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/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2011-2013 original author or authors */ /** * Licensed under the MIT License at: * * * Helper module that parses incoming and outgoing method-call-based * connection specs. This module is used by wire plugins to parse connections. * * Incoming connection forms: * * 'srcComponent.triggerMethod': 'method' * 'srcComponent.triggerMethod': 'transforms | method' * srcComponent: { * triggerMethod1: 'method', * triggerMethod2: 'transforms | method', * ... * } * * Outgoing connection forms: * * eventName: 'destComponent.method' * eventName: 'transforms | destComponent.method' * eventName: { * destComponent1: 'method', * destComponent2: 'transforms | method', * ... * } * * @author Brian Cavalier * @author John Hann */ (function(define){ 'use strict'; define(function(require) { var when, array, pipeline; when = require('when'); array = require('./array'); pipeline = require('./pipeline'); return { parse: parse, parseIncoming: parseIncoming, parseOutgoing: parseOutgoing, removeAll: removeAll }; function removeAll(connections) { connections.forEach(function(c) { c.remove(); }); } /** * Determines if the connections are incoming or outgoing, and invokes parseIncoming * or parseOutgoing accordingly. * @param proxy * @param connect * @param options * @param wire {Function} wire function to use to wire, resolve references, and get proxies * @param createConnection {Function} callback that will do the work of creating * the actual connection from the parsed information * @return {Promise} promise that resolves when connections have been created, or * rejects if an error occurs. */ function parse(proxy, connect, options, wire, createConnection) { var source, eventName; // First, determine the direction of the connection(s) // If ref is a method on target, connect it to another object's method, i.e. calling a method on target // causes a method on the other object to be called. // If ref is a reference to another object, connect that object's method to a method on target, i.e. // calling a method on the other object causes a method on target to be called. source = connect.split('.'); eventName = source[1]; source = source[0]; return when(wire.getProxy(source), function(srcProxy) { return parseIncoming(srcProxy, eventName, proxy, connect, options, wire, createConnection); }, function() { return parseOutgoing(proxy, connect, options, wire, createConnection); } ); } /** * Parse incoming connections and call createConnection to do the work of * creating the connection. * * @param source * @param eventName * @param targetProxy * @param connect * @param options * @param wire {Function} wire function to use to wire, resolve references, and get proxies * @param createConnection {Function} callback that will do the work of creating * the actual connection from the parsed information * @return {Promise} promise that resolves when connections have been created, or * rejects if an error occurs. */ function parseIncoming(source, eventName, targetProxy, connect, options, wire, createConnection) { var promise, methodName; if(eventName) { // 'component.eventName': 'methodName' // 'component.eventName': 'transform | methodName' methodName = options; promise = pipeline(targetProxy, methodName, wire).then( function(func) { var invoker = proxyInvoker(targetProxy, func); return createConnection(source, eventName, invoker); } ); } else { // componentName: { // eventName: 'methodName' // eventName: 'transform | methodName' // } source = methodName; promise = wire.getProxy(connect).then(function(srcProxy) { var name, promises; function createConnectionFactory(srcProxy, name, targetProxy) { return function(func) { var invoker = proxyInvoker(targetProxy, func); return createConnection(srcProxy, name, invoker); }; } promises = []; for(name in options) { var connectionFactory, composed; connectionFactory = createConnectionFactory(srcProxy, name, targetProxy); composed = pipeline(targetProxy, options[name], wire); promises.push(composed.then(connectionFactory)); } return when.all(promises); }); } return promise; } /** * Parse outgoing connections and call createConnection to do the actual work of * creating the connection. Supported forms: * * @param proxy * @param connect * @param options * @param wire {Function} wire function to use to wire, resolve references, and get proxies * @param createConnection {Function} callback that will do the work of creating * the actual connection from the parsed information * @return {Promise} promise that resolves when connections have been created, or * rejects if an error occurs. */ function parseOutgoing(proxy, connect, options, wire, createConnection) { return createOutgoing(proxy, connect, proxy, options, wire, createConnection); } function createOutgoing(sourceProxy, eventName, targetProxy, options, wire, createConnection) { var promise, promises, resolveAndConnectOneOutgoing, name; function connectOneOutgoing(targetProxy, targetMethodSpec) { return when(pipeline(targetProxy, targetMethodSpec, wire), function(func) { var invoker = proxyInvoker(targetProxy, func); return createConnection(sourceProxy, eventName, invoker); }); } if(typeof options == 'string') { // eventName: 'transform | componentName.methodName' promise = connectOneOutgoing(targetProxy, options); } else { // eventName: { // componentName: 'methodName' // componentName: 'transform | methodName' // } promises = []; resolveAndConnectOneOutgoing = function(targetRef, targetMethodSpec) { return when(wire.getProxy(targetRef), function(targetProxy) { return connectOneOutgoing(targetProxy, targetMethodSpec); }); }; for(name in options) { promises.push(resolveAndConnectOneOutgoing(name, options[name])); } promise = when.all(promises); } return promise; } function proxyInvoker(proxy, method) { return function() { return proxy.invoke(method, arguments); }; } }); }(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); }));