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// Copyright 2013 Software Freedom Conservancy // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. 'use strict'; var path = require('path'), url = require('url'), util = require('util'); var promise = require('../').promise, httpUtil = require('../http/util'), exec = require('../io/exec'), net = require('../net'), portprober = require('../net/portprober'); /** * Configuration options for a DriverService instance. * <ul> * <li> * <li>{@code loopback} - Whether the service should only be accessed on this * host's loopback address. * <li>{@code port} - The port to start the server on (must be > 0). If the * port is provided as a promise, the service will wait for the promise to * resolve before starting. * <li>{@code args} - The arguments to pass to the service. If a promise is * provided, the service will wait for it to resolve before starting. * <li>{@code path} - The base path on the server for the WebDriver wire * protocol (e.g. '/wd/hub'). Defaults to '/'. * <li>{@code env} - The environment variables that should be visible to the * server process. Defaults to inheriting the current process's * environment. * <li>{@code stdio} - IO configuration for the spawned server process. For * more information, refer to the documentation of * {@code child_process.spawn}. * </ul> * * @typedef {{ * port: (number|!webdriver.promise.Promise.<number>), * args: !(Array.<string>|webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<string>>), * path: (string|undefined), * env: (!Object.<string, string>|undefined), * stdio: (string|!Array.<string|number|!Stream|null|undefined>|undefined) * }} */ var ServiceOptions; /** * Manages the life and death of a native executable WebDriver server. * * <p>It is expected that the driver server implements the * <a href="">WebDriver * Wire Protocol</a>. Furthermore, the managed server should support multiple * concurrent sessions, so that this class may be reused for multiple clients. * * @param {string} executable Path to the executable to run. * @param {!ServiceOptions} options Configuration options for the service. * @constructor */ function DriverService(executable, options) { /** @private {string} */ this.executable_ = executable; /** @private {boolean} */ this.loopbackOnly_ = !!options.loopback; /** @private {(number|!webdriver.promise.Promise.<number>)} */ this.port_ = options.port; /** * @private {!(Array.<string>|webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<string>>)} */ this.args_ = options.args; /** @private {string} */ this.path_ = options.path || '/'; /** @private {!Object.<string, string>} */ this.env_ = options.env || process.env; /** @private {(string|!Array.<string|number|!Stream|null|undefined>)} */ this.stdio_ = options.stdio || 'ignore'; /** * A promise for the managed subprocess, or null if the server has not been * started yet. This promise will never be rejected. * @private {promise.Promise.<!exec.Command>} */ this.command_ = null; /** * Promise that resolves to the server's address or null if the server has * not been started. This promise will be rejected if the server terminates * before it starts accepting WebDriver requests. * @private {promise.Promise.<string>} */ this.address_ = null; } /** * The default amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the server to * start. * @type {number} */ DriverService.DEFAULT_START_TIMEOUT_MS = 30 * 1000; /** * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that resolves to * the server's address. * @throws {Error} If the server has not been started. */ DriverService.prototype.address = function() { if (this.address_) { return this.address_; } throw Error('Server has not been started.'); }; /** * Returns whether the underlying process is still running. This does not take * into account whether the process is in the process of shutting down. * @return {boolean} Whether the underlying service process is running. */ DriverService.prototype.isRunning = function() { return !!this.address_; }; /** * Starts the server if it is not already running. * @param {number=} opt_timeoutMs How long to wait, in milliseconds, for the * server to start accepting requests. Defaults to 30 seconds. * @return {!promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will resolve * to the server's base URL when it has started accepting requests. If the * timeout expires before the server has started, the promise will be * rejected. */ DriverService.prototype.start = function(opt_timeoutMs) { if (this.address_) { return this.address_; } var timeout = opt_timeoutMs || DriverService.DEFAULT_START_TIMEOUT_MS; var self = this; this.command_ = promise.defer(); this.address_ = promise.defer(); this.address_.fulfill(promise.when(this.port_, function(port) { if (port <= 0) { throw Error('Port must be > 0: ' + port); } return promise.when(self.args_, function(args) { var command = exec(self.executable_, { args: args, env: self.env_, stdio: self.stdio_ }); self.command_.fulfill(command); command.result().then(function(result) { self.address_.reject(result.code == null ? Error('Server was killed with ' + result.signal) : Error('Server exited with ' + result.code)); self.address_ = null; self.command_ = null; }); var serverUrl = url.format({ protocol: 'http', hostname: !self.loopbackOnly_ && net.getAddress() || net.getLoopbackAddress(), port: port, pathname: self.path_ }); return httpUtil.waitForServer(serverUrl, timeout).then(function() { return serverUrl; }); }); })); return this.address_; }; /** * Stops the service if it is not currently running. This function will kill * the server immediately. To synchronize with the active control flow, use * {@link #stop()}. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when * the server has been stopped. */ DriverService.prototype.kill = function() { if (!this.address_ || !this.command_) { return promise.fulfilled(); // Not currently running. } return this.command_.then(function(command) { command.kill('SIGTERM'); }); }; /** * Schedules a task in the current control flow to stop the server if it is * currently running. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when * the server has been stopped. */ DriverService.prototype.stop = function() { return promise.controlFlow().execute(this.kill.bind(this)); }; /** * Manages the life and death of the Selenium standalone server. The server * may be obtained from * @param {string} jar Path to the Selenium server jar. * @param {!SeleniumServer.Options} options Configuration options for the * server. * @throws {Error} If an invalid port is specified. * @constructor * @extends {DriverService} */ function SeleniumServer(jar, options) { if (options.port < 0) throw Error('Port must be >= 0: ' + options.port); var port = options.port || portprober.findFreePort(); var args = promise.when(options.jvmArgs || [], function(jvmArgs) { return promise.when(options.args || [], function(args) { return promise.when(port, function(port) { return jvmArgs.concat(['-jar', jar, '-port', port]).concat(args); }); }); });, 'java', { port: port, args: args, path: '/wd/hub', env: options.env, stdio: options.stdio }); } util.inherits(SeleniumServer, DriverService); /** * Options for the Selenium server: * <ul> * <li>{@code port} - The port to start the server on (must be > 0). If the * port is provided as a promise, the service will wait for the promise to * resolve before starting. * <li>{@code args} - The arguments to pass to the service. If a promise is * provided, the service will wait for it to resolve before starting. * <li>{@code jvmArgs} - The arguments to pass to the JVM. If a promise is * provided, the service will wait for it to resolve before starting. * <li>{@code env} - The environment variables that should be visible to the * server process. Defaults to inheriting the current process's * environment. * <li>{@code stdio} - IO configuration for the spawned server process. For * more information, refer to the documentation of * {@code child_process.spawn}. * </ul> * * @typedef {{ * port: (number|!webdriver.promise.Promise.<number>), * args: !(Array.<string>|webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<string>>), * jvmArgs: (!Array.<string>| * !webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<string>>| * undefined), * env: (!Object.<string, string>|undefined), * stdio: (string|!Array.<string|number|!Stream|null|undefined>|undefined) * }} */ SeleniumServer.Options; // PUBLIC API exports.DriverService = DriverService; exports.SeleniumServer = SeleniumServer;