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/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */ /** * wire/aop plugin * Provides AOP for components created via wire, including Decorators, * Introductions (mixins), and Pointcut-based Aspect Weaving. * * wire is part of the cujo.js family of libraries ( * * Licensed under the MIT License at: * */ (function(define) { 'use strict'; define(function(require) { var meld, when, sequence, connection, adviceTypes, adviceStep, undef; meld = require('meld'); when = require('when'); sequence = require('when/sequence'); connection = require('./lib/connection'); // "after" is not included in these standard advice types because // it is created as promise-aware advice. adviceTypes = ['before', 'around', 'afterReturning', 'afterThrowing']; adviceStep = 'connect:before'; // // Decoration // function applyDecorator(target, Decorator, args) { args = args ? [target].concat(args) : [target]; Decorator.apply(null, args); } function makeDecorator(decorator, args, wire) { return function(target) { function apply(Decorator) { return args ? when(wire(args), function (resolvedArgs) { applyDecorator(target, Decorator, resolvedArgs); }) : applyDecorator(target, Decorator); } return when(wire.resolveRef(decorator), apply); }; } function decorateFacet(resolver, facet, wire) { var target, options, tasks; target =; options = facet.options; tasks = []; for(var decoratorRefName in options) { tasks.push(makeDecorator(decoratorRefName, options[decoratorRefName], wire)); } resolver.resolve(sequence(tasks, target)); } // // Simple advice // function addSingleAdvice(addAdviceFunc, proxy, advice, options, wire, advices) { function handleAopConnection(srcProxy, srcMethod, adviceHandler) { checkAdvisable(, srcMethod); advices.push(addAdviceFunc(srcProxy, srcMethod, adviceHandler)); } return connection.parse(proxy, advice, options, wire, handleAopConnection); } function checkAdvisable(source, method) { if (!(typeof method == 'function' || typeof source[method] == 'function')) { throw new TypeError('Cannot add advice to non-method: ' + method); } } function makeSingleAdviceAdd(adviceType) { return function (srcProxy, sourceMethod, advice) { var aspect = {}; aspect[adviceType] = advice; return srcProxy.advise(sourceMethod, aspect); }; } function addAfterFulfillingAdvice(srcProxy, sourceMethod, advice) { return srcProxy.advise(sourceMethod, { afterReturning: function(promise) { return when(promise, advice); } }); } function addAfterRejectingAdvice(srcProxy, sourceMethod, advice) { return srcProxy.advise(sourceMethod, { afterReturning: function(promise) { return when(promise, null, advice); } }); } function addAfterPromiseAdvice(srcProxy, sourceMethod, advice) { return srcProxy.advise(sourceMethod, { after: function(promise) { return when(promise, advice, advice); } }); } function makeAdviceFacet(advices, addAdviceFunc) { return function(resolver, facet, wire) { var advice, target, advicesToAdd, promises; target = facet; advicesToAdd = facet.options; promises = []; for(advice in advicesToAdd) { promises.push(addSingleAdvice(addAdviceFunc, target, advice, advicesToAdd[advice], wire, advices)); } resolver.resolve(when.all(promises)); }; } // // Aspect Weaving // function applyAspectCombined(targetProxy, aspect, wire, aspects) { return when(wire.resolveRef(aspect), function (aspect) { var pointcut = aspect.pointcut; if (pointcut) { aspects.push(targetProxy.advise(pointcut, aspect)); } return targetProxy; }); } function applyAspectSeparate(targetProxy, aspect, wire, aspects) { var pointcut, advice; pointcut = aspect.pointcut; advice = aspect.advice; function applyAdvice(pointcut) { return when(wire.resolveRef(advice), function (aspect) { aspects.push(targetProxy.advise(pointcut, aspect)); return targetProxy; }); } return typeof pointcut === 'string' ? when(wire.resolveRef(pointcut, applyAdvice)) : applyAdvice(pointcut); } function weave(proxy, wire, options, wovenAspects) { // TODO: Refactor weaving to use proxy.invoke var target, path, aspects, applyAdvice; aspects = options.aspects; path = proxy.path; if (path === undef) { return; } target =; applyAdvice = applyAspectCombined; // Reduce will preserve order of aspects being applied return when.reduce(aspects, function(proxy, aspect) { var aspectPath; if (aspect.advice) { aspectPath = aspect.advice; applyAdvice = applyAspectSeparate; } else { aspectPath = aspect; } return typeof aspectPath === 'string' && aspectPath !== path ? applyAdvice(proxy, aspect, wire, wovenAspects) : proxy; }, proxy); } /** * Creates wire/aop plugin instances. * * @param options {Object} options passed to the plugin */ return function(options) { var plugin, aspects, makeAdvice; aspects = []; makeAdvice = makeAdviceFacet.bind(null, aspects); plugin = { context: { destroy: function(resolver) { connection.removeAll(aspects); resolver.resolve(); } }, facets: { decorate: makeFacet('configure:after', decorateFacet), afterFulfilling: makeFacet(adviceStep, makeAdvice(addAfterFulfillingAdvice)), afterRejecting: makeFacet(adviceStep, makeAdvice(addAfterRejectingAdvice)), after: makeFacet(adviceStep, makeAdvice(addAfterPromiseAdvice)) } }; if(options.aspects) { plugin.create = function(resolver, proxy, wire) { var woven = weave(proxy, wire, options, aspects); resolver.resolve(woven); }; } // Add all regular single advice facets adviceTypes.forEach(function(adviceType) { plugin.facets[adviceType] = makeFacet(adviceStep, makeAdvice(makeSingleAdviceAdd(adviceType))); }); return plugin; function makeFacet(step, callback) { var facet = {}; facet[step] = function(resolver, proxy, wire) { callback(resolver, proxy, wire); }; return facet; } }; }); }(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));