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/* * Copyright GoInstant, Inc. and other contributors. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ 'use strict'; var vows = require('vows'); var assert = require('assert'); var async = require('async'); // NOTE use require("tough-cookie") in your own code: var tough = require('./lib/cookie'); var Cookie = tough.Cookie; var CookieJar = tough.CookieJar; function dateVows(table) { var theVows = { }; Object.keys(table).forEach(function(date) { var expect = table[date]; theVows[date] = function() { var got = tough.parseDate(date) ? 'valid' : 'invalid'; assert.equal(got, expect ? 'valid' : 'invalid'); }; }); return { "date parsing": theVows }; } function matchVows(func,table) { var theVows = {}; table.forEach(function(item) { var str = item[0]; var dom = item[1]; var expect = item[2]; var label = str+(expect?" matches ":" doesn't match ")+dom; theVows[label] = function() { assert.equal(func(str,dom),expect); }; }); return theVows; } function defaultPathVows(table) { var theVows = {}; table.forEach(function(item) { var str = item[0]; var expect = item[1]; var label = str+" gives "+expect; theVows[label] = function() { assert.equal(tough.defaultPath(str),expect); }; }); return theVows; } var atNow =; function at(offset) { return {now: new Date(atNow+offset)}; } vows.describe('Cookie Jar') .addBatch({ "all defined": function() { assert.ok(Cookie); assert.ok(CookieJar); }, }) .addBatch( dateVows({ "Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT": true, "Wed, 09 Jun 2021 22:18:14 GMT": true, "Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:42:42.123 GMT": true, "18 Oct 2011 07:42:42 GMT": true, "8 Oct 2011 7:42:42 GMT": true, "8 Oct 2011 7:2:42 GMT": false, "Oct 18 2011 07:42:42 GMT": true, "Tue Oct 18 2011 07:05:03 GMT+0000 (GMT)": true, "09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT": true, "99 Jix 3038 48:86:72 ZMT": false, '01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT': true, '01 Jan 1600 00:00:00 GMT': false, // before 1601 '01 Jan 1601 00:00:00 GMT': true, '10 Feb 81 13:00:00 GMT': true, // implicit year 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:010 GMT': true, // strange time, non-strict OK 'Thu, 17-Apr-2014 02:12:29 GMT': true, // dashes 'Thu, 17-Apr-2014 02:12:29 UTC': true, // dashes and UTC }) ) .addBatch({ "strict date parse of Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:010 GMT": { topic: function() { return tough.parseDate('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:010 GMT', true) ? true : false; }, "invalid": function(date) { assert.equal(date,false); }, } }) .addBatch({ "formatting": { "a simple cookie": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; return c; }, "validates": function(c) { assert.ok(c.validate()); }, "to string": function(c) { assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=b'); }, }, "a cookie with spaces in the value": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'beta gamma'; return c; }, "doesn't validate": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.validate()); }, "'garbage in, garbage out'": function(c) { assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=beta gamma'); }, }, "with an empty value and HttpOnly": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.httpOnly = true; return c; }, "to string": function(c) { assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=; HttpOnly'); } }, "with an expiry": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.setExpires("Oct 18 2011 07:05:03 GMT"); return c; }, "validates": function(c) { assert.ok(c.validate()); }, "to string": function(c) { assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=b; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:05:03 GMT'); }, "to short string": function(c) { assert.equal(c.cookieString(), 'a=b'); }, }, "with a max-age": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.setExpires("Oct 18 2011 07:05:03 GMT"); c.maxAge = 12345; return c; }, "validates": function(c) { assert.ok(c.validate()); // mabe this one *shouldn't*? }, "to string": function(c) { assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=b; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:05:03 GMT; Max-Age=12345'); }, }, "with a bunch of things": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.setExpires("Oct 18 2011 07:05:03 GMT"); c.maxAge = 12345; c.domain = ''; c.path = '/foo'; = true; c.httpOnly = true; c.extensions = ['MyExtension']; assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=b; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:05:03 GMT; Max-Age=12345;; Path=/foo; Secure; HttpOnly; MyExtension'); }, "a host-only cookie": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.hostOnly = true; c.domain = ''; c.path = '/should-stringify'; return c; }, "validates": function(c) { assert.ok(c.validate()); }, "to string": function(c) { assert.equal(c.toString(), 'a=b; Path=/should-stringify'); }, }, "minutes are '10'": { topic: function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.expires = new Date(1284113410000); return c; }, "validates": function(c) { assert.ok(c.validate()); }, "to string": function(c) { var str = c.toString(); assert.notEqual(str, 'a=b; Expires=Fri, 010 Sep 2010 010:010:010 GMT'); assert.equal(str, 'a=b; Expires=Fri, 10 Sep 2010 10:10:10 GMT'); }, } } }) .addBatch({ "TTL with max-age": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.maxAge = 123; assert.equal(c.TTL(), 123000); assert.equal(c.expiryTime(new Date(9000000)), 9123000); }, "TTL with zero max-age": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.maxAge = 0; // should be treated as "earliest representable" assert.equal(c.TTL(), 0); assert.equal(c.expiryTime(new Date(9000000)), -Infinity); assert.ok(!c.validate()); // not valid, really: non-zero-digit *DIGIT }, "TTL with negative max-age": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'a'; c.value = 'b'; c.maxAge = -1; // should be treated as "earliest representable" assert.equal(c.TTL(), 0); assert.equal(c.expiryTime(new Date(9000000)), -Infinity); assert.ok(!c.validate()); // not valid, really: non-zero-digit *DIGIT }, "TTL with max-age and expires": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.maxAge = 123; c.expires = new Date(; assert.equal(c.TTL(), 123000); assert.ok(c.isPersistent()); }, "TTL with expires": function() { var c = new Cookie(); var now =; c.expires = new Date(now+9000); assert.equal(c.TTL(now), 9000); assert.equal(c.expiryTime(), c.expires.getTime()); }, "TTL with old expires": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.setExpires('17 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT'); assert.ok(c.TTL() < 0); assert.ok(c.isPersistent()); }, "default TTL": { topic: function() { return new Cookie(); }, "is Infinite-future": function(c) { assert.equal(c.TTL(), Infinity) }, "is a 'session' cookie": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.isPersistent()) }, }, }).addBatch({ "Parsing": { "simple": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('a=bcd',true) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'a') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'bcd') }, "no path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, null) }, "no domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, null) }, "no extensions": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.extensions) }, }, "with expiry": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('a=bcd; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:05:03 GMT',true) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'a') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'bcd') }, "has expires": function(c) { assert.ok(c.expires !== Infinity, 'expiry is infinite when it shouldn\'t be'); assert.equal(c.expires.getTime(), 1318921503000); }, }, "with expiry and path": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('abc="xyzzy!"; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:05:03 GMT; Path=/aBc',true) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'abc') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'xyzzy!') }, "has expires": function(c) { assert.ok(c.expires !== Infinity, 'expiry is infinite when it shouldn\'t be'); assert.equal(c.expires.getTime(), 1318921503000); }, "has path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, '/aBc'); }, "no httponly or secure": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.httpOnly); assert.ok(!; }, }, "with everything": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('abc="xyzzy!"; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:05:03 GMT; Path=/aBc;; Secure; HTTPOnly; Max-Age=1234; Foo=Bar; Baz', true) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'abc') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'xyzzy!') }, "has expires": function(c) { assert.ok(c.expires !== Infinity, 'expiry is infinite when it shouldn\'t be'); assert.equal(c.expires.getTime(), 1318921503000); }, "has path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, '/aBc'); }, "has domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, ''); }, "has httponly": function(c) { assert.equal(c.httpOnly, true); }, "has secure": function(c) { assert.equal(, true); }, "has max-age": function(c) { assert.equal(c.maxAge, 1234); }, "has extensions": function(c) { assert.ok(c.extensions); assert.equal(c.extensions[0], 'Foo=Bar'); assert.equal(c.extensions[1], 'Baz'); }, }, "invalid expires": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; Expires=xyzzy", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; Expires=xyzzy"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.expires, Infinity); }, }, "zero max-age": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; Max-Age=0", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; Max-Age=0"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.maxAge, 0); }, }, "negative max-age": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; Max-Age=-1", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; Max-Age=-1"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.maxAge, -1); }, }, "empty domain": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; domain=", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; domain="); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.domain, null); }, }, "dot domain": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; domain=.", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; domain=."); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.domain, null); }, }, "uppercase domain": { "strict lowercases": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; domain=EXAMPLE.COM"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.domain, ''); }, "non-strict lowercases": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; domain=EXAMPLE.COM"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.domain, ''); }, }, "trailing dot in domain": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse("a=b;", true) || null; }, "has the domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain,"") }, "but doesn't validate": function(c) { assert.equal(c.validate(),false) }, }, "empty path": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; path=", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; path="); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.path, null); }, }, "no-slash path": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; path=xyzzy", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; path=xyzzy"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.path, null); }, }, "trailing semi-colons after path": { topic: function () { return [ "a=b; path=/;", "c=d;;;;" ]; }, "strict": function (t) { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse(t[0], true)); assert.ok(!Cookie.parse(t[1], true)); }, "non-strict": function (t) { var c1 = Cookie.parse(t[0]); var c2 = Cookie.parse(t[1]); assert.ok(c1); assert.ok(c2); assert.equal(c1.path, '/'); } }, "secure-with-value": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; Secure=xyzzy", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; Secure=xyzzy"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(, true); }, }, "httponly-with-value": { "strict": function() { assert.ok(!Cookie.parse("a=b; HttpOnly=xyzzy", true)) }, "non-strict": function() { var c = Cookie.parse("a=b; HttpOnly=xyzzy"); assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.httpOnly, true); }, }, "garbage": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse("\x08", true) || null; }, "doesn't parse": function(c) { assert.equal(c,null) }, }, "public suffix domain": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse("a=b;", true) || null; }, "parses fine": function(c) { assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.domain, ''); }, "but fails validation": function(c) { assert.ok(c); assert.ok(!c.validate()); }, }, "Ironically, Google 'GAPS' cookie has very little whitespace": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse("GAPS=1:A1aaaaAaAAa1aaAaAaaAAAaaa1a11a:aaaAaAaAa-aaaA1-;Path=/;Expires=Thu, 17-Apr-2014 02:12:29 GMT;Secure;HttpOnly"); }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'GAPS') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, '1:A1aaaaAaAAa1aaAaAaaAAAaaa1a11a:aaaAaAaAa-aaaA1-') }, "path": function(c) { assert.notEqual(c.path, '/;Expires'); // BUG assert.equal(c.path, '/'); }, "expires": function(c) { assert.notEqual(c.expires, Infinity); assert.equal(c.expires.getTime(), 1397700749000); }, "secure": function(c) { assert.ok( }, "httponly": function(c) { assert.ok(c.httpOnly) }, }, "lots of equal signs": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse("queryPref=b=c&d=e; Path=/f=g; Expires=Thu, 17 Apr 2014 02:12:29 GMT; HttpOnly"); }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'queryPref') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'b=c&d=e') }, "path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, '/f=g'); }, "expires": function(c) { assert.notEqual(c.expires, Infinity); assert.equal(c.expires.getTime(), 1397700749000); }, "httponly": function(c) { assert.ok(c.httpOnly) }, }, "spaces in value": { "strict": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('a=one two three',true) || null; }, "did not parse": function(c) { assert.isNull(c) }, }, "non-strict": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('a=one two three',false) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'a') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'one two three') }, "no path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, null) }, "no domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, null) }, "no extensions": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.extensions) }, }, }, "quoted spaces in value": { "strict": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('a="one two three"',true) || null; }, "did not parse": function(c) { assert.isNull(c) }, }, "non-strict": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('a="one two three"',false) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'a') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'one two three') }, "no path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, null) }, "no domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, null) }, "no extensions": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.extensions) }, } }, "non-ASCII in value": { "strict": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('farbe=weiß',true) || null; }, "did not parse": function(c) { assert.isNull(c) }, }, "non-strict": { topic: function() { return Cookie.parse('farbe=weiß',false) || null; }, "parsed": function(c) { assert.ok(c) }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, 'farbe') }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'weiß') }, "no path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, null) }, "no domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, null) }, "no extensions": function(c) { assert.ok(!c.extensions) }, }, }, } }) .addBatch({ "domain normalization": { "simple": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.domain = ""; assert.equal(c.canonicalizedDomain(), ""); }, "extra dots": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.domain = ""; assert.equal(c.cdomain(), ""); }, "weird trailing dot": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.domain = ""; assert.equal(c.canonicalizedDomain(), ""); }, "weird internal dots": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.domain = ""; assert.equal(c.canonicalizedDomain(), ""); }, "IDN": function() { var c = new Cookie(); c.domain = "δοκιμή.δοκιμή"; // "test.test" in greek assert.equal(c.canonicalizedDomain(), "xn--jxalpdlp.xn--jxalpdlp"); } } }) .addBatch({ "Domain Match":matchVows(tough.domainMatch, [ // str, dom, expect ["", "", true], ["eXaMpLe.cOm", "ExAmPlE.CoM", true], ["", "", false], ["", "", false], ["", "", true], ["", "", false], ["", "", true], ["", "", true], ["", "", false], // RFC6265 S4.1.2.3 ["", "168.0.1", false], // S5.1.3 "The string is a host name" [null, "", null], ["", null, null], [null, null, null], [undefined, undefined, null], ]) }) .addBatch({ "default-path": defaultPathVows([ [null,"/"], ["/","/"], ["/file","/"], ["/dir/file","/dir"], ["noslash","/"], ]) }) .addBatch({ "Path-Match": matchVows(tough.pathMatch, [ // request, cookie, match ["/","/",true], ["/dir","/",true], ["/","/dir",false], ["/dir/","/dir/", true], ["/dir/file","/dir/",true], ["/dir/file","/dir",true], ["/directory","/dir",false], ]) }) .addBatch({ "Cookie Sorting": { topic: function() { var cookies = []; var now =; cookies.push(Cookie.parse("a=0;")); cookies.push(Cookie.parse("b=1;")); cookies.push(Cookie.parse("c=2;; Path=/pathA")); cookies.push(Cookie.parse("d=3;; Path=/pathA")); cookies.push(Cookie.parse("e=4;; Path=/pathA/pathB")); cookies.push(Cookie.parse("f=5;; Path=/pathA/pathB")); // force a stable creation time consistent with the order above since // some may have been created at now + 1ms. var i = cookies.length; cookies.forEach(function(cookie) { cookie.creation = new Date(now - 100*(i--)); }); // weak shuffle: cookies = cookies.sort(function(){return Math.random()-0.5}); cookies = cookies.sort(tough.cookieCompare); return cookies; }, "got": function(cookies) { assert.lengthOf(cookies, 6); var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['e','f','c','d','a','b']); }, } }) .addBatch({ "CookieJar": { "Setting a basic cookie": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); assert.strictEqual(c.hostOnly, null); assert.instanceOf(c.creation, Date); assert.strictEqual(c.lastAccessed, null); c.creation = new Date(; cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "works": function(c) { assert.instanceOf(c,Cookie) }, // C is for Cookie, good enough for me "gets timestamped": function(c) { assert.ok(c.creation); assert.ok( - c.creation.getTime() < 5000); // recently stamped assert.ok(c.lastAccessed); assert.equal(c.creation, c.lastAccessed); assert.equal(c.TTL(), Infinity); assert.ok(!c.isPersistent()); }, }, "Setting a no-path cookie": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;"); assert.strictEqual(c.hostOnly, null); assert.instanceOf(c.creation, Date); assert.strictEqual(c.lastAccessed, null); c.creation = new Date(; cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, '') }, "path is /": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, '/') }, "path was derived": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.pathIsDefault, true) }, }, "Setting a cookie already marked as host-only": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;"); assert.strictEqual(c.hostOnly, null); assert.instanceOf(c.creation, Date); assert.strictEqual(c.lastAccessed, null); c.creation = new Date(; c.hostOnly = true; cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, '') }, "still hostOnly": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.hostOnly, true) }, }, "Setting a session cookie": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b"); assert.strictEqual(c.path, null); cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "works": function(c) { assert.instanceOf(c,Cookie) }, "gets the domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, '') }, "gets the default path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, '/dir') }, "is 'hostOnly'": function(c) { assert.ok(c.hostOnly) }, }, "Setting wrong domain cookie": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "fails": function(err,c) { assert.ok(err.message.match(/domain/i)); assert.ok(!c); }, }, "Setting sub-domain cookie": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "fails": function(err,c) { assert.ok(err.message.match(/domain/i)); assert.ok(!c); }, }, "Setting super-domain cookie": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "success": function(err,c) { assert.ok(!err); assert.equal(c.domain, ''); }, }, "Setting a sub-path cookie on a super-domain": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/subpath"); assert.strictEqual(c.hostOnly, null); assert.instanceOf(c.creation, Date); assert.strictEqual(c.lastAccessed, null); c.creation = new Date(; cj.setCookie(c, '', this.callback); }, "domain is super-domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, '') }, "path is /subpath": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, '/subpath') }, "path was NOT derived": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.pathIsDefault, null) }, }, "Setting HttpOnly cookie over non-HTTP API": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var c = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/; HttpOnly"); cj.setCookie(c, '', {http:false}, this.callback); }, "fails": function(err,c) { assert.match(err.message, /HttpOnly/i); assert.ok(!c); }, }, }, "Cookie Jar store eight cookies": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var ex = ''; var tasks = []; tasks.push(function(next) { cj.setCookie('a=1;; Path=/',ex,at(0),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { cj.setCookie('b=2;; Path=/; HttpOnly',ex,at(1000),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { cj.setCookie('c=3;; Path=/; Secure',ex,at(2000),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { // path cj.setCookie('d=4;; Path=/foo',ex,at(3000),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { // host only cj.setCookie('e=5',ex,at(4000),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { // other domain cj.setCookie('f=6;; Path=/','',at(5000),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { // expired cj.setCookie('g=7;; Path=/; Expires=Tue, 18 Oct 2011 00:00:00 GMT',ex,at(6000),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { // expired via Max-Age cj.setCookie('h=8;; Path=/; Max-Age=1',ex,next); }); var cb = this.callback; async.parallel(tasks, function(err,results){ setTimeout(function() { cb(err,cj,results); }, 2000); // so that 'h=8' expires }); }, "setup ok": function(err,cj,results) { assert.ok(!err); assert.ok(cj); assert.ok(results); }, "then retrieving for": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "get a nodejs cookie": function(cookies) { assert.lengthOf(cookies, 1); var cookie = cookies[0]; assert.equal(cookie.domain, ''); }, }, "then retrieving for": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',{secure:true},this.callback); }, "get a secure example cookie with others": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['a','b','c','e']); }, }, "then retrieving for (missing options)": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "get a secure example cookie with others": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['a','b','c','e']); }, }, "then retrieving for": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "get a bunch of cookies": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['a','b','e']); }, }, "then retrieving for": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "get a bunch of cookies": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['a','b','e']); }, }, "then retrieving for, non-HTTP": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',{http:false},this.callback); }, "get a bunch of cookies": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['a','e']); }, }, "then retrieving for": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "get a bunch of cookies": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['d','a','b','e']); }, }, "then retrieving for as a string": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookieString('',this.callback); }, "get a single string": function(cookieHeader) { assert.equal(cookieHeader, "a=1; b=2; e=5"); }, }, "then retrieving for as a set-cookie header": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getSetCookieStrings('',this.callback); }, "get a single string": function(cookieHeaders) { assert.lengthOf(cookieHeaders, 3); assert.equal(cookieHeaders[0], "a=1;; Path=/"); assert.equal(cookieHeaders[1], "b=2;; Path=/; HttpOnly"); assert.equal(cookieHeaders[2], "e=5; Path=/"); }, }, "then retrieving for": { topic: function(cj,oldResults) { assert.ok(oldResults); cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "get a bunch of cookies": function(cookies) { var names = {return c.key}); assert.deepEqual(names, ['d','a','b']); // note lack of 'e' }, }, }, "Repeated names": { topic: function() { var cb = this.callback; var cj = new CookieJar(); var ex = ''; var sc = cj.setCookie; var tasks = []; var now =; tasks.push(sc.bind(cj,'aaaa=xxxx',ex,at(0))); tasks.push(sc.bind(cj,'aaaa=1111;',ex,at(1000))); tasks.push(sc.bind(cj,'aaaa=2222;',ex,at(2000))); tasks.push(sc.bind(cj,'aaaa=3333;; Path=/pathA',ex,at(3000))); async.series(tasks,function(err,results) { results = results.filter(function(e) {return e !== undefined}); cb(err,{cj:cj, cookies:results, now:now}); }); }, "all got set": function(err,t) { assert.lengthOf(t.cookies,4); }, "then getting 'em back": { topic: function(t) { var cj = t.cj; cj.getCookies('',this.callback); }, "there's just three": function (err,cookies) { var vals = {return c.value}); // may break with sorting; sorting should put 3333 first due to longest path: assert.deepEqual(vals, ['3333','1111','2222']); } }, }, "CookieJar setCookie errors": { "public-suffix domain": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); cj.setCookie('i=9;; Path=/','',this.callback); }, "errors": function(err,cookie) { assert.ok(err); assert.ok(!cookie); assert.match(err.message, /public suffix/i); }, }, "wrong domain": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); cj.setCookie('j=10;; Path=/','',this.callback); }, "errors": function(err,cookie) { assert.ok(err); assert.ok(!cookie); assert.match(err.message, /not in this host's domain/i); }, }, "old cookie is HttpOnly": { topic: function() { var cb = this.callback; var next = function (err,c) { c = null; return cb(err,cj); }; var cj = new CookieJar(); cj.setCookie('k=11;; Path=/; HttpOnly','',{http:true},next); }, "initial cookie is set": function(err,cj) { assert.ok(!err); assert.ok(cj); }, "but when trying to overwrite": { topic: function(cj) { var cb = this.callback; var next = function(err,c) { c = null; cb(null,err); }; cj.setCookie('k=12;; Path=/','',{http:false},next); }, "it's an error": function(err) { assert.ok(err); }, "then, checking the original": { topic: function(ignored,cj) { assert.ok(cj instanceof CookieJar); cj.getCookies('',{http:true},this.callback); }, "cookie has original value": function(err,cookies) { assert.equal(err,null); assert.lengthOf(cookies, 1); assert.equal(cookies[0].value,11); }, }, }, }, }, }) .addBatch({ "JSON": { "serialization": { topic: function() { var c = Cookie.parse('alpha=beta;; Path=/foo; Expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT; HttpOnly'); return JSON.stringify(c); }, "gives a string": function(str) { assert.equal(typeof str, "string"); }, "date is in ISO format": function(str) { assert.match(str, /"expires":"2038-01-19T03:14:07\.000Z"/, 'expires is in ISO format'); }, }, "deserialization": { topic: function() { var json = '{"key":"alpha","value":"beta","domain":"","path":"/foo","expires":"2038-01-19T03:14:07.000Z","httpOnly":true,"lastAccessed":2000000000123}'; return Cookie.fromJSON(json); }, "works": function(c) { assert.ok(c); }, "key": function(c) { assert.equal(c.key, "alpha") }, "value": function(c) { assert.equal(c.value, "beta") }, "domain": function(c) { assert.equal(c.domain, "") }, "path": function(c) { assert.equal(c.path, "/foo") }, "httpOnly": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.httpOnly, true) }, "secure": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(, false) }, "hostOnly": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.hostOnly, null) }, "expires is a date object": function(c) { assert.equal(c.expires.getTime(), 2147483647000); }, "lastAccessed is a date object": function(c) { assert.equal(c.lastAccessed.getTime(), 2000000000123); }, "creation defaulted": function(c) { assert.ok(c.creation.getTime()); } }, "null deserialization": { topic: function() { return Cookie.fromJSON(null); }, "is null": function(cookie) { assert.equal(cookie,null); }, }, }, "expiry deserialization": { "Infinity": { topic: Cookie.fromJSON.bind(null, '{"expires":"Infinity"}'), "is infinite": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.expires, "Infinity"); assert.equal(c.expires, Infinity); }, }, }, "maxAge serialization": { topic: function() { return function(toSet) { var c = new Cookie(); c.key = 'foo'; c.value = 'bar'; c.setMaxAge(toSet); return JSON.stringify(c); }; }, "zero": { topic: function(f) { return f(0) }, "looks good": function(str) { assert.match(str, /"maxAge":0/); }, }, "Infinity": { topic: function(f) { return f(Infinity) }, "looks good": function(str) { assert.match(str, /"maxAge":"Infinity"/); }, }, "-Infinity": { topic: function(f) { return f(-Infinity) }, "looks good": function(str) { assert.match(str, /"maxAge":"-Infinity"/); }, }, "null": { topic: function(f) { return f(null) }, "looks good": function(str) { assert.match(str, /"maxAge":null/); }, }, }, "maxAge deserialization": { "number": { topic: Cookie.fromJSON.bind(null,'{"key":"foo","value":"bar","maxAge":123}'), "is the number": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.maxAge, 123); }, }, "null": { topic: Cookie.fromJSON.bind(null,'{"key":"foo","value":"bar","maxAge":null}'), "is null": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.maxAge, null); }, }, "less than zero": { topic: Cookie.fromJSON.bind(null,'{"key":"foo","value":"bar","maxAge":-123}'), "is -123": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.maxAge, -123); }, }, "Infinity": { topic: Cookie.fromJSON.bind(null,'{"key":"foo","value":"bar","maxAge":"Infinity"}'), "is inf-as-string": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.maxAge, "Infinity"); }, }, "-Infinity": { topic: Cookie.fromJSON.bind(null,'{"key":"foo","value":"bar","maxAge":"-Infinity"}'), "is inf-as-string": function(c) { assert.strictEqual(c.maxAge, "-Infinity"); }, }, } }) .addBatch({ "permuteDomain": { "base case": { topic: tough.permuteDomain.bind(null,''), "got the domain": function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list, ['']); }, }, "two levels": { topic: tough.permuteDomain.bind(null,''), "got three things": function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list, ['','','']); }, }, "invalid domain": { topic: tough.permuteDomain.bind(null,''), "got three things": function(list) { assert.equal(list, null); }, }, }, "permutePath": { "base case": { topic: tough.permutePath.bind(null,'/'), "just slash": function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list,['/']); }, }, "single case": { topic: tough.permutePath.bind(null,'/foo'), "two things": function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list,['/foo','/']); }, "path matching": function(list) { list.forEach(function(e) { assert.ok(tough.pathMatch('/foo',e)); }); }, }, "double case": { topic: tough.permutePath.bind(null,'/foo/bar'), "four things": function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list,['/foo/bar','/foo','/']); }, "path matching": function(list) { list.forEach(function(e) { assert.ok(tough.pathMatch('/foo/bar',e)); }); }, }, "trailing slash": { topic: tough.permutePath.bind(null,'/foo/bar/'), "three things": function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list,['/foo/bar','/foo','/']); }, "path matching": function(list) { list.forEach(function(e) { assert.ok(tough.pathMatch('/foo/bar/',e)); }); }, }, } }) .addBatch({ "Issue 1": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); cj.setCookie('hello=world; path=/some/path/', 'http://domain/some/path/file', function(err,cookie) { this.callback(err,{cj:cj, cookie:cookie}); }.bind(this)); }, "stored a cookie": function(t) { assert.ok(t.cookie); }, "cookie's path was modified to remove unnecessary slash": function(t) { assert.equal(t.cookie.path, '/some/path'); }, "getting it back": { topic: function(t) { t.cj.getCookies('http://domain/some/path/file', function(err,cookies) { this.callback(err, {cj:t.cj, cookies:cookies||[]}); }.bind(this)); }, "got one cookie": function(t) { assert.lengthOf(t.cookies, 1); }, "it's the right one": function(t) { var c = t.cookies[0]; assert.equal(c.key, 'hello'); assert.equal(c.value, 'world'); }, } } }) .addBatch({ "expiry option": { topic: function() { var cb = this.callback; var cj = new CookieJar(); cj.setCookie('near=expiry;; Path=/; Max-Age=1','',at(-1), function(err,cookie) { cb(err, {cj:cj, cookie:cookie}); }); }, "set the cookie": function(t) { assert.ok(t.cookie, "didn't set?!"); assert.equal(t.cookie.key, 'near'); }, "then, retrieving": { topic: function(t) { var cb = this.callback; setTimeout(function() { t.cj.getCookies('', {http:true, expire:false}, function(err,cookies) { t.cookies = cookies; cb(err,t); }); },2000); }, "got the cookie": function(t) { assert.lengthOf(t.cookies, 1); assert.equal(t.cookies[0].key, 'near'); }, } } }) .addBatch({ "trailing semi-colon set into cj": { topic: function () { var cb = this.callback; var cj = new CookieJar(); var ex = ''; var tasks = []; tasks.push(function(next) { cj.setCookie('broken_path=testme; path=/;',ex,at(-1),next); }); tasks.push(function(next) { cj.setCookie('b=2; Path=/;;;;',ex,at(-1),next); }); async.parallel(tasks, function (err, cookies) { cb(null, { cj: cj, cookies: cookies }); }); }, "check number of cookies": function (t) { assert.lengthOf(t.cookies, 2, "didn't set"); }, "check *broken_path* was set properly": function (t) { assert.equal(t.cookies[0].key, "broken_path"); assert.equal(t.cookies[0].value, "testme"); assert.equal(t.cookies[0].path, "/"); }, "check *b* was set properly": function (t) { assert.equal(t.cookies[1].key, "b"); assert.equal(t.cookies[1].value, "2"); assert.equal(t.cookies[1].path, "/"); }, "retrieve the cookie": { topic: function (t) { var cb = this.callback; t.cj.getCookies('', {}, function (err, cookies) { t.cookies = cookies; cb(err, t); }); }, "get the cookie": function(t) { assert.lengthOf(t.cookies, 2); assert.equal(t.cookies[0].key, 'broken_path'); assert.equal(t.cookies[0].value, 'testme'); assert.equal(t.cookies[1].key, "b"); assert.equal(t.cookies[1].value, "2"); assert.equal(t.cookies[1].path, "/"); }, }, } }) .addBatch({ "Constructor":{ topic: function () { return new Cookie({ key: 'test', value: 'b', maxAge: 60 }); }, 'check for key property': function (c) { assert.ok(c); assert.equal(c.key, 'test'); }, 'check for value property': function (c) { assert.equal(c.value, 'b'); }, 'check for maxAge': function (c) { assert.equal(c.maxAge, 60); }, 'check for default values for unspecified properties': function (c) { assert.equal(c.expires, "Infinity"); assert.equal(, false); assert.equal(c.httpOnly, false); } } }) .addBatch({ "allPaths option": { topic: function() { var cj = new CookieJar(); var tasks = []; tasks.push(cj.setCookie.bind(cj, 'nopath_dom=qq; Path=/;', '', {})); tasks.push(cj.setCookie.bind(cj, 'path_dom=qq; Path=/foo;', '', {})); tasks.push(cj.setCookie.bind(cj, 'nopath_host=qq; Path=/', '', {})); tasks.push(cj.setCookie.bind(cj, 'path_host=qq; Path=/foo', '', {})); tasks.push(cj.setCookie.bind(cj, 'other=qq; Path=/', '', {})); tasks.push(cj.setCookie.bind(cj, 'other2=qq; Path=/foo', '', {})); var cb = this.callback; async.parallel(tasks, function(err,results) { cb(err, {cj:cj, cookies: results}); }); }, "all set": function(t) { assert.equal(t.cookies.length, 6); assert.ok(t.cookies.every(function(c) { return !!c })); }, "getting without allPaths": { topic: function(t) { var cb = this.callback; var cj = t.cj; cj.getCookies('', {}, function(err,cookies) { cb(err, {cj:cj, cookies:cookies}); }); }, "found just two cookies": function(t) { assert.equal(t.cookies.length, 2); }, "all are path=/": function(t) { assert.ok(t.cookies.every(function(c) { return c.path === '/' })); }, "no 'other' cookies": function(t) { assert.ok(!t.cookies.some(function(c) { return (/^other/).test( })); }, }, "getting without allPaths for /foo": { topic: function(t) { var cb = this.callback; var cj = t.cj; cj.getCookies('', {}, function(err,cookies) { cb(err, {cj:cj, cookies:cookies}); }); }, "found four cookies": function(t) { assert.equal(t.cookies.length, 4); }, "no 'other' cookies": function(t) { assert.ok(!t.cookies.some(function(c) { return (/^other/).test( })); }, }, "getting with allPaths:true": { topic: function(t) { var cb = this.callback; var cj = t.cj; cj.getCookies('', {allPaths:true}, function(err,cookies) { cb(err, {cj:cj, cookies:cookies}); }); }, "found four cookies": function(t) { assert.equal(t.cookies.length, 4); }, "no 'other' cookies": function(t) { assert.ok(!t.cookies.some(function(c) { return (/^other/).test( })); }, }, } }) .addBatch({ "remove cookies": { topic: function() { var jar = new CookieJar(); var cookie = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); var cookie2 = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); var cookie3 = Cookie.parse("foo=bar;; Path=/"); jar.setCookie(cookie, '', function(){}); jar.setCookie(cookie2, '', function(){}); jar.setCookie(cookie3, '', function(){}); return jar; }, "all from matching domain": function(jar){'',null, function(err) { assert(err == null);'', null, function(err, cookies){ assert(err == null); assert(cookies != null); assert(cookies.length === 0, 'cookie was not removed'); });'', null, function(err, cookies){ assert(err == null); assert(cookies != null); assert(cookies.length === 2, 'cookies should not have been removed'); }); }); }, "from cookie store matching domain and key": function(jar){'', '/', 'foo', function(err) { assert(err == null);'', null, function(err, cookies){ assert(err == null); assert(cookies != null); assert(cookies.length === 1, 'cookie was not removed correctly'); assert(cookies[0].key === 'a', 'wrong cookie was removed'); }); }); } } }) .addBatch({ "Synchronous CookieJar": { "setCookieSync": { topic: function() { var jar = new CookieJar(); var cookie = Cookie.parse("a=b;; Path=/"); cookie = jar.setCookieSync(cookie, ''); return cookie; }, "returns a copy of the cookie": function(cookie) { assert.instanceOf(cookie, Cookie); } }, "setCookieSync strict parse error": { topic: function() { var jar = new CookieJar(); var opts = { strict: true }; try { jar.setCookieSync("farbe=weiß", '', opts); return false; } catch (e) { return e; } }, "throws the error": function(err) { assert.instanceOf(err, Error); assert.equal(err.message, "Cookie failed to parse"); } }, "getCookiesSync": { topic: function() { var jar = new CookieJar(); var url = ''; jar.setCookieSync("a=b;; Path=/", url); jar.setCookieSync("c=d;; Path=/", url); return jar.getCookiesSync(url); }, "returns the cookie array": function(err, cookies) { assert.ok(!err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(cookies)); assert.lengthOf(cookies, 2); cookies.forEach(function(cookie) { assert.instanceOf(cookie, Cookie); }); } }, "getCookieStringSync": { topic: function() { var jar = new CookieJar(); var url = ''; jar.setCookieSync("a=b;; Path=/", url); jar.setCookieSync("c=d;; Path=/", url); return jar.getCookieStringSync(url); }, "returns the cookie header string": function(err, str) { assert.ok(!err); assert.typeOf(str, 'string'); } }, "getSetCookieStringsSync": { topic: function() { var jar = new CookieJar(); var url = ''; jar.setCookieSync("a=b;; Path=/", url); jar.setCookieSync("c=d;; Path=/", url); return jar.getSetCookieStringsSync(url); }, "returns the cookie header string": function(err, headers) { assert.ok(!err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(headers)); assert.lengthOf(headers, 2); headers.forEach(function(header) { assert.typeOf(header, 'string'); }); } }, } }) .addBatch({ "Synchronous API on async CookieJar": { topic: function() { return new tough.Store(); }, "setCookieSync": { topic: function(store) { var jar = new CookieJar(store); try { jar.setCookieSync("a=b", ''); return false; } catch(e) { return e; } }, "fails": function(err) { assert.instanceOf(err, Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.'); } }, "getCookiesSync": { topic: function(store) { var jar = new CookieJar(store); try { jar.getCookiesSync(''); return false; } catch(e) { return e; } }, "fails": function(err) { assert.instanceOf(err, Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.'); } }, "getCookieStringSync": { topic: function(store) { var jar = new CookieJar(store); try { jar.getCookieStringSync(''); return false; } catch(e) { return e; } }, "fails": function(err) { assert.instanceOf(err, Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.'); } }, "getSetCookieStringsSync": { topic: function(store) { var jar = new CookieJar(store); try { jar.getSetCookieStringsSync(''); return false; } catch(e) { return e; } }, "fails": function(err) { assert.instanceOf(err, Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.'); } }, } }) .export(module);