt_flow); } /** * Creates a new WebDriver client for PhantomJS. * * @param {webdriver.Capabilities=} opt_capabilities The desired capabilities. * @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow to use, or * {@code null} to use the currently active flow. * @constructor * @extends {webdriver.WebDriver} */ var Driver = function(opt_capabilities, opt_flow) { var capabilities = opt_capabilities || webdriver.Capabilities.phantomjs(); var exe = findExecutable(capabilities.get(BINARY_PATH_CAPABILITY)); var args = ['--webdriver-logfile=' + DEFAULT_LOG_FILE]; var logPrefs = capabilities.get(webdriver.Capability.LOGGING_PREFS); if (logPrefs instanceof webdriver.logging.Preferences) { logPrefs = logPrefs.toJSON(); } if (logPrefs && logPrefs[webdriver.logging.Type.DRIVER]) { var level = WEBDRIVER_TO_PHANTOMJS_LEVEL[ logPrefs[webdriver.logging.Type.DRIVER]]; if (level) { args.push('--webdriver-loglevel=' + level); } } var proxy = capabilities.get(webdriver.Capability.PROXY); if (proxy) { switch (proxy.proxyType) { case 'manual': if (proxy.httpProxy) { args.push( '--proxy-type=http', '--proxy=http://' + proxy.httpProxy); } break; case 'pac': throw Error('PhantomJS does not support Proxy PAC files'); case 'system': args.push('--proxy-type=system'); break; case 'direct': args.push('--proxy-type=none'); break; } } args = args.concat(capabilities.get(CLI_ARGS_CAPABILITY) || []); var port = portprober.findFreePort(); var service = new remote.DriverService(exe, { port: port, args: webdriver.promise.when(port, function(port) { args.push('--webdriver=' + port); return args; }) }); var executor = executors.createExecutor(service.start()); var driver = webdriver.WebDriver.createSession( executor, capabilities, opt_flow); this, driver.getSession(), executor, driver.controlFlow()); var boundQuit = this.quit.bind(this); /** @override */ this.quit = function() { return boundQuit().thenFinally(service.kill.bind(service)); }; return driver; }; util.inherits(Driver, webdriver.WebDriver); // PUBLIC API exports.Driver = Driver; exports.createDriver = createDriver;