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/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */ /** * Licensed under the MIT License at: * * * @author */ (function(define) { 'use strict'; define(function(require) { var when, defer, sequence, array, object, loader, Map, ComponentFactory, Lifecycle, Resolver, WireProxy, PluginRegistry, undef, specUtils, DirectedGraph, cyclesTracker; when = require('when'); sequence = require('when/sequence'); array = require('./array'); object = require('./object'); Map = require('./Map'); loader = require('./loader/adapter'); ComponentFactory = require('./ComponentFactory'); Lifecycle = require('./lifecycle'); Resolver = require('./resolver'); WireProxy = require('./WireProxy'); PluginRegistry = require('./plugin/registry'); specUtils = require('./specUtils'); DirectedGraph = require('./graph/DirectedGraph'); cyclesTracker = require('./graph/cyclesTracker'); defer = when.defer; function Scope(parent, options) { this.parent = parent||{}; object.mixin(this, options); } Scope.prototype = { init: function(spec) { this._inherit(this.parent); this._init(); this._configure(); return this._startup(spec).yield(this); }, _inherit: function(parent) { this._instanceToProxy = new Map(); this.instances = this._inheritInstances(parent); this.components = object.inherit(parent.components); this.path = this._createPath(, parent.path); this.plugins = parent.plugins; this.initializers = array.delegate(this.initializers); this.destroyers = array.delegate(this.destroyers); this.postDestroy = array.delegate(this.postDestroy); if(!this.moduleLoader) { this.moduleLoader = parent.moduleLoader; } }, _inheritInstances: function(parent) { return object.inherit(parent.instances); }, _addDependent: function(dependant, tasks) { return dependant.then( function(dependant) { tasks.push(function() { return dependant.destroy(); }); return dependant; } ); }, _createNestedScope: function(spec) { var options = { createContext: this.createContext }; return this._addDependent( new Scope(this, options).init(spec), this.postDestroy); }, _createChildContext: function(spec, options) { // Create child and arrange for it to be destroyed just before // this scope is destroyed return this._addDependent( this.createContext(spec, this, options), this.destroyers); }, _init: function() { this._pluginApi = this._initPluginApi(); }, _initPluginApi: function() { // Plugin API // wire() API that is passed to plugins. var self, pluginApi; self = this; pluginApi = {}; pluginApi.contextualize = function(name) { function contextualApi(spec, id) { return self._resolveInstance(self._createComponentDef(id, spec)); } contextualApi.createChild = self._createChildContext.bind(self); contextualApi.loadModule = self.getModule.bind(self); contextualApi.resolver = self.resolver; contextualApi.addComponent = addComponent; contextualApi.addInstance = addInstance; contextualApi.resolveRef = function(ref) { var onBehalfOf = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[2] : name; return self._resolveRef(ref, onBehalfOf); }; contextualApi.getProxy = function(nameOrComponent) { var onBehalfOf = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[2] : name; return self.getProxy(nameOrComponent, onBehalfOf); }; return contextualApi; }; return pluginApi; function addComponent(component, id) { var def, instance; def = self._createComponentDef(id); instance = self.componentFactory.processComponent(def, component); return self._makeResolvable(def, instance); } function addInstance(instance, id) { self._makeResolvable(self._createComponentDef(id), instance); return when.resolve(instance); } }, _configure: function() { var plugins, pluginApi; plugins = this.plugins; pluginApi = this._pluginApi; this.resolver = this._createResolver(plugins, pluginApi); this.componentFactory = this._createComponentFactory(plugins, pluginApi); this._destroy = function() { this._destroy = noop; return this._executeDestroyers() .then(this._destroyComponents.bind(this)) .then(this._releaseResources.bind(this)) .then(this._executePostDestroy.bind(this)); }; }, _startup: function(spec) { var self = this; return this._executeInitializers().then(function() { return self._parseSpec(spec).then(function(parsed){ return self._createComponents(parsed).then(function() { return self._awaitInstances(parsed); }); }); }); }, destroy: function() { return this._destroy(); }, _destroy: noop, _destroyComponents: function() { var instances = this.instances; return this.componentFactory.destroy().then(function() { for (var p in instances) { delete instances[p]; } }); }, _releaseResources: function() { // Free Objects this.instances = this.components = this.parent = this.resolver = this.componentFactory = this._instanceToProxy = this._pluginApi = this.plugins = undef; }, getModule: function(moduleId) { return typeof moduleId == 'string' ? this.moduleLoader(moduleId) : when.resolve(moduleId); }, getProxy: function(nameOrInstance, onBehalfOf) { var self = this; if(typeof nameOrInstance === 'string') { return this._resolveRefName(nameOrInstance, {}, onBehalfOf) .then(function (instance) { return self._getProxyForInstance(instance); }); } else { return self._getProxyForInstance(nameOrInstance); } }, _getProxyForInstance: function(instance) { var componentFactory = this.componentFactory; return getProxyRecursive(this, instance).otherwise(function() { // Last ditch, create a new proxy return componentFactory.createProxy(instance); }); }, _createResolver: function(plugins, pluginApi) { return new Resolver(plugins.resolvers, pluginApi); }, _createComponentFactory: function(plugins, pluginApi) { var self, factory, init, lifecycle; self = this; lifecycle = new Lifecycle(plugins, pluginApi); factory = new ComponentFactory(lifecycle, plugins, pluginApi); init = factory.initInstance; factory.initInstance = function() { return when(init.apply(factory, arguments), function(proxy) { return self._makeResolvable(proxy.metadata, proxy); }); }; return factory; }, _executeInitializers: function() { return sequence(this.initializers, this); }, _executeDestroyers: function() { return sequence(this.destroyers, this); }, _executePostDestroy: function() { return sequence(this.postDestroy, this); }, _parseSpec: function(spec) { var self = this; // instantiate the imports graph var importsGraph = new DirectedGraph(); return processImports(self, spec, importsGraph).then(function(specImports){ // modules of importing spec overrides modules of imported spec. return processSpec(self, object.mixin(specImports, spec)); }); }, _createComponentDef: function(id, spec, initialized, ready) { return { id: id, spec: spec, path: this._createPath(id, this.path), initialized: initialized, ready: ready }; }, _createComponents: function(parsed) { // Process/create each item in scope and resolve its // promise when completed. var self, components; self = this; components = parsed.components; return, function(name) { return self._createScopeItem(components[name]); }); }, _awaitInstances: function(parsed) { var ready = parsed.ready; return, function(id) { return ready[id]; }); }, _createScopeItem: function(component) { // NOTE: Order is important here. // The object & local property assignment MUST happen before // the chain resolves so that the concrete item is in place. // Otherwise, the whole scope can be marked as resolved before // the final item has been resolved. var self, item; self = this; item = this._resolveItem(component).then(function (resolved) { self._makeResolvable(component, resolved); return WireProxy.getTarget(resolved); }); component.ready.resolve(item); return item; }, _makeResolvable: function(component, instance) { var id, inst; id =; if(id != null) { inst = WireProxy.getTarget(instance); this.instances[id] = inst; if(component.proxy) { this._instanceToProxy.set(inst, component.proxy); } if(component.initialized) { component.initialized.resolve(inst); } } return instance; }, _resolveInstance: function(component) { return this._resolveItem(component).then(WireProxy.getTarget); }, _resolveItem: function(component) { var item, spec; spec = component.spec; if (this.resolver.isRef(spec)) { // Reference item = this._resolveRef(spec,; } else { // Component item = this._createItem(component); } return item; }, _createItem: function(component) { var created, spec; spec = component.spec; if (Array.isArray(spec)) { // Array created = this._createArray(component); } else if (object.isObject(spec)) { // component spec, create the component created = this._createComponent(component); } else { // Plain value created = when.resolve(spec); } return created; }, _createArray: function(component) { var self, id, i; self = this; id =; i = 0; // Minor optimization, if it's an empty array spec, just return an empty array. return, function(item) { var componentDef = self._createComponentDef(id + '[' + (i++) + ']', item); return self._resolveInstance(componentDef); }); }, _createComponent: function(component) { var self = this; return this.componentFactory.create(component) .otherwise(function (reason) { if(reason !== component) { throw reason; } // No factory found, treat object spec as a nested scope return self._createNestedScope(component.spec) .then(function (childScope) { // TODO: find a lighter weight solution // We're paying the cost of creating a complete scope, // then discarding everything except the instance map. return object.mixin({}, childScope.instances); } ); } ); }, _resolveRef: function(ref, onBehalfOf) { var scope; ref = this.resolver.parse(ref); scope = onBehalfOf == && this.parent.instances ? this.parent : this; return this._doResolveRef(ref, scope.instances, onBehalfOf); }, _resolveRefName: function(refName, options, onBehalfOf) { var ref = this.resolver.create(refName, options); return this._doResolveRef(ref, this.instances, onBehalfOf); }, _doResolveRef: function(ref, scope, onBehalfOf) { return ref.resolve(function (name) { return resolveDeepName(name, scope); }, onBehalfOf); }, _createPath: function(name, basePath) { var path = basePath || this.path; return (path && name) ? (path + '.' + name) : name; } }; return Scope; function resolveDeepName(name, scope) { var parts = name.split('.'); return when.reduce(parts, function(scope, segment) { return segment in scope ? scope[segment] : when.reject(new Error('Cannot resolve ref: ' + name)); }, scope); } function getProxyRecursive(scope, instance) { var proxy; if(scope._instanceToProxy) { proxy = scope._instanceToProxy.get(instance); } if(!proxy) { if(scope.parent) { return getProxyRecursive(scope.parent, instance); } else { return when.reject(new Error('No proxy found')); } } return when.resolve(proxy); } function noop() {} function processImports(scope, spec, importsGraph, importingModuleId) { if(!spec || !spec.$imports) { return when({}); } if(typeof spec.$imports === 'string') { spec.$imports = [spec.$imports]; } importingModuleId = importingModuleId || (typeof spec === 'string' ? spec : undefined); return when.reduce(spec.$imports, function(currentSpecImports, importedModuleId){ // make sure that there is no cycles cyclesTracker.ensureNoCycles(importsGraph, importedModuleId, importingModuleId); // go ahead with the import return when(scope.getModule(importedModuleId), function(importedSpec){ return processImports(scope, importedSpec, importsGraph, importedModuleId).then(function(importedSpecImports){ // modules of importing spec overrides modules of imported specs. var importedSpecAndItsImports = object.mixin(importedSpecImports, importedSpec); // modules in the right overrides modules in the left currentSpecImports = object.mixin(currentSpecImports, importedSpecAndItsImports); return currentSpecImports; }); }); }, {}); } function processSpec(scope, spec) { var instances, components, ready, plugins, id, initialized; instances = scope.instances; components = scope.components; ready = {}; // Setup a promise for each item in this scope for (id in spec) { if(id === '$plugins' || id === 'plugins') { plugins = spec[id]; } else if(!object.hasOwn(instances, id)) { // An initializer may have inserted concrete components // into the context. If so, they override components of the // same name from the input spec initialized = defer(); ready = defer(); components[id] = scope._createComponentDef(id, spec[id], initialized, ready); instances[id] = initialized.promise; ready[id] = ready.promise; } } return when.resolve({ plugins: plugins, components: components, instances: instances, ready: ready }); } }); })(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ? define : function(factory) { module.exports = factory(require); } );